Select Publications


Keith D; Ferrer J; Nicholson E; Kingsford R, 2020, IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology 2.0 : descriptive profiles for biomes and ecosystem functional groups, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,

Kingsford R, 2006, Ecology of Desert Rivers Preface, Kingsford R, (ed.), CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS,

Book Chapters

Mirumachi N; White DD; Kingsford RT, 2020, 'Facing Change: Understanding Transitions of River Basin Policies Over Time', in Water Resilience: Management and Governance in Times of Change, pp. 213 - 240,

Kingsford RT; Brandis K; Bino G; Keith DA, 2020, 'Freshwater Biome of the World', in Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes: Volumes 1-5, pp. V1-16-V1-30,

Kingsford R; Brandis K; Bino G; Keith D, 2020, 'Freshwater Biome of the World', in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science,

Kingsford RT, 2018, 'Kati Thanda: Lake Eyre (Australia)', in The Wetland Book II: Distribution, Description, and Conservation, pp. 1921 - 1927,

Kingsford RT; Roux DJ; McLoughlin CA; Conallin J; Norris V, 2017, 'Strategic Adaptive Management (SAM) of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams', in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management, pp. 535 - 562,

Kingsford RT; Norris V; Rodrigo M, 2017, 'Connecting the champions of the Lake Eyre Basin rivers', in Kingsford R (ed.), LAKE EYRE BASIN RIVERS: ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 77 - 93,

Kingsford RT, 2017, 'Sustainability for the rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin', in Kingsford R (ed.), LAKE EYRE BASIN RIVERS: ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 229 - 239,

Kingsford RT, 2017, 'The Lake Eyre Basin - one of the world's great desert river systems', in Kingsford R (ed.), LAKE EYRE BASIN RIVERS: ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 3 - 18,

Kingsford RT; Roux DJ; McLoughlin CA; Conallin J; Norris V, 2017, 'Chapter 5.5 Strategic Adaptive Management (SAM) of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams', in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams, Elsevier, pp. 535 - 562,

Kingsford R, 2016, 'Flow alteration and its effects on Australia's riverine vegetation', in Capon S; James C; Reid M (ed.), Vegetation of Australian Riverine Landscapes: Biology, Ecology and Management, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 261 - 271

Kingsford RT, 2016, 'Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre (Australia)', in The Wetland Book, Springer Netherlands, pp. 1 - 7,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Jenkins K, 2014, 'Climate adaptation and adaptive management planning for the Macquarie Marshes: A wetland of international importance', in Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation, pp. 95 - 106,

, 2014, 'Political Economy versus Comparative Advantage in the Nile Basin: Short Term Advantages or Long Term Gain?', in River Basin Management in the Twenty-First Century, CRC Press, pp. 248 - 272,

Kingsford RT; Costelloe JF; Sheldon F, 2014, 'Lake eyre basin-challenges for managing the world’s most variable river system', in River Basin Management in the Twenty-First Century: Understanding People and Place, pp. 346 - 368,

Dahm, C. ; Boulton, A. J. ; Correa, L. ; Kingsford R; Jenkins K; Sheldon, F. , 2013, 'The role of science in Planning, Policy and Conservation of River Ecosystems', in Sabater, S. ; Elosegi, A. (ed.), River Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities, Fundacion BBVA, Bilbao

Kingsford R; Porter , 2012, 'Waterbird Monitoring in Australia', in Lindenmayer D; Gibbons P (ed.), Biodiversity Monitoring in Australia, CSIRO PUBLISHING, Melbourne

Kingsford R; Brandis KJ; Jenkins K; Nairn LC; Rayner TS, 2010, 'Measuring ecosystem responses to flow across temporal and spatial scales', in Saintilan N; Overton I (ed.), Ecosystem response modelling in the Murray-Darling Basin, CSIRO, Canberra, pp. 15 - 35,


Kingsford R, 2006, 'Changing desert rivers', in Kingsford R (ed.), Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 336 - 345

Kingsford R; Thompson J, 2006, 'Desert or dryland rivers of the world: an introduction', in Kingsford R (ed.), Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 3 - 10

Young W; Kingsford R, 2006, 'Flow variability in large unregulated dryland rivers', in Kingsford R (ed.), Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 11 - 46

Kingsford R; Lemly A; Thompson J, 2006, 'Impacts of dams, river management and diversions on desert rivers', in Kingsford R (ed.), Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 203 - 247

Kingsford R; Georges A; Unmack PJ, 2006, 'Vertebrates of desert rivers: meeting the challenges of temporal and spatial unpredictability', in Kingsford R (ed.), Ecology of Desert Rivers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 154 - 202

Cairns SC; Kingsford RT, 1995, 'Harvesting wildlife: kangaroos and waterfowl', in , pp. 260 - 272

Edited Books

Kingsford R, (ed.), 2017, Lake Eyre Basin Rivers: Environmental, Social and Economic Importance, CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria,

Journal articles

Farzadkhoo M; Jadraque D; Kingsford RT; Suthers IM; Felder S, 2024, 'Entrance geometries of closed-conduit fishways to attract juvenile fishes', Ecological Engineering, 209,

McGinness HM; Jackson MV; Lloyd-Jones L; Robinson F; Langston A; O'Neill LG; Rapley S; Piper M; Davies M; Hodgson J; Martin JM; Kingsford R; Brandis K; Doerr V; Mac Nally R, 2024, 'Extensive Tracking of Nomadic Waterbird Movements Reveals an Inland Flyway', Ecology and Evolution, 14,

McGinness HM; Lloyd-Jones LR; Robinson F; Langston A; O’Neill LG; Rapley S; Jackson MV; Hodgson J; Piper M; Davies M; Martin JM; Kingsford R; Brandis K; Doerr V; Mac Nally R, 2024, 'Satellite telemetry reveals complex mixed movement strategies in ibis and spoonbills of Australia: implications for water and wetland management', Movement Ecology, 12,

Colloff MJ; Lanyon K; Pittock J; Costanza-van den Belt M; Wheeler S; Grafton RQ; Williams J; Sheldon F; Kingsford RT; Bino G; Renzullo L; Moggridge BJ, 2024, 'Murky waters running clearer? Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the state of the Murray–Darling Basin after more than three decades of policy reform', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75,

Kreibich J; Bino G; Glamore W; Kingsford R, 2024, 'Satellite-Based Inundation Modelling for Large-Scale Wetland Restoration in Semi-Arid Australia', ,

McGinness HM; Lloyd-Jones LR; Robinson F; Langston A; O’Neill LG; Rapley S; Jackson MV; Hodgson J; Piper M; Davies M; Martin JM; Kingsford R; Brandis K; Doerr V; Mac Nally R, 2024, 'Habitat use by nomadic ibis and spoonbills post-dispersal from breeding sites', Landscape Ecology, 39,

Kreibich J; Bino G; Zheng H; Chiew F; Glamore W; Woods J; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'River regulation and climate change reduce river flows to major Australian floodplain wetland', Journal of Environmental Management, 370,

Kandulu JM; Wheeler S; Kingsford R, 2024, 'Dams, dams and more dams: issues in evaluating business cases for dam expansion in Australia', Environmental Research Communications, 6,

Stewart J; de Lima NM; Kingsford R; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2024, 'Soil Bacterial Biodiversity in Drylands Is Dependent on Groundcover Under Increased Temperature', Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 3,

Yang S; Francis RJ; Holding M; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'Aerial photography and machine learning for estimating extremely high flamingo numbers on the Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana', Global Ecology and Conservation, 53,

Hawke T; Meagher P; Bino G; Elphinstone A; May S; Lowe A; Vogelnest L; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'Rescue and return: Translocating a semi-wild platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) population during the 2019 drought', Ecological Management and Restoration, 25, pp. 199 - 207,

McLoughlin CA; Kingsford RT; Johnson W, 2024, 'Learning consciousness in managing water for the environment, exemplified using Macquarie River and Marshes, Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75,

Francis RJ; Kingsford RT; Moseby K; Read J; Pedler R; Fisher A; McCann J; West R, 2024, 'Tracking landscape scale vegetation change in the arid zone by integrating ground, drone and satellite data', Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 10, pp. 374 - 387,

Sheldon F; Rocheta E; Steinfeld C; Colloff MJ; Moggridge B; Carmody E; Hillman T; Kingsford RT; Pittock J, 2024, 'Are environmental water requirements being met in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia?', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75,

Francis RJ; Brandis KJ; Chessman BC; Slavich E; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'Conservation implications of isotopic variation in nails and blood with wetland quality in three species of Australian freshwater turtle', Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34,

Gorta SBZ; Berryman AJ; Kingsford RT; Klaassen M; Clarke RH, 2024, 'Kleptoparasitism in seabirds—A potential pathway for global avian influenza virus spread', Conservation Letters,

Mitchell BA; Gorta SBZ; Callaghan CT; Kingsford RT; Rowley JJL, 2024, 'Fighting the flames: site-specific effects determine species richness of Australian frogs after fire', Wildlife Research, 51,

Coulter B; West RS; Kingsford RT; Moseby KE, 2023, 'The influence of drought, precipitation and fossorial mammal reintroduction on the density of fossorial arthropods and their burrows in arid Australia', Austral Ecology, 48, pp. 1252 - 1273,

Farzadkhoo M; Kingsford RT; Suthers IM; Felder S, 2023, 'Flow hydrodynamics drive effective fish attraction behaviour into slotted fishway entrances', Journal of Hydrodynamics, 35, pp. 782 - 802,

Thompson MM; Moon K; Woods A; Rowley JJL; Poore AGB; Kingsford RT; Callaghan CT, 2023, 'Citizen science participant motivations and behaviour: Implications for biodiversity data coverage', Biological Conservation, 282,

Dielenberg J; Bekessy S; Cumming GS; Dean AJ; Fitzsimons JA; Garnett S; Goolmeer T; Hughes L; Kingsford RT; Legge S; Lindenmayer DB; Lovelock CE; Lowry R; Maron M; Marsh J; McDonald J; Mitchell NJ; Moggridge BJ; Morgain R; O'Connor PJ; Pascoe J; Pecl GT; Possingham HP; Ritchie EG; Smith LDG; Spindler R; Thompson RM; Trezise J; Umbers K; Woinarski J; Wintle BA, 2023, 'Australia's biodiversity crisis and the need for the Biodiversity Council', Ecological Management and Restoration, 24, pp. 69 - 74,

Cox RX; Kingsford RT; Suthers I; Felder S, 2023, 'Fish Injury from Movements across Hydraulic Structures: A Review', Water (Switzerland), 15,

Callaghan CT; Thompson M; Woods A; Poore AGB; Bowler DE; Samonte F; Rowley JJL; Roslan N; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK; Major RE, 2023, 'Experimental evidence that behavioral nudges in citizen science projects can improve biodiversity data', BioScience, 73, pp. 302 - 313,

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