Select Publications

Conference Papers

Ganguly P; Ray PK, 2000, 'Software Agent Based Approach Towards Tele-Electrocardiography', in 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Houston, Texas, presented at 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Houston, Texas

Weerakkody G; Ray PK, 1999, 'Cooperative Service Management Over Enterprise Networks: A Case Study in Healthcare Environments', in Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presented at Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom`99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 05 December 1999 - 09 December 1999

Lewis LK; Ray PK, 1999, 'Service Level Management: Definition, Architecture, and Research Challenges', in Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presented at Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom`99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 05 December 1999 - 09 December 1999

Keshavaiyengar M; Pantudom S; Ray P, 1999, 'CORBA-based multimedia for the management of enterprise networks', in IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, pp. 13 - 16

Ray P, 1998, 'Evaluation methodology for network management systems', in IEEE Symposium Record on Network Operations and Management Symposium, pp. 590 - 599

Herur V; Ray P, 1998, 'Management of databases using SNMP: A framework for a unified database MIB', in Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Information Networking, ICOIN 1998, pp. 29 - 32,

Ray P; Fry M; Khasnabish B, 1997, 'Cooperative management of enterprise networks in a mobile environment', in IEEE Enterprise Networking Mini-Conference, ENM, pp. 170 - 179

Ray P; Hawryszkiewycz I; Fry M, 1996, 'Group cooperation in network operations and management', in IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 27 - 31

Fry M; Ray P; Seneviratne A; Witana V, 1996, 'Multimedia service delivery with guaranteed quality of service', in IEEE Symposium Record on Network Operations and Management Symposium, pp. 476 - 481

Ganguly P; Paramesh N; Ray PK; Dey A, 'Inter-agent dialogue for semantic mapping between domain ontologies in healthcare informatics', in 8th International Conference one-Health Networking, Applications and Services, 2006. HEALTHCOM 2006., IEEE, pp. 232 - 234, presented at 8th International Conference one-Health Networking, Applications and Services, 2006. HEALTHCOM 2006.,

Conference Presentations

Kumar R; Banerjee A; Bakshi K; Qurashi H; Li J; Kapadia V; Ray PK, 2013, 'Using ICF to understand attitude of community dwelling elderly towards communication and education technology in New Delhi, India', presented at Health Systems in Asia: Equity, Governance and Social Impact, NUS, Singapore, 13 December 2013 - 16 December 2013

Kapadia V; Li J; Bakshi A; Ray PK, 2013, 'Issues Regarding the Implementation of Information Technologies for Aged Care: A Systematic Literature Review', presented at 1st CEPAR International Conference - Analysing Population Ageing: Multidisciplinary perspectives and innovation, UNSW, Sydney, 02 July 2013 - 04 July 2013

Conference Abstracts

Sue D; Ray P; Talaei-Khoei A; Jonnagaddala J, 2014, 'An initial proof of concept for Xbox Kinect as an alternative technology designed to improve driving performance of seniors', in 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, June 18-21, 2014., Vol. 13, pp. 283 - 283


Shah T; Rabhi F; Ray P; Taylor K, 2014, Enhancing Automated Decision Support across Medical and Oral Health Domains with Semantic Web Technologies,

Gow R; Venugopal S; Ray P, 2013, "The tail wags the dog": A study of anomaly detection in commercial application performance,

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