Select Publications

Conference Papers

Lansbergen P; Rahman R; Caro J; Biesemans S; Klimeck G; Hollenberg L; Rogge S, 2008, 'Transport spectroscopy of a single atom in a FinFET', in Journal of Physics: Conference Series,

Ahmed S; Usman M; Heitzinger C; Rahman R; Schliwa A; Klimeck G, 2007, 'Symmetry breaking and fine structure splitting in zincblende quantum dots: Atomistic simulations of long-range strain and piezoelectric field', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 849 - 850,

Working Papers

Cifuentes J; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang J; Vahapoglu E; Leon R; Serrano S; Otter D; Dunmore D; Mai P; Schlattner F; Feng M; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl H-J; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang C-H; Escott C; Lim WH; Hudson F; Rahman R; Dzurak A; Saraiva A, 2023, Bounds to electron spin qubit variability for scalable CMOS architectures, http://dx.doi.org10.21203/,


Ma H; Cullen JH; Monir S; Rahman R; Culcer D, 2024, Spin-Hall effect in topological materials: Evaluating the proper spin current in systems with arbitrary degeneracies,

Krishnan R; Gan BY; Hsueh Y-L; Huq AMS-E; Kenny J; Rahman R; Koh TS; Simmons MY; Weber B, 2024, Measurement of enhanced spin-orbit coupling strength for donor-bound electron spins in silicon,

Aliyar T; Ma H; Krishnan R; Singh G; Chong BQ; Wang Y; Verzhbitskiy I; Wong CPY; Goh KEJ; Shen ZX; Koh TS; Rahman R; Weber B, 2024, Symmetry breaking and spin-orbit coupling for individual vacancy-induced in-gap states in MoS2 monolayers,

Monir S; Osika EN; Gorman SK; Thorvaldson I; Hsueh Y-L; Macha P; Kranz L; Reiner J; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2023, Impact of measurement backaction on nuclear spin qubits in silicon,

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Steinacker P; Serrano S; Hansen I; Slack-Smith JP; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Stuyck ND; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl H-J; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Hudson FE; Lim WH; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, Impact of electrostatic crosstalk on spin qubits in dense CMOS quantum dot arrays,

Munia MM; Monir S; Osika EN; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2023, Superexchange coupling of donor qubits in silicon,

Krishnan R; Biswas S; Hsueh Y-L; Ma H; Rahman R; Weber B, 2023, Spin-valley locking for in-gap quantum dots in a MoS2 transistor,

Roknuzzaman M; Bharadwaj S; Wang Y; Khandekar C; Jiao D; Rahman R; Jacob Z, 2023, First-Principles Study of Large Gyrotropy in MnBi for Infrared Thermal Photonics,

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Serrano S; Otter D; Dunmore D; Mai PY; Schlattner F; Feng M; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl H-J; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, Bounds to electron spin qubit variability for scalable CMOS architectures,

Losert MP; Eriksson MA; Joynt R; Rahman R; Scappucci G; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2023, Practical Strategies for Enhancing the Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells,

Sun W; Bharadwaj S; Yang L-P; Hsueh Y-L; Wang Y; Jiao D; Rahman R; Jacob Z, 2022, Limits to Quantum Gate Fidelity from Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations,

Sarkar A; Hochstetter J; Kha A; Hu X; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Culcer D, 2022, Optimisation of electrically-driven multi-donor quantum dot qubits,

Wuetz BP; Losert MP; Koelling S; Stehouwer LEA; Zwerver A-MJ; Philips SGJ; Mądzik MT; Xue X; Zheng G; Lodari M; Amitonov SV; Samkharadze N; Sammak A; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R; Coppersmith SN; Moutanabbir O; Friesen M; Scappucci G, 2021, Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots,

McJunkin T; Harpt B; Feng Y; Losert MP; Rahman R; Dodson JP; Wolfe MA; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Joynt R; Eriksson MA, 2021, SiGe quantum wells with oscillating Ge concentrations for quantum dot qubits,

Voisin B; Ng KSH; Salfi J; Usman M; Wong JC; Tankasala A; Johnson BC; McCallum JC; Hutin L; Bertrand B; Vinet M; Valanoor N; Simmons MY; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2021, Valley population of donor states in highly strained silicon,

Voisin B; Salfi J; Rahman R; Rogge S, 2021, Novel characterisation of dopant-based qubits,

Gardin A; Monaghan RD; Whittaker T; Rahman R; Tettamanzi GC, 2021, Non-adiabatic quantum control of valley states in silicon,

Voisin B; Bocquel J; Tankasala A; Usman M; Salfi J; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S, 2021, Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon,

Krauth FN; Gorman SK; He Y; Jones MT; Macha P; Kocsis S; Chua C; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R; Chung Y; Simmons MY, 2021, Flopping-mode electric dipole spin resonance in phosphorus donor qubits in silicon,

Osika EN; Kocsis S; Hsueh Y-L; Monir S; Chua C; Lam H; Voisin B; Rogge S; Rahman R, 2021, Spin-photon coupling for atomic qubit devices in silicon,

Chan KW; Sahasrabudhe H; Huang W; Wang Y; Yang HC; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Mohiyaddin FA; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Morello A; Laucht A; Rahman R; Dzurak AS, 2020, Exchange coupling in a linear chain of three quantum-dot spin qubits in silicon,

Sengupta P; Khandekar C; Van Mechelen T; Rahman R; Jacob Z, 2019, Electron g-factor engineering for non-reciprocal spin photonics,

Mazzola F; Chen C-Y; Rahman R; Zhu X-G; Polley CM; Balasubramanian T; King PDC; Hofmann P; Miwa JA; Wells JW, 2019, The Sub-band Structure of Atomically Sharp Dopant Profiles in Silicon,

Nakamura J; Fallahi S; Sahasrabudhe H; Rahman R; Liang S; Gardner GC; Manfra MJ, 2019, Aharonov-Bohm interference of fractional quantum Hall edge modes,

Hile SJ; Fricke L; House MG; Peretz E; Chen CY; Wang Y; Broome M; Gorman SK; Keizer JG; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2018, Addressable electron spin resonance using donors and donor molecules in silicon,

Chen C-Y; Ameen TA; Ilatikhameneh H; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Appenzeller J, 2018, Channel thickness optimization for ultra thin and 2D chemically doped TFETs,

Chen F; Ilatikhameneh H; Tan Y; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2017, Switching Mechanism and the Scalability of vertical-TFETs,

Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen T; Chen C; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2017, Sensitivity Challenge of Steep Transistors,

Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Bocquel J; Usman M; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Rogge S, 2017, Valley filtering and spatial maps of coupling between silicon donors and quantum dots,

Sahasrabudhe H; Novakovic B; Nakamura J; Fallahi S; Povolotskyi M; Klimeck G; Rahman R; Manfra MJ, 2017, Optimization of edge state velocity in the integer quantum Hall regime,

Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen T; Chen F; Sahasrabudhe H; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2017, Dramatic Impact of Dimensionality on the Electrostatics of PN Junctions,

Tankasala A; Salfi J; Bocquel J; Voisin B; Usman M; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Rogge S; Rahman R, 2017, Two-electron states of a group V donor in silicon from atomistic full configuration interaction,

Ferdous R; Chan KW; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Yang CH; Klimeck G; Morello A; Dzurak AS; Rahman R, 2017, Interface induced spin-orbit interaction in silicon quantum dots and prospects for scalability,

Ferdous R; Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Nowak MP; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R, 2017, Valley dependent anisotropic spin splitting in silicon quantum dots,

Ameen TA; Ilatikhameneh H; Huang JZ; Povolotskyi M; Rahman R; Klimeck G, 2017, Combination of equilibrium and non-equilibrium carrier statistics into an atomistic quantum transport model for tunneling hetero-junctions,

Huang JZ; Long P; Povolotskyi M; Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen T; Rahman R; Rodwell MJW; Klimeck G, 2017, A Multiscale Modeling of Triple-Heterojunction Tunneling FETs,

Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen T; Chen F; Sahasrabudhe H; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2016, Impact of Dimensionality on PN Junctions,

Chen F; Ilatikhameneh H; Tan Y; Valencia D; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2016, Transport in vertically stacked hetero-structures from 2D materials,

Chen FW; Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen TA; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2016, Thickness Engineered Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors based on Phosphorene,

Wang Y; Chen C-Y; Klimeck G; Simmons MY; Rahman R, 2016, Characterizing Si:P quantum dot qubits with spin resonance techniques,

Ilatikhameneh H; Ameen T; Novakovic B; Tan Y; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2016, Saving Moore's Law Down To 1nm Channels With Anisotropic Effective Mass,

Ilatikhameneh H; Klimeck G; Appenzeller J; Rahman R, 2016, Design Rules for High Performance Tunnel Transistors from 2D Materials,

Mohiyaddin FA; Kalra R; Laucht A; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Morello A, 2016, Transport of Spin Qubits with Donor Chains under Realistic Experimental Conditions,

Usman M; Bocquel J; Salfi J; Voisin B; Tankasala A; Rahman R; Simmons MY; Rogge S; Hollenberg LLC, 2016, Spatial Metrology of Dopants in Silicon with Exact Lattice Site Precision,

Ameen TA; Ilatikhameneh H; Klimeck G; Rahman R, 2015, Few-layer Phosphorene: An Ideal 2D Material For Tunnel Transistors,

Rahman R; Verduijn J; Wang Y; Yin C; De Boo G; Klimeck G; Rogge S, 2015, Bulk and sub-surface donor bound excitons in silicon under electric fields,

Tosi G; Mohiyaddin FA; Schmitt V; Tenberg S; Rahman R; Klimeck G; Morello A, 2015, Silicon quantum processor with robust long-distance qubit couplings,

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