Select Publications

Journal articles

Gobby B; Blackmore J; Eacott S; Keddie A; MacDonald K; Niesche R; Wilkinson J, 2024, 'Principals and the careless erosion of employment standards in the context of school autonomy and marketisation: a case study of school support staff', Journal of Industrial Relations,

Wilkinson J; MacDonald K; Keddie A; Gobby B; Eacott S; Niesche R; Blackmore J, 2024, 'School transformation in minoritized settings: a practice architectures lens', International Journal of Leadership in Education,

MacDonald K; Keddie A; Eacott S; Wilkinson J; Blackmore J; Niesche R; Gobby B, 2024, 'The spatiality of economic maldistribution in public-school funding in Australia: still a poisonous debate', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 56, pp. 180 - 201,

Niesche R; Eacott S; Keddie A; Gobby B; MacDonald K; Wilkinson J; Blackmore J, 2023, 'Principals’ perceptions of school autonomy and educational leadership', Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 51, pp. 1260 - 1277,

MacDonald K; Keddie A; Blackmore J; Mahoney C; Wilkinson J; Gobby B; Niesche R; Eacott S, 2023, 'School autonomy reform and social justice: a policy overview of Australian public education (1970s to present)', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 307 - 327,

Eacott S; Niesche R; Keddie A; Blackmore J; Wilkinson J; Gobby B; MacDonald K, 2023, 'Autonomy, Instructional Leadership and Improving Outcomes–The LSLD Reforms in NSW, Australia', Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22, pp. 811 - 824,

Blackmore J; MacDonald K; Keddie A; Gobby B; Wilkinson J; Eacott S; Niesche R, 2023, 'Election or selection? School autonomy reform, governance and the politics of school councils', Journal of Education Policy, 38, pp. 547 - 566,

Torrance D; Mifsud D; Niesche R; Fertig M, 2023, 'Headteachers and the pandemic: Themes from a review of literature on leadership for professional learning in complex times', Professional Development in Education, 49, pp. 1103 - 1116,

Gobby B; Wilkinson J; Keddie A; Blackmore J; Eacott S; MacDonald K; Niesche R, 2022, 'Managerial, professional and collective school autonomies: using material semiotics to examine the multiple realities of school autonomy', International Journal of Leadership in Education,

Eacott S; Macdonald K; Keddie A; Blackmore J; Wilkinson J; Niesche R; Gobby B; Fernandez I, 2020, 'COVID-19 and inequities in Australian education - insights on federalism, autonomy, and access', International Studies in Educational Administration, 48, pp. 6 - 14

Keddie A; Claire MacDonald K; Blackmore J; Eacott S; Gobby B; Mahoney C; Niesche R; Wilkinson J, 2020, 'School autonomy, marketisation and social justice: the plight of principals and schools', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 52, pp. 432 - 447,

Keddie A; MacDonald K; Blackmore J; Wilkinson J; Gobby B; Niesche R; Eacott S; Mahoney C, 2020, 'The constitution of school autonomy in Australian public education: areas of paradox for social justice', International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25, pp. 1 - 18,

Niesche R, 2020, 'Critical perspectives in educational leadership', Leading and Managing, 26, pp. 40 - 45,

Gobby B; Niesche R, 2019, 'Community empowerment? School autonomy, school boards and depoliticising governance', Australian Educational Researcher, 46, pp. 565 - 582,

Niesche R, 2018, 'Foucault and School Leadership Research: Bridging Theory and Method', BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, 66, pp. 418 - 420,

Kabgani S; Niesche R; Gulson K, 2017, 'Psycho-politicising educational subjectivity: A post humanist consideration of Ranciere and Lacan', Educational Philosophy and Theory,

Niesche R, 2017, 'Critical perspectives in educational leadership: A new 'theory turn'?', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 50,

Niesche R, 2015, 'What use is Foucault in education today?', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48,

Niesche R; Gowlett C, 2015, 'Advocating a Post-structuralist Politics for Educational Leadership', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, pp. 372 - 386,

Niesche R, 2015, 'Guest Editorial', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, pp. 113 - 117,

Niesche R, 2015, 'Governmentality and My School: School Principals in Societies of Control', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, pp. 133 - 145,

Niesche R, 2015, 'Guest Editorial', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, pp. 113 - 117,

Niesche R; Keddie A, 2014, 'Issues of Indigenous representation: White advocacy and the complexities of ethical leadership', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27, pp. 509 - 526,

Mills M; Niesche R, 2014, 'School reform and the emotional demands of principals: Lorna's story', School Leadership and Management, 34, pp. 120 - 135,

Niesche R, 2013, 'Deploying educational leadership as a form of governmentality', Discourse,

Niesche R, 2013, 'Politicizing articulation: Applying Lyotard's work to the use of standards in educational leadership', International Journal of Leadership in Education, 16, pp. 220 - 233,

Niesche R, 2013, 'Foucault, counter-conduct and school leadership as a form of political subjectivity', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 45, pp. 144 - 158,

Niesche R, 2013, 'Guest Editorial', Educational Philosophy and Theory,

Niesche R; Mills M, 2013, 'Creating ‘temperamental artistes’: A longitudinal study of leadership capacity building in disadvantaged schools', Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 2, pp. 181 - 197,

Keddie A; Niesche R, 2012, ''It's almost like a White school now': Racialised complexities, Indigenous representation and school leadership', Critical Studies in Education, 53, pp. 169 - 182,

Niesche R; Haase M, 2012, 'Emotions and Ethics: A Foucauldian framework for becoming an ethical educator', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44, pp. 276 - 288,

Keddie A; Niesche R, 2012, 'Productive engagements with student difference: Supporting equity through cultural recognition', British Educational Research Journal, 38, pp. 333 - 348,

Niesche R, 2012, 'Heads on the block', DISCOURSE-STUDIES IN THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF EDUCATION, 33, pp. 457 - 464,

Niesche R; Keddie A, 2011, 'Foregrounding issues of equity and diversity in educational leadership', School Leadership and Management, 31, pp. 65 - 77,

Jorgensen R; Niesche R, 2011, 'Curriculum leadership in remote Indigenous communities', Leading and Managing, 17, pp. 45 - 58

Niesche R, 2010, 'Discipline through documentation: A form of governmentality for school principals', International Journal of Leadership in Education, 13, pp. 249 - 263,

Jorgensen Zevenbergen R; Grootenboer P; Niesche R; Lerman S, 2010, 'Challenges for teacher education: The mismatch between beliefs and practice in remote Indigenous contexts', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 38, pp. 161 - 175,

Niesche R; Jorgensen R, 2010, 'Curriculum reform in remote areas: The need for productive leadership', Journal of Educational Administration, 48, pp. 102 - 117,

Jorgensen R; Walsh L; Niesche R, 2009, 'Reforming schools: A case study of New Basics in a primary school', International Journal of Leadership in Education, 12, pp. 115 - 133,

Niesche R, 2008, 'Leadership gender & culture in education. Male and female perspectives', AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER, 35, pp. 147 - 148,

Jorgensen R; Niesche R, 2008, 'Equity, mathematics and classroom practice: developing rich mathematical experiences for disadvantaged students', Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 13, pp. 21 - 27

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