Select Publications

Book Chapters

Verges A; Steinberg PD; Marzinelli EM; Campbell AH, 2020, 'Operation Crayweed', in Sustaining Seas: Oceanic Space and the Politics of Care, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Wernberg T; Coleman MA; Babcock RC; Bell SY; Bolton JJ; Connell SD; Hurd CL; Johnson CR; Marzinelli EM; Shears NT; Steinberg PD; Thomsen MS; Vanderklift MA; Vergés A; Wright JT, 2019, 'Biology and ecology of the globally significant kelp Ecklonia Radiata', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, Taylor & Francis, pp. 265 - 324,

Morris RL; Heery EC; Loke LHL; Lau E; Strain EMA; Airoldi L; Alexander KA; Bishop MJ; Coleman RA; Cordell JR; Dong YW; Firth LB; Hawkins SJ; Heath T; Kokora M; Lee SY; Miller JK; Perkol-Finkel S; Rella A; Steinberg PD; Takeuchi I; Thompson RC; Todd PA; Toft JD; Leung KMY, 2019, 'Design options, implementation issues and evaluating success of ecologically engineered shorelines', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, Taylor & Francis, pp. 169 - 228,

Harder T; Rice SA; Dobretsov S; Thomas T; Carré‐Mlouka A; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD; McDougald D, 2014, 'Bacterial Communication Systems', in Outstanding Marine Molecules, Wiley, pp. 171 - 188,

Holmström C; Steinberg P; Kjelleberg S, 2014, 'Bioprospecting Novel Antifoulants and Anti-Biofilm Agents from Microbes', in Microbial Diversity and Bioprospecting, ASM Press, pp. 405 - 412,

Harder T; Rice SA; Dobretsov S; Thomas T; Carré-Mlouka A; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD; McDougald D, 2014, 'Bacterial communication systems', in Le Barre S; Kornprobst J-M (ed.), Outstanding Marine Molecules, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 173 - 187,

Hay ME; Steinberg PD, 2012, 'The Chemical Ecology of Plant-Herbivore Interactions in Marine versus Terrestrial Communities', in Herbivores: Their Interactions with Secondary Plant Metabolites Ecological and Evolutionary Processes: Second Edition, pp. 371 - 413,

Campbell A; Verges A; Harder T; Steinberg PD, 2012, 'Causes and ecological consequences of a climate-mediated disease.', in Lunney D; Hutchings P (ed.), Wildlife and Climate Change: towards robust conservation strategies for Australian fauna, edn. Original, Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, pp. 52 - 58

Wernberg T; Dan S; Verges A; Campbell AH; Bayden R; Melinda C; Scott L; Steinberg PD; Craig J; Gary K; Sean C, 2012, 'Macroalgae and temperate rocky reefs.', in Poloczanska ES; Hobday AJ; Richardson AJ (ed.), A Marine Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report Card for Australia 2012, edn. Original, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Ecosciences Precinct, Brisbane, Qld

Matz C; Webb JS; Schupp PJ; Phang SY; Penesyan A; Egan S; Steinberg P; Kjelleberg S, 2011, 'Chemical defense in marine biofilm bacteria', in Environmental Chemistry: New Techniques and Data, pp. 120 - 131

De Nys R; Girskov M; Kumar N; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Furanones', in Antifouling Compounds, Springer Publishing Company, Berlin, pp. 55 - 86

Holmstrom CG; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2004, 'Bioprospecting Novel Antifoulants and Anti-Biofilm Agents', in Bull AT (ed.), Microbial Diversity and Bioprospecting, edn. Original, ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 405 - 412

Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2002, 'Defenses against bacterial colonization of marine plants', in Lindow SE; Hecht Poinar EI; Elliott VJ (ed.), Phyllosphere Microbiology, APS Press, St Paul, Minnesota, pp. 157 - 172,

de Nys R; Steinberg P; Kjelleberg S, 2001, 'Chemical Mediation of Surface Colonization', in Marine Science, CRC Press, pp. 355 - 387,

Steinberg PD; De Nys R; Kjelleberg S, 2001, 'Chemical mediation of surface colonization', in McClintock JB; Baker BJ (ed.), Marine chemical ecology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 355 - 387

Rice SA; Givskov M; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2000, 'Bacterial signals and antagonists: the interaction between bacteria and higher organisms', in Molecular Marine Microbiology, edn. Original, Horizon Scientific Press, Wymondham, (GB), pp. 41 - 60

Steinberg PD; Kendrick G, 1999, 'Kelp Forests', in Under Southern Seas, edn. Original, University of New South Wales Press, Kensington, pp. 60 - 71

De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 1999, 'Role of secondary metabolites from algae and seagrasses in biofouling control', in Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Vol.3 Biofilms, Bioadhesion, Corrosion and Biofouling, edn. Original, Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire

Shepherd SA; Steinberg P, 1992, 'Food preferences of three Australian abalone species with a review of the algal food of abalone', in Abalone of the World Biology, Fisheries and Culture, Wiley-Blackwell

HAY ME; STEINBERG PD, 1992, 'Chapter 10 The Chemical Ecology of Plant–Herbivore Interactions in Marine versus Terrestrial Communities', in Herbivores: Their Interactions with Secondary Plant Metabolites, Elsevier, pp. 371 - 413,

Steinberg P, 1992, 'Geographical variation in brown algal chemical defenses against herbivores', in Ecological roles of marine natural products, Cornell Univ Pr, pp. 51 - 92

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