Select Publications

Journal articles

Vergés A; McCosker E; Mayer-Pinto M; Coleman MA; Wernberg T; Ainsworth T; Steinberg PD, 2019, 'Tropicalisation of temperate reefs: Implications for ecosystem functions and management actions', Functional Ecology, 33, pp. 1000 - 1013,

Strain EMA; Alexander KA; Kienker S; Morris R; Jarvis R; Coleman R; Bollard B; Firth LB; Knights AM; Grabowski JH; Airoldi L; Chan BKK; Chee SY; Cheng Z; Coutinho R; de Menezes RG; Ding M; Dong Y; Fraser CML; Gómez AG; Juanes JA; Mancuso P; Messano LVR; Naval-Xavier LPD; Scyphers S; Steinberg P; Swearer S; Valdor PF; Wong JXY; Yee J; Bishop MJ, 2019, 'Urban blue: A global analysis of the factors shaping people's perceptions of the marine environment and ecological engineering in harbours', Science of the Total Environment, 658, pp. 1293 - 1305,

Qiu Z; Coleman MA; Provost E; Campbell AH; Kelaher BP; Dalton SJ; Thomas T; Steinberg PD; Marzinelli EM, 2019, 'Future climate change is predicted to affect the microbiome and condition of habitat-forming kelp', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286,

Strain EMA; Morris RL; Bishop MJ; Tanner E; Steinberg P; Swearer SE; MacLeod C; Alexander KA, 2019, 'Building blue infrastructure: Assessing the key environmental issues and priority areas for ecological engineering initiatives in Australia's metropolitan embayments', Journal of Environmental Management, 230, pp. 488 - 496,

Wood G; Marzinelli EM; Coleman MA; Campbell AH; Santini NS; Kajlich L; Verdura J; Wodak J; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2019, 'Restoring subtidal marine macrophytes in the Anthropocene: Trajectories and future-proofing', Marine and Freshwater Research, 70, pp. 936 - 951,

Duffy JE; Benedetti-Cecchi L; Trinanes J; Muller-Karger FE; Ambo-Rappe R; Boström C; Buschmann AH; Byrnes J; Coles RG; Creed J; Cullen-Unsworth LC; Diaz-Pulido G; Duarte CM; Edgar GJ; Fortes M; Goni G; Hu C; Huang X; Hurd CL; Johnson C; Konar B; Krause-Jensen D; Krumhansl K; Macreadie P; Marsh H; McKenzie LJ; Mieszkowska N; Miloslavich P; Montes E; Nakaoka M; Norderhaug KM; Norlund LM; Orth RJ; Prathep A; Putman NF; Samper-Villarreal J; Serrao EA; Short F; Pinto IS; Steinberg P; Stuart-Smith R; Unsworth RKF; van Keulen M; van Tussenbroek BI; Wang M; Waycott M; Weatherdon LV; Wernberg T; Yaakub SM, 2019, 'Toward a coordinated global observing system for seagrasses and marine macroalgae', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,

Birrer SC; Dafforn KA; Sun MY; Williams RBH; Potts J; Scanes P; Kelaher BP; Simpson SL; Kjelleberg S; Swarup S; Steinberg P; Johnston EL, 2019, 'Using meta-omics of contaminated sediments to monitor changes in pathways relevant to climate regulation', Environmental Microbiology, 21, pp. 389 - 401,

Marzinelli EM; Qiu Z; Dafforn KA; Johnston EL; Steinberg PD; Mayer-Pinto M; Mayer Pinto M, 2018, 'Coastal urbanisation affects microbial communities on a dominant marine holobiont', npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 4, pp. 1,

Leong RC; Marzinelli EM; Low J; Bauman AG; Lim EWX; Lim CY; Steinberg PD; Guest JR, 2018, 'Effect of coral-algal interactions on early life history processes in Pocillopora acuta in a highly disturbed coral reef system', Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, pp. 385,

Strain EMA; Morris RL; Coleman RA; Figueira WF; Steinberg PD; Johnston EL; Bishop MJ, 2018, 'Increasing microhabitat complexity on seawalls can reduce fish predation on native oysters', Ecological Engineering, 120, pp. 637 - 644,

Kienker SE; Coleman RA; Morris RL; Steinberg P; Bollard B; Jarvis R; Alexander KA; Strain EMA, 2018, 'Bringing harbours alive: Assessing the importance of eco-engineered coastal infrastructure for different stakeholders and cities', Marine Policy, 94, pp. 238 - 246,

Saxena G; Mitra S; Marzinelli EM; Xie C; Wei TJ; Steinberg PD; Williams RBH; Kjelleberg S; Lauro FM; Swarup S, 2018, 'Metagenomics reveals the influence of land use and rain on the benthic microbial communities in a tropical urban waterway', mSystems, 3,

Strain EMA; Heath T; Steinberg PD; Bishop MJ, 2018, 'Eco-engineering of modified shorelines recovers wrack subsidies', Ecological Engineering, 112, pp. 26 - 33,

Ferrari R; Marzinelli EM; Ayroza CR; Jordan A; Figueira WF; Byrne M; Malcolm HA; Williams SB; Steinberg PD, 2018, 'Large-scale assessment of benthic communities across multiple marine protected areas using an autonomous underwater vehicle', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0193711,

Beattie DT; Lachnit T; Dinsdale EA; Thomas T; Steinberg PD, 2018, 'Novel ssDNA viruses detected in the virome of bleached, habitat-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata', Frontiers in Marine Science, 4,

Roth-Schulze AJ; Thomas T; Steinberg P; Deveney MR; Tanner JE; Wiltshire KH; Papantoniou S; Runcie JW; Gurgel CFD, 2018, 'The effects of warming and ocean acidification on growth, photosynthesis, and bacterial communities for the marine invasive macroalga Caulerpa taxifolia', Limnology and Oceanography, 63, pp. 459 - 471,

Thompson LR; Sanders JG; McDonald D; Amir A; Ladau J; Locey KJ; Prill RJ; Tripathi A; Gibbons SM; Ackermann G; Navas-Molina JA; Janssen S; Kopylova E; Vázquez-Baeza Y; González A; Morton JT; Mirarab S; Xu ZZ; Jiang L; Haroon MF; Kanbar J; Zhu Q; Song SJ; Kosciolek T; Bokulich NA; Lefler J; Brislawn CJ; Humphrey G; Owens SM; Hampton-Marcell J; Berg-Lyons D; McKenzie V; Fierer N; Fuhrman JA; Clauset A; Stevens RL; Shade A; Pollard KS; Goodwin KD; Jansson JK; Gilbert JA; Knight R; Agosto Rivera JL; Al-Moosawi L; Alverdy J; Amato KR; Andras J; Angenent LT; Antonopoulos DA; Apprill A; Armitage D; Ballantine K; Bárta J; Baum JK; Berry A; Bhatnagar A; Bhatnagar M; Biddle JF; Bittner L; Boldgiv B; Bottos E; Boyer DM; Braun J; Brazelton W; Brearley FQ; Campbell AH; Caporaso JG; Cardona C; Carroll JL; Cary SC; Casper BB; Charles TC; Chu H; Claar DC; Clark RG; Clayton JB; Clemente JC; Cochran A; Coleman ML; Collins G; Colwell RR; Contreras M; Crary BB; Creer S; Cristol DA; Crump BC; Cui D; Daly SE; Davalos L; Dawson RD; Defazio J; Delsuc F; Dionisi HM; Dominguez-Bello MG; Dowell R; Dubinsky EA; Dunn PO; Ercolini D; Espinoza RE; Ezenwa V; Thomas T; Munroe P; Steinberg P; Marzinelli E; Nielsen S; Moitinho e Silva L, 2017, 'A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity', Nature, 551, pp. 457 - 463,

Thompson LR; Sanders JG; McDonald D; Amir A; Ladau J; Locey KJ; Prill RJ; Tripathi A; Gibbons SM; Ackermann G; Navas-Molina JA; Janssen S; Kopylova E; Vázquez-Baeza Y; González A; Morton JT; Mirarab S; Zech Xu Z; Jiang L; Haroon MF; Kanbar J; Zhu Q; Jin Song S; Kosciolek T; Bokulich NA; Lefler J; Brislawn CJ; Humphrey G; Owens SM; Hampton-Marcell J; Berg-Lyons D; McKenzie V; Fierer N; Fuhrman JA; Clauset A; Stevens RL; Shade A; Pollard KS; Goodwin KD; Jansson JK; Gilbert JA; Knight R; Thomas T; Marzinelli E; Nielsen S; Steinberg P; Campbell A; Moitinho e Silva L; Munroe P, 2017, 'A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity', Nature, 551, pp. 457 - 463,

Levin RA; Suggett DJ; Nitschke MR; van Oppen MJH; Steinberg PD, 2017, 'Expanding the Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae, Suessiales) Toolkit Through Protoplast Technology', Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 64, pp. 588 - 597,

Levin RA; Voolstra CR; Agrawal S; Steinberg PD; Suggett DJ; van Oppen MJH, 2017, 'Engineering strategies to decode and enhance the genomes of coral symbionts', Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, pp. 1220,

Mcgeoch M; Latombe G; Andrew N; Nakagawa S; Nipperess D; Roige M; Marzinelli E; Campbell A; Vergés A; Thomas T; Steinberg P; Selwood K; Hui C, 2017, 'The application of zeta diversity as a continuous measure of compositional change in ecology', ,

Pearson S; Windupranata W; Pranowo SW; Putri A; Ma Y; Vila-Concejo A; Fernández E; Méndez G; Banks J; Knights AM; Firth LB; Breen BB; Jarvis R; Aguirre JD; Chen S; Smith ANH; Steinberg P; Chatzinikolaou E; Arvanitidis C, 2016, 'Conflicts in some of the World harbours: what needs to happen next?', Maritime Studies, 15,

Roth-Schulze AJ; Zozaya-Valdés E; Steinberg PD; Thomas T, 2016, 'Partitioning of functional and taxonomic diversity in surface-associated microbial communities', Environmental Microbiology, 18, pp. 4391 - 4402,

Vergés A; Doropoulos C; Malcolm HA; Skye M; Garcia-Pizá M; Marzinelli EM; Campbell AH; Ballesteros E; Hoey AS; Vila-Concejo A; Bozec YM; Steinberg PD, 2016, 'Long-term empirical evidence of ocean warming leading to tropicalization of fish communities, increased herbivory, and loss of kelp', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, pp. 13791 - 13796,

Guest JR; Tun K; Low J; Vergés A; Marzinelli EM; Campbell AH; Bauman AG; Feary DA; Chou LM; Steinberg PD, 2016, '27 years of benthic and coral community dynamics on turbid, highly urbanised reefs off Singapore', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 36260,

Steinberg PD; Airoldi L; Banks J; Leung KMY, 2016, 'Introduction to the special issue on the World Harbour Project', Regional Studies in Marine Science, 8, pp. 217 - 219,

Levin RA; Beltran VH; Hill R; Kjelleberg S; McDougald D; Steinberg PD; van Oppen MJH, 2016, 'Sex, Scavengers, and Chaperones: Transcriptome Secrets of Divergent Symbiodinium Thermal Tolerances (vol 33, pg 2201, 2016)', MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 33, pp. 3032 - 3032,

Banks J; Hedge LH; Hoisington C; Strain EM; Steinberg PD; Johnston EL, 2016, 'Sydney Harbour: Beautiful, diverse, valuable and pressured', Regional Studies in Marine Science, 8, pp. 353 - 361,

Sin TM; Ang HP; Buurman J; Lee AC; Leong YL; Ooi SK; Steinberg P; Teo SLM, 2016, 'The urban marine environment of Singapore', Regional Studies in Marine Science, 8, pp. 331 - 339,

Flemming HC; Wingender J; Szewzyk U; Steinberg P; Rice SA; Kjelleberg S, 2016, 'Biofilms: An emergent form of bacterial life', Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14, pp. 563 - 575,

Säwström C; Hyndes GA; Eyre BD; Huggett MJ; Fraser MW; Lavery PS; Thomson PG; Tarquinio F; Steinberg PD; Laverock B, 2016, 'Coastal connectivity and spatial subsidy from a microbial perspective', Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 6662 - 6671,

Levin RA; Beltran VH; Hill R; Kjelleberg S; McDougald D; Steinberg PD; Van Oppen MJH, 2016, 'Sex, Scavengers, and Chaperones: Transcriptome Secrets of Divergent Symbiodinium Thermal Tolerances', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33, pp. 2201 - 2215,

Pointing SB; Fierer N; Smith GJD; Steinberg PD; Wiedmann M, 2016, 'Quantifying human impact on Earth's microbiome', Nature Microbiology, 1,

Lutz C; Thomas T; Steinberg P; Kjelleberg S; Egan S, 2016, 'Effect of interspecific competition on trait variation in Phaeobacter inhibens biofilms', Environmental Microbiology, 18, pp. 1635 - 1645,

Kelvin Lee KW; Hoong Yam JK; Mukherjee M; Periasamy S; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S; Rice SA, 2016, 'Interspecific diversity reduces and functionally substitutes for intraspecific variation in biofilm communities', ISME Journal, 10, pp. 846 - 857,

Guest JR; Low J; Tun K; Wilson B; Ng C; Raingeard D; Ulstrup KE; Tanzil JTI; Todd PA; Toh TC; McDougald D; Chou LM; Steinberg PD, 2016, 'Coral community response to bleaching on a highly disturbed reef', Scientific Reports, 6,

Marzinelli EM; Leong MR; Campbell AH; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2016, 'Does restoration of a habitat-forming seaweed restore associated faunal diversity?', Restoration Ecology, 24, pp. 81 - 90,

Lachnit T; Thomas T; Steinberg P, 2016, 'Expanding our understanding of the seaweed holobiont: RNA Viruses of the Red Alga Delisea pulchra', Frontiers in Microbiology, 6,

Treloar G; Gunn J; Moltmann T; Dittmann S; Fletcher R; Hone P; Lee K; Minty L; Minchin S; Schiller A; Steinberg P; Lyons J; Babanin A; Doherty P; England M; Foster C; Johnston E; Steven A; Llewellyn L; Oliver J; Gupta AS; Sloyan B; Smith D; Smith T; Walshe T; Steinberg P, 2016, 'The National Marine Science Plan: informing Australia’s future ocean policy', Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 8, pp. 43 - 51,

Metti Y; Millar AJK; Steinberg P, 2015, 'A new molecular phylogeny of the Laurencia complex (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae) and a review of key morphological characters result in a new genus, Coronaphycus, and a description of C. novus', Journal of Phycology, 51, pp. 929 - 942,

Marzinelli EM; Campbell AH; Zozaya Valdes E; Vergés A; Nielsen S; Wernberg T; de Bettignies T; Bennett S; Caporaso JG; Thomas T; Steinberg PD, 2015, 'Continental-scale variation in seaweed host-associated bacterial communities is a function of host condition, not geography', Environmental Microbiology, 17, pp. 4078 - 4088,

Tebben J; Motti CA; Siboni N; Tapiolas DM; Negri AP; Schupp PJ; Kitamura M; Hatta M; Steinberg PD; Harder T, 2015, 'Chemical mediation of coral larval settlement by crustose coralline algae', Scientific Reports, 5,

Bauman AG; Guest JR; Dunshea G; Low J; Todd PA; Steinberg PD, 2015, 'Coral settlement on a highly disturbed equatorial reef system', PLoS ONE, 10,

Marzinelli EM; Williams SB; Babcock RC; Barrett NS; Johnson CR; Jordan A; Kendrick GA; Pizarro OR; Smale DA; Steinberg PD, 2015, 'Large-scale geographic variation in distribution and abundance of Australian deep-water kelp forests', PLoS ONE, 10,

Chelliah A; Amar HB; Hyde J; Yewdall K; Steinberg PD; Guest JR, 2015, 'First record ofmulti-species synchronous coral spawning fromMalaysia', PeerJ, 2015,

Nielsen SJ; Harder T; Steinberg PD, 2015, 'Sea urchin larvae decipher the epiphytic bacterial community composition when selecting sites for attachment and metamorphosis', FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91, pp. 1 - 9,

Campbell AH; Marzinelli EM; Gelber J; Steinberg PD, 2015, 'Spatial variability of microbial assemblages associated with a dominant habitat-forming seaweed', Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, pp. 230,

Mayer-Pinto M; Johnston EL; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH; Mayer Pinto M, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: A review of anthropogenic impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of one of the world's largest natural harbours', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 1088 - 1105,

Johnston EL; Mayer-Pinto M; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH; Mayer Pinto M, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: What we do and do not know about a highly diverse estuary', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 1073 - 1087,

Basford AJ; Feary DA; Truong G; Steinberg PD; Marzinelli EM; Vergés A, 2015, 'Feeding habits of range-shifting herbivores: tropical surgeonfishes in a temperate environment', Marine and Freshwater Research,

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