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Professor Lingam is a senior clinical academic with expertise in maternal and child health services research. He is Professor in Paediatric Population and Health Services Research at the University of New South Wales, Honorary Professor of Population Child Health at Kings College London and the Black Dog Institute (NSW), and a Consultant Paediatrician within the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. He leads the Population Child Health and...view more
Professor Lingam is a senior clinical academic with expertise in maternal and child health services research. He is Professor in Paediatric Population and Health Services Research at the University of New South Wales, Honorary Professor of Population Child Health at Kings College London and the Black Dog Institute (NSW), and a Consultant Paediatrician within the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. He leads the Population Child Health and Health Services Research Group, UNSW Sydney, the NSW Centre for Child Health Services Research and Innovations (CHRIS) and its national counterpart Child Unlimited. He has developed and evaluated large-scale child health intervention programmes in low- and high-income settings to optimize the health, and development of children and young people. He has extensive experience in experimental (individual, step wedge and cluster randomised controlled trials), quasi experimental child health services research and implementation evaluation studies. He has over 140 research publications and has attracted over 49.5 million dollars in research funding in the last 5 years. r.lingam@unsw.edu.au
My Grants
- NSW Health. Translational Research Grant Scheme (TRGS) Sustain. $500,000 Lingam CIA
- NHMRC Partnership Grant Bubs Quit C.RCT Richmond and Lingam (CIB) $4million
- NHMRC Partnership Grant Improving the health system’s response when patients are harmed: a mixed-methods study Hibbert Braithwaite Lingam (CID) $2million
- MRFF MCR grant Transition Compass. $4million Lingam (AI Senior Applicant)
- Autism CRC. A multistate trial of an early surveillance program for autism within General Practices in Australia (60 GP practices across SouthWest Sydney and Melbourne sites). $881,975. Eapen. V, Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R
- Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation /Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Equitable Pathways in integrated Care. $400,000. Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R, Strnadová I, Chambers G, Scott T, Paget S, Dale R, Burnett H, Dee Price BJ, Eapen. V.
- NSW Health. Translational Research Grant Scheme (TRGS) - Round 5 RuralKidsGPS - delivering equitable care to children in rural NSW. $963,726. Lingam R, Dickins E, Zurynski Y, O'Meara M, Preddy J,Schroeder L, Woolfenden S, Nassar N, Bos D, Kerrigan A, Ging J.
- NSW Health. Watch Me Grow weblink for development and wellbeing. $495,000. Eapen V, Woolfenden S, Mendoza Diaz A, O'Loughlin G, Masi A, Katz I, Lin P, Boydell K, Burley J, Kohlhoff J, Page A, Lingam R.
- NSW Health COVID-19 Grant. A digital solution to address the mental health and financial impact of the pandemic for children and their parents in the first 2000 days. $495,000. Eapen. V, Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R
- NSW Health Paediatric Priority Funding. Providing enhanced access to health services (PEACH), SCHN submission in partnership with SouthEastern and Western Sydney LHDs. $860,843. Zwi. K, Lingam. R
- Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Primary Healthcare Research Grant. Strengthening Care for Rural Children. $1,224,187 (Total - $3,000,000). Lingam. R
- NSW Paediatric Priority Funding. RuralKids GPS, joint submission with Murrumbidge, Northern NSW, Western NSW and Southern NSW LHDs. $900,000. Lingam. R
- NSW Department of Corrections and Justice. Pathways of Change: optimising the mental health of children in OOHC. $45,000. Lingam. R, Hu. N
- Frontiers Technology Clinical Academy Group COVID 19 + BEYOND Rapid Response Group Scheme. Using the Watch Me Grow web app to screen for parental mental health problems. $30,000. Eapen. V, Lingam. R, Woolfenden. S, Mendoza. A, Schmeidt.V.
- SCHN. Resilient Healthcare For children: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic (SPHERE). $79,000. Lingam R, McCaskill M, Zwi K, Nassar N, Woolfenden S, Hodgins M, van Leeuwen D, Hu N, Shrapnel J, Homaira N, Samir N, Larter N, Sealy L, Suzuki H, Jones B.
- NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grant. Transforming the health system response to child maltreatment: The need for cross-jurisdictional e-cohorts. $1,265,865. Lingam. R.
- UNSW Research Infrastructure Grant. The PEA POD: A fundamental component of the BestSTART-SWS Community Interventional Cohort and Research Translation Platform. $287,375. Lingam R, Eapen V, Makris A, Chay P, Woolfenden S, Ioannides S, Mendoza Diaz A, Hu N, Liaw T, Jalaludin B, Raman S, Samir N, Richmond R, Stack J, Bhaskar S, Katz I, Strnadova I, Chambers G, Jorm L, Masi A, Montgomery A, Zieba J, Walker A, Morris M, Voineagu I, Smoleniec J, Churches T, Henry A, Ivers R.
- SPHERE Early Determinants of Health Seed Funding. Healthy housing: developing an integrated care pathway through partnerships with families, child health, social and housing services to improve Aboriginal child health and wellbeing. $19,988. Andersen. M, Hunter, Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R, Clapham. K, Maza. S.
- NHMRC Advanced Health Research and Translational Centre, SPHERE. Care Close to Home: Using integrated care strategies to improve transfer to local care for children with complex medical conditions living in rural or remote NSW. $20,000. Altman. L, Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R
- Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants. Watch me grow app. $128,502. Kohlhoff. J, Woolfenden. S, Lingam. R
- UNSW Gupta Scholarship in Paediatric Research. $20,000. Samir, N. Lingam
- Implementation Science Platform Translational Seed Funding Scheme. Healthier Wealthier Families: A pilot feasibility trial addressing child poverty through health care service delivery. $19,481. Burley J, Woolfenden S, Fernandez R. AI Lingam
- UNSW Health@Business research network seed funding. Healthier Wealthier Families Fairfield. $8,000 & $14,700. Woolfenden S, Forster G. AI Lingam
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance/Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation. Equitable Pathways in Integrated Care. $400,000. Woolfenden S, Ostojic K, Lingam R, Strnadová I, Chambers G, Scott T, Paget S, Dale R, Burnett H, Dee Price B J.
- Australian Data Partnerships RFP 2020. The LINked Data Asset for Australian Health Research. $78,976 (total $495,998).Glauert R, Dakin P, O’Halloran D, Pettit C, Dixon J, McAullay D, Jones J, Hogan M, York L, Stanley F, Preen D, Callard N, Wake M, Leonard H, Lingam R, Glover J, Clutterbuck A, Baynam G, Fuller E, Mengersen K, Harris H, Sims D, Nassar N, Waters N, Marshall G, Marshall S, Bradbury B.
- The George Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Seed Funding Healthy housing: improving communication pathways between health, social and housing services for Aboriginal families in SouthEast Sydney. $16,000. Hunter K, Andersen M, Woolfenden S, Maza S, Williams C, Clapham K, Coote R, Lingam R, Zwi K.
- Sax Institute. Evidence check review: Substance use during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. $15,000. Oei J L, Azim S I, Lee E, Blythe S, Black K, Eapen V, Lintzeris N, Gribble K, Dahlen H, Schmied V, Dunlop A, Lingam R, Elliott E, Katz I, Kemp L, Richmond R, Schofield D, Clews S, Bown L, De Haan K, Jackson M.
- Technology Clinical Academic Group COVID-19+BEYOND Rapid Response Scheme 2020. Using the Watch Me Grow web app to screen for parental mental health problems. $30,000. Eapen V, Lingam R, Woolfenden S, Mendoza A, Schmeidt V.
- Sydney Children’s Hospital Network 2020. Resilient healthcare for children: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic (SPHERE) $79,000. Lingam R, McCaskill M, Zwi K, Nassar N, Woolfenden S, Hodgins M, van Leeuwen D, Hu N, Shrapnel J, Homaira N, Samir N, Larter N, Sealy L, Suzuki H, Jones B.
- SPHERE Translational Research Fellowship. At what cost? The impact of health systems and policies exposing children with Intellectual Disability to poor experiences of care and preventable harms, and masking system failures. $316,179. Mimmo L (PhD student), Woolfenden S, Harrison R, Lingam R, Travaglia J.
- Implementation Science Platform Translational Seed Funding Scheme. Healthier Wealthier Families: A pilot feasibility trial addressing child poverty through health care service delivery. $ 19,481. Burley J, Woolfenden S, Fernandez R.
- Australian Data Partnerships RFP 2020: The LINked Data Asset for Australian Health Research $78,976. DP728 - Australian National Child Health and Development Atlas ($495,998). Glauert R, Dakin P, O’Halloran D, Pettit C, Dixon J, McAullay D, Jones J, Hogan M, York L, Stanley F, Preen D, Callard N, Wake M, Leonard H, Lingam R, Glover J, Clutterbuck A, Baynam G, Fuller E, Mengersen K, Harris H, Sims D, Nassar N, Waters N, Marshall G, Marshall S, Bradbury B.
- NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grant. Transforming the health system response to child maltreatment: the need for cross-jurisdictional e-cohorts. $1,168,388.00
- NHMRC Partnership Project for Better Health. “Watch Me Grow”: Changing practice to improve Universal Child Health and Developmental Surveillance in the primary care setting. $1,195,014. Eapen V, Liaw ST, Pritchard M, Lingam R, Woolfenden S, Jalaludin B, Page A, Kohlhoff J, Scott J, Lawson K.
- NSW Paediatric Innovation fund. α-NSW – Transforming Child Health Systems. $199,9962.12. Lingam R, Nassar N, Woolfenden S, Ging J, EapenV, Eastwood J, Rimes T, Zwi K, Fasher M, Schmied V. Baur, L. Shaw T, Wakefield C. Chambers G, Altman. L, Thurman D, Dale R, Badawi.
- Translational Research Grants Scheme: Pregnancy and the first 2000 days. First 2000 Days Care Connect (FDCC) – a holistic first 2000 days model of care for migrant and refugee populations. $840,547. Rimes T, Woolfenden S, Rogers H, Lingam R, Eapen V, Green M, Eastwood J, Sorensen K, Lyle K, Jones C, Foureur M, Henry A.
- Guys and St Tomas’s Charities. Implementation and evaluation of the Children and Young People's Health Partnership: Wolfe I, Lingam R et al. £7,650,000.00
- NSW Health Paediatric Priority Funding. Providing enhanced access to health services (PEACH), SCHN submission in partnership with SouthEastern and Western Sydney LHDs. $860,843.
- NHMRC Partnership Project. Development and evaluation of a Child and Family eHub to improve access, engagement and use of the existing community, social and mental health services system. $1,333,746.20
- SPHERE. Care Close to Home: Using integrated care strategies to improve transfer to local care for children with complex medical conditions living in rural or remote NSW. $25,000. Altman L, Woolfenden S, Lingam R.
- SPHERE. GHK Research Seed Funding. $40,000. Chay. P, Lingam. R, Eapen. V.
My Qualifications
- PhD University of Bristol
- MRCPCH Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
- MSc (Distinction) Masters in Tropical Medicine and International Health. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- DTMH 2002 Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Royal College of Physicians London
- Cert TLHP (Distinction) Postgraduate Certificate Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals. University of Bristol
- MBChB (Edin) July 1996 University of Edinburgh Medical
My Awards
Lead of Child Unlimited National Research group 2019-current. Co-Lead BestSTART SW Sydney 2019-2023. Early Life and Adolescent Programme Lead for the UK Centre for Translational Research in Public Health from 2015 to 2018; Co-Chair of the Child Health Group in the MARCH Centre London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2013-2014 and Academic Convenor British Association of Community Child Health 2011-13. I have been a consultant and invited speaker on the Measurement of Early Childhood Development Outcomes for World Health Organisation (2013). In addition, he has been an invited speaker for the NHS Expo (2016) European academy of Childhood disability (2013) and The New York Academy of Sciences (2012 and 2013).
My Research Activities
Professor Lingam is a senior clinical academic with expertise in child health services research. He is Professor in Paediatric Population and Health Services Research at the University of New South Wales, Honorary Professor at Kings College London, and a Consultant Community Paediatrician within the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.
He has extensive experience developing and evaluating complex interventions embedded within health systems. The Population Child Health Research team he set up in 2018 has been successful in over 55 research grants (NHMRC, MRFF, NSW Health and Philanthropy worth $49.5 million) currently funding 14 academics and professional staff including two NHMRC fellows. Within the area of Health Services Research, he is the NSW PI for the NHMRC funded Strengthening Care for Children, the MRFF funded Strengthening Care for Rural Children and the NSW Health funded Sustain step wedge trials. He leads the Kids Rural GPS study across 4 LHD’s in NSW, assessing care coordination at scale. He has evaluated several digital interventions including the Australian Child Digital Health Record and the UK BabyBuddy App. He was PI for the UK NIHR: SOLID: SuppOrting Looked after Children In Decreasing Drugs and Alcohol Trial. He is co-PI of the Children and Young People’s Health Partnership (CYPHP) a Health Systems Transformation Programme London. This health services transformation programme, the largest in the UK, is being evaluated using a cluster randomised controlled trial involving 120,000 children.
His program of integrated paediatric care research includes 12 research projects as CIA resulting in over 140 publications cited over 3000 times. He has been an invited speaker at: the World Health Organisation; European academy of childhood disability; The New York Academy of Sciences; and board member for the NSW Child Health Review 2020.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
- Child Health Services research.
- Population Child and adolescent health
- Mental health
Currently supervising
Currently supervisor of 4 PHD students, one MSC student and 3 ILP students. Two completed PhD students. Examiner of 2 PhD students, multiple MSC students and upgrade examiner of multiple students.
High St & Avoca Street, Randwick NSW 2031
ORCID as entered in ROS