
Professor Peter Sheldon

My Expertise

Industrial relations; Employer associations in Australia, East Asia and Europe; Australian industrial relations: history and contemporary developments; Comparative international employment relations; Employment relations in Italy, China and Korea.


My bachelor’s degree was in economics with honours in industrial relations (IR), my PhD  was in Australian IR history, my postdoctoral fellowship in sociology. I like to think that using diverse social science and historical approaches can help us better understand and explain our world. My experiences of living and working in Italy and Israel have also encouraged me in doing international comparative IR research. Much of my research has...view more

My bachelor’s degree was in economics with honours in industrial relations (IR), my PhD  was in Australian IR history, my postdoctoral fellowship in sociology. I like to think that using diverse social science and historical approaches can help us better understand and explain our world. My experiences of living and working in Italy and Israel have also encouraged me in doing international comparative IR research. Much of my research has been on employer associations: in Australia, Italy, South Korea, Sweden, Singapore and China. Some of that work analyses their outward-facing roles, particularly in relation to collective bargaining, policy development and lobbying. More recently, I have been investigating their internal dynamics, as voluntary organisations facing uncertain times.  

I have also published extensively on international trends in collective bargaining and on Australian IR history. More recently, I have also published on HRM in China, particularly on how firms there respond to local skills shortages, and on ‘Just Transition’ options for coal-energy workers and their communities. 

My main educational focus – and passion – has been designing and teaching courses in negotiation skills: to undergraduates; coursework master students; AGSM MBA students (Hong Kong); and in company-customised executive education through the AGSM. Most recently, I have also returned to teaching international comparative employment relations, which I greatly enjoy. It has allowed me to link some of my main research interests to what I teach, sharing these with students.

Research Grants while at UNSW:

  • 2020: Sheldon, P., Korea Labor Institute, Seoul South Korea. 'Italian employer associations, collective bargaining and rule setting towards equitable outcomes', Euros 5,500.
  • 2017: Sheldon, P., Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. 'The Coal Power regions of Australia: What would a Just Transition look like? identifying a best practice approach for structural adjustment in coal power regions, with priority on workforce and community impacts', $55,700.
  • 2009: Boedker, C.; Cogin, J.A.; Meagher, K.; Mouritsen, J.; Sheldon, P. & Vidgen, R., Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace relations. 'Leadership, culture and management practices for high performing workplaces in Australia', $515,000

Research Interests:

  • Employer associations in Australia, East Asia and Europe
  • Australian industrial relations: history and contemporary
  • Comparative international employment relations
  • Employment relations in Italy, China and Korea


My Grants

  • 2020: Sheldon, P., Korea Labor Institute, Seoul South Korea. 'Italian employer associations, collective bargaining and rule setting towards equitable outcomes', Euros 5,500.
  • 2017: Sheldon, P., Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. 'The Coal Power regions of Australia: What would a Just Transition look like? identifying a best practice approach for structural adjustment in coal power regions, with priority on workforce and community impacts', $55,700.
  • 2009: Boedker, C.; Cogin, J.A.; Meagher, K.; Mouritsen, J.; Sheldon, P. & Vidgen, R., Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace relations. 'Leadership, culture and management practices for high performing workplaces in Australia', $515,000
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