Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhu J; Stuetz RM; Hamilton L; Powe K; Tamburic B, 2025, 'Meta-analysis of biogenic odour management solutions for operational drinking water treatment plants', Journal of Water Process Engineering, 70,

Guerrero TN; Le-Minh N; Fisher RM; Prata AA; Stuetz RM, 2025, 'Odour emissions from anaerobically co-digested biosolids: Identification of volatile organic and sulfur compounds', Science of the Total Environment, 959,

Tedesco MC; Fisher RM; Stuetz RM, 2024, 'Emission of fibres from textiles: A critical and systematic review of mechanisms of release during machine washing', Science of the Total Environment, 955,

Guerrero TN; Fisher RM; Prata AA; Stuetz R, 2024, 'Sensory Assessment of Odour Emissions in Wastewater Treatment: Implications for Biosolids Management', Chemical Engineering Transactions, 112, pp. 73 - 78,

Hayes JE; Prata AA; Fisher RM; Lindley MR; Stuetz RM, 2024, 'Corrigendum to ‘Odorous emissions of synthetic turf and its relationship with local communities’ [Environ. Pollut. 357 (2024) 124462] (Environmental Pollution (2024) 357, (S026974912401176X), (10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124462))', Environmental Pollution, 359,

Liu L; Prata AA; Stuetz RM; Fisher RM, 2024, 'Understanding the role of flux chamber configuration in the measurement of VOC emissions from porous media', Chemosphere, 366,

Hayes JE; Prata AA; Fisher RM; Lindley MR; Stuetz RMS, 2024, 'Odorous emissions of synthetic turf and its relationship with local communities', Environmental Pollution, 357,

Hilly JJ; Singh KR; Jagals P; Mani FS; Turagabeci A; Ashworth M; Mataki M; Morawska L; Knibbs LD; Stuetz RM; Dansie AP, 2024, 'Review of scientific research on air quality and environmental health risk and impact for PICTS', Science of the Total Environment, 942,

Krohn C; Jansriphibul K; Dias DA; Rees CA; Akker BVD; Boer JC; Plebanski M; Surapaneni A; O'Carroll D; Richard S; Batstone DJ; Ball AS, 2024, 'Dead in the water – Role of relic DNA and primer choice for targeted sequencing surveys of anaerobic sewage sludge intended for biological monitoring', Water Research, 253,

Zhu J; Stuetz RM; Hamilton L; Power K; Tamburic B, 2023, 'Odour management in drinking water systems fed by mixed water supplies', Journal of Water Process Engineering, 56,

Hayes JE; Barczak RJ; “Mel” Suffet I; Stuetz RM, 2023, 'The use of gas chromatography combined with chemical and sensory analysis to evaluate nuisance odours in the air and water environment', Environment International, 180,

Paulino R; Tamburic B; Stuetz RM; Zamyadi A; Crosbie N; Henderson RK, 2023, 'Critical review of adsorption and biodegradation mechanisms for removal of biogenic taste and odour compounds in granular and biological activated carbon contactors', Journal of Water Process Engineering, 52,

Krohn C; Khudur L; Dias DA; van den Akker B; Rees CA; Crosbie ND; Surapaneni A; O'Carroll DM; Stuetz RM; Batstone DJ; Ball AS, 2022, 'The role of microbial ecology in improving the performance of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge', Frontiers in Microbiology, 13,

Zhu J; Stuetz RM; Hamilton L; Power K; Crosbie ND; Tamburic B, 2022, 'Management of biogenic taste and odour: From source water, through treatment processes and distribution systems, to consumers', Journal of Environmental Management, 323,

Zhang JD; Le MN; Hill KJ; Cooper AA; Stuetz RM; Donald WA, 2022, 'Identifying robust and reliable volatile organic compounds in human sebum for biomarker discovery', Analytica Chimica Acta, 1233,

Barczak RJ; Możaryn J; Fisher RM; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Odour concentrations prediction based on odorants concentrations from biosolid emissions', Environmental Research, 214,

Zhao W; Prata A; Peirson W; Stuetz R; Felder S, 2022, 'Reaeration in Supercritical Open Channel Flows: An Experimental Study', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148, pp. 04022016,

Liu L; Abdala Prata Junior A; Fisher RM; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Measuring volatile emissions from biosolids: A critical review on sampling methods', Journal of Environmental Management, 317,

Yap RKL; Rao NRH; Holmes M; Whittaker M; Stuetz RM; Jefferson B; Bulmuş V; Peirson WL; Henderson RK, 2022, 'Evaluating the performance of conventional DAF and PosiDAF processes for cyanobacteria separation at a pilot plant scale', H2Open Journal, 5, pp. 275 - 288,

Li C; Le-Minh N; McDonald JA; Kinsela AS; Fisher RM; Liu D; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Occurrence and risk assessment of trace organic contaminants and metals in anaerobically co-digested sludge', Science of the Total Environment, 816, pp. 151533,

Idris NF; Le-Minh N; Hayes JE; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Performance of wet scrubbers to remove VOCs from rubber emissions', Journal of Environmental Management, 305,

Wang X; Le M; Stuetz R, 2022, 'Calibration methods for VSCs measured on AS-TD-GC-SCD', Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194,

Barczak RJ; Fisher RM; Le-Minh N; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Identification of volatile sulfur odorants emitted from ageing wastewater biosolids', Chemosphere, 287,

Barczak RJ; Fisher RM; Stuetz RM, 2022, 'Importance of Musty Odour Character in the Emissions from Anaerobically Stabilized Dewatered Biosolids. Towards the Identification of Unknown Odour Components', Chemical Engineering Transactions, 95, pp. 193 - 198,

Prata AA; Santos JM; Timchenko V; Stuetz RM, 2021, 'Modelling atmospheric emissions from wastewater treatment plants: Implications of land-to-water roughness change', Science of the Total Environment, 792,

Thwaites BJ; Stuetz R; Short M; Reeve P; Alvarez-Gaitan JP; Dinesh N; Philips R; van den Akker B, 2021, 'Analysis of nitrous oxide emissions from aerobic granular sludge treating high saline municipal wastewater', Science of the Total Environment, 756,

Zamyadi A; Glover CM; Yasir A; Stuetz R; Newcombe G; Crosbie ND; Lin TF; Henderson R, 2021, 'Toxic cyanobacteria in water supply systems: Data analysis to map global challenges and demonstrate the benefits of multi-barrier treatment approaches', H2Open Journal, 4, pp. 47 - 62,

Kobayashi Y; Santos JM; Mill JG; Reis Júnior NC; Andreão WL; Taciana TT; Stuetz RM, 2020, 'Mortality risks due to long-term ambient sulphur dioxide exposure: large variability of relative risk in the literature', Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, pp. 35908 - 35917,

Cupertino KF; Prata AA; Le-Minh N; Stuetz RM; Santos JM, 2020, 'Comparison of mass transfer parameters inside a USEPA flux hood for two VOCs', Water Science and Technology, 81, pp. 1445 - 1451,

Barczak RJ; Fisher RM; Le-Minh N; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Importance of 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole (TCA) as an odorant in the emissions from anaerobically stabilized dewatered biosolids', Chemosphere, 236,

Shammay A; Evanson IEJ; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Selection framework for the treatment of sewer network emissions', Journal of Environmental Management, 249,

Fisher RM; Alvarez-Gaitan JP; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Review of the effects of wastewater biosolids stabilization processes on odor emissions', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49, pp. 1515 - 1586,

Andreão WL; Santos JM; Reis NC; Prata AA; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Effects of flux chamber configuration on the sampling of odorous gases emissions', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 140, pp. 918 - 930,

Wang C; Alvarez-Gaitan JP; Moore S; Stuetz R, 2019, 'Social and institutional factors affecting sustainability innovation in universities: A computer re-use perspective', Journal of Cleaner Production, 223, pp. 176 - 188,

Hayes JE; Fisher RM; Stevenson RJ; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Investigation of non-community stakeholders regarding community engagement and environmental malodour', Science of the Total Environment, 665, pp. 546 - 556,

Zamyadi A; Romanis C; Mills T; Neilan B; Choo F; Coral LA; Gale D; Newcombe G; Crosbie N; Stuetz R; Henderson RK, 2019, 'Diagnosing water treatment critical control points for cyanobacterial removal: Exploring benefits of combined microscopy, next-generation sequencing, and cell integrity methods', Water Research, 152, pp. 96 - 105,

Kamarulzaman NH; Le-Minh N; Fisher RM; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Quantification of VOCs and the development of odour wheels for rubber processing', Science of the Total Environment, 657, pp. 154 - 168,

Galvão ES; Reis NC; Lima AT; Stuetz RM; D'Azeredo Orlando MT; Santos JM, 2019, 'Use of inorganic and organic markers associated with their directionality for the apportionment of highly correlated sources of particulate matter', Science of the Total Environment, 651, pp. 1332 - 1343,

Imran Khan S; Zamyadi A; Hanumanth Rao NR; Li X; Stuetz R; Henderson R, 2019, 'Fluorescence spectroscopic characterisation of algal organic matter: towards improved in situ fluorometer development', Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5, pp. 417 - 432,

Choo F; Zamyadi A; Stuetz RM; Newcombe G; Newton K; Henderson RK, 2019, 'Enhanced real-time cyanobacterial fluorescence monitoring through chlorophyll-a interference compensation corrections', Water Research, 148, pp. 86 - 96,

Kamarulzaman NH; Le-Minh N; Stuetz RM, 2019, 'Identification of VOCs from natural rubber by different headspace techniques coupled using GC-MS', Talanta, 191, pp. 535 - 544,

Galvão ES; Santos JM; Lima AT; Reis NC; Stuetz RM; Orlando MTDA, 2018, 'Resonant Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction determines markers for iron-rich atmospheric particulate matter in urban region', Chemosphere, 212, pp. 418 - 428,

Thwaites BJ; Short MD; Stuetz RM; Reeve PJ; Alvarez Gaitan JP; Dinesh N; van den Akker B, 2018, 'Comparing the performance of aerobic granular sludge versus conventional activated sludge for microbial log removal and effluent quality: Implications for water reuse', Water Research, 145, pp. 442 - 452,

Faruqi A; Henderson M; Henderson RK; Stuetz R; Gladman B; McDowall B; Zamyadi A, 2018, 'Removal of algal taste and odour compounds by granular and biological activated carbon in full-scale water treatment plants', Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 18, pp. 1531 - 1544,

Fisher RM; Barczak RJ; Suffet IHM; Hayes JE; Stuetz RM, 2018, 'Framework for the use of odour wheels to manage odours throughout wastewater biosolids processing', Science of the Total Environment, 634, pp. 214 - 223,

Hayes JE; McGreevy PD; Forbes SL; Laing G; Stuetz RM, 2018, 'Critical review of dog detection and the influences of physiology, training, and analytical methodologies', Talanta, 185, pp. 499 - 512,

Fisher RM; Barczak RJ; Stuetz RM, 2018, 'Identification of odorant characters using GC-MS/O in biosolids emissions from aerobic and anaerobic stabilisation', Water Science and Technology, 2017, pp. 736 - 742,

Calvo MJ; Prata AA; Hoinaski L; Santos JM; Stuetz RM, 2018, 'Sensitivity analysis of the WATER9 model: Emissions of odorous compounds from passive liquid surfaces present in wastewater treatment plants', Water Science and Technology, 2017, pp. 903 - 912,

Choo F; Zamyadi A; Newton K; Newcombe G; Bowling L; Stuetz R; Henderson R, 2018, 'Performance evaluation of in situ fluorometers for real-time cyanobacterial monitoring', H2Open Journal, 1, pp. 26 - 46,

Shammay A; Evanson I; Stuetz RM, 2018, 'A comparison of removal performance of volatile organic and sulfurous compounds between odour abatement systems', Water Science and Technology, 77, pp. 2657 - 2667,

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