Select Publications

Book Chapters

Collins P, 2025, 'Non-Standard Morphosyntactic Variation in English World-Wide', in Rüdiger S; Neumaier T; Leuckert S; Buschfeld S (ed.), World Englishes in the 21st Century: New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 203 - 223

Collins P, 2023, 'SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN AUSTRALIA', in The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World: Second Edition, pp. 303 - 311,

Collins P, 2021, 'Clause types', in The Handbook of English Linguistics, Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 131 - 144,

Collins P; Yao X, 2019, 'Tense, aspect and modality in Australian english', in Australian English Reimagined: Structure, Features and Developments, pp. 34 - 50,

Collins PC; Lee JFK, 2015, 'Gender Representation in Hong Kong Primary English-language Textbooks: A Corpus Study', in Mustapha AS (ed.), Gender Representations in Learning Materials: International Perspectives, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 37 - 51

Collins PC, 2015, 'Diachronic variation in the grammar of Australian English: Corpus-based explorations', in Grammatical Change in English World-Wide, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 15 - 42,

Collins PC, 2015, 'Introduction', in Grammatical Change in English World-Wide, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 1 - 11

Collins PC, 2015, 'Recent diachronic change in the progressive in Philippine English', in Grammatical Change in English World-Wide, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 271 - 297,

Collins P, 2015, 'Recent diachronic change in the progressive in Philippine English', in Studies in Corpus Linguistics, pp. 278 - 296,

Collins P; Borlongan AM; Lim J-H; Yao X, 2014, 'The subjunctive mood in Philippine English', in Studies in Language Companion Series, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 259 - 280,

Collins PC; Collins PC; Borlongan A; Lim J-H, 2014, 'The subjunctive mood in Philippine English: A diachronic analysis', in Pfenninger S; Timofeeva O; Gardner A-C; Honkapohja A; Hundt M; Schreier D (ed.), Contact, Variation and Change in the History of English, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 259 - 280,

Collins PC, 2014, 'Australian English', in Koch H; Nordlinger R (ed.), The Languages and Linguistics of Australia: A Comprehensive Guide, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 449 - 484,

Collins PC; Collins PC; Yao X, 2014, 'Relative clauses in Philippine English: a diachronic perspective', in Vandelanotte L; Davidse K; Gentens C (ed.), Recent Advances in Corpus Linguistics. Developing and Exploiting Corpora., Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, pp. 125 - 146,

Collins PC, 2014, 'Modal Expressions in Malaysian English', in Rahim H; Manan S (ed.), English in Malaysia: Postcolonial and Beyond, Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 127 - 160,

Collins P, 2014, 'The modals of obligation and necessity in Australian English', in English Corpus Linguistics, pp. 145 - 165,

Collins PC, 2013, 'Grammatical colloquialism an the English quasi-modals: a comparative study', in Marin-Arrese J; Carretero M; Arus Hita J; van der Auwera J (ed.), English modality: core, periphery and evidentiality, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 155 - 169,

Collins PC; Yao X, 2013, 'Functional variation in the English present perfect: A cross-varietal study', in Andersen G; Bech K (ed.), English Corpus Linguistics: Variation in Time, Space and Genre, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, pp. 91 - 112,

Collins PC; Peters P, 2012, 'Colloquial Australian English', in Kortmann B; Lunkenheimer K (ed.), The Mouton Atlas of Variation in English, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 585 - 595,

Collins PC; Yao X, 2012, 'Developments in the verbal systems of the 'Old' and 'New' Englishes', in Gitsaki C; Baldauf R (ed.), Future Directions in Applied Linguistics: Local and Global Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 328 - 349

Collins PC; Yao X, 2012, 'Modals and quasi-modals in New Englishes', in Hundt M; Gut U (ed.), Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 35 - 53

Collins PC, 2011, 'Variable agreement in the existential there-construction in Philippine English', in Bautista MLS (ed.), Studies of Philippine English: Exploring the Philippine component of the International Corpus of English, Anvil, Manila, pp. 175 - 186

Collins P, 2009, 'The progressive', in Varieties of English Around the World, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 115 - 124,

Collins PC, 2009, 'English Grammer in China', in Chen H; Cruickshank K (ed.), Making a Difference: Challenges for Applied Linguistics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, U.K., pp. 253 - 261

Collins PC, 2009, 'Information - Packaging Constructions', in Peters P; Collins P; Smith A (ed.), Comparative Studies in Australia and New Zealand English: Grammar and Beyond, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 295 - 316

Collins PC, 2009, 'Prologue', in Peters P; Collins P; Smith A (ed.), Comparative Studies in Australia and New Zealand English: Grammar and Beyond, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 1 - 9

Collins PC, 2009, 'The Progressive', in Peters P; Collins P; Smith A (ed.), Comparative Studies in Australia and New Zealand English: Grammar and Beyond, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 115 - 123

Collins P; Peters P, 2008, 'Australian English: Morphology and syntax', in The Pacific and Australasia, pp. 341 - 361,

Collins P, 2007, '15. Modal wars', in Creole Language Library, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 197 - 208,

Collins PC, 2007, 'Modal wars: Some ascendant semi-modals in Australian English', in Siegel J; Lynch J; Eades D (ed.), Language Description. History and Development, John Benjamins Publshing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 197 - 208

Collins PC, 2007, 'Modality across World Englishes', in Abraham W; Noonan M (ed.), Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 447 - 468

Collins PC, 2007, 'TESOL Grammar Instruction in South-East Asia', in Gitsaki C (ed.), Language and Languages: Global and local tensions, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 78 - 89

Collins PC, 2006, 'Clause Types', in Aarts B; McMahon A (ed.), The Handbook of English Linguistics, Blackwell Publishing, Great Britain, pp. 180 - 197

Collins PC, 2005, 'Cleft and pseudo-cleft constructions in English spoken and written discourse (1987)', in Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a Widening Discipline, pp. 85 - 94

Collins PC; Peters P, 2004, 'Australian English, Morphology and Syntax', in Kortmann B; Schneider EW (ed.), A Handbook of Varieties of English, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 593 - 610

Collins PC, 2004, 'The information structure of what-clefts in English', in Ali GKJM; Jan JM; Awab SA; Don ZM (ed.), Language, Linguistics and the Real World. Volume 1: Making Linguistics Relevant, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 227 - 244

Mittwoch A; Huddleston R; Collins PC, 2002, 'The Clause: Adjuncts', in Huddleston R; Pullum GK (ed.), The Clause: Adjuncts, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 663 - 784

Collins PC; Blair D, 2001, 'Language and identity in Australia', in English in Australia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 1 - 16

Collins PC, 1999, 'The deictic-presentation construction in English', in The Clause in English, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 67 - 80

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