Select Publications

Journal articles

Virakorn EA; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2024, 'Chronic Stressor Exposure Impairs Extinction of Fear in Adolescent Rats and Has Associated Effects on Perineuronal Nets and Parvalbumin Interneurons', Behavioral Neuroscience, 138, pp. 383 - 396,

Chan D; Baker KD; Richardson R, 2024, 'The impact of chronic fluoxetine treatment in adolescence or adulthood on context fear memory and perineuronal nets', Developmental Psychobiology, 66, pp. e22501,

Cuevas K; Adler SA; Barr R; Colombo J; Gerhardstein P; Hayne H; Hunt PS; Richardson R, 2024, 'Commentary on the scientific rigor of Sen and Gredebäck's simulation: Why empirical parameters are necessary to build simulations', Child Development, 95, pp. 331 - 337,

Wall EK; Teo JN; Roth A; Chan ME; Brandt J; Hibri M; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2024, 'Effects of social buffering on fear extinction in adolescent rats', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 173, pp. 104457,

Zimmermann KS; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2023, 'Developmental changes in functional connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and amygdala following fear extinction', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 205, pp. 107847,

Bryant EM; Richardson R; Graham BM, 2023, 'The relationship between salivary Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 and cortisol reactivity and psychological outcomes prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 13, pp. 100606,

Di Polito N; Stylianakis AA; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2023, 'Real-World Intake of Dietary Sugars Is Associated with Reduced Cortisol Reactivity Following an Acute Physiological Stressor', Nutrients, 15, pp. 209,

Harmon-Jones SK; Richardson R, 2022, 'Adults who are more anxious and were anxiously attached as children report later first memories', British Journal of Psychology, 113, pp. 455 - 478,

Stylianakis AA; Baker KD; Richardson R, 2022, 'Pharmacological Enhancement of Extinction Retention in Non-stressed Adolescent Rats but Not Those Exposed to Chronic Corticosterone', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, pp. 822709,

Maheu ME; Sharma S; King G; Maddox SA; Wingo A; Lori A; Michopoulos V; Richardson R; Ressler KJ, 2022, 'Amygdala DCX and blood Cdk14 are implicated as cross-species indicators of individual differences in fear, extinction, and resilience to trauma exposure', Molecular Psychiatry, 27, pp. 956 - 966,

Bryant EM; Richardson R; Graham BM, 2022, 'The Association Between Salivary FGF2 and Physiological and Psychological Components of the Human Stress Response', Chronic Stress, 6, pp. 24705470221114787,

Bisby MA; Stylianakis AA; Baker KD; Richardson R, 2021, 'Fear extinction learning and retention during adolescence in rats and mice: A systematic review', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, pp. 1264 - 1274,

Harmon-Jones SK; Richardson R, 2021, 'Maternal care, infant fear memory retention, and the moderating role of variations in separation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations', Developmental Psychobiology, 63, pp. e22177 - e22177,

Harmon-Jones SK; Graham BM; King G; Richardson R, 2021, 'It's all about who you know: Memory retention of a rat's cagemates during infancy negatively predicts adulthood hippocampal FGF2', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 182, pp. 107448,

Richardson R; Bowers J; Callaghan BL; Baker KD, 2021, 'Does maternal separation accelerate maturation of perineuronal nets and parvalbumin-containing inhibitory interneurons in male and female rats?', Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 47, pp. 100905,

Pestana JE; McCutcheon TB; Harmon-Jones SK; Richardson R; Graham BM, 2021, 'Maternal Experience Does Not Predict Fear Extinction and Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Primiparous Rats Post-weaning', Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2, pp. 742337,

Harmon-Jones SK; Cowan CSM; Shnier N; Richardson R, 2020, 'Is good memory always a good thing? An early offset of infantile amnesia predicts anxiety-like behavior throughout development in rats', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 135, pp. 103763,

Bisby MA; Baker KD; Richardson R, 2020, 'Deficits in opioid receptor-mediated prediction error contribute to impaired fear extinction during adolescence', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 133, pp. 103713,

Zimmermann KS; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2020, 'Esketamine as a treatment for paediatric depression: questions of safety and efficacy', The Lancet Psychiatry, 7, pp. 827 - 829,

Bisby MA; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2020, 'Developmental differences in the effects of CB1/2R agonist WIN55212-2 on extinction of learned fear', Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 99, pp. 109834,

Bae SE; Richardson R, 2019, 'Brief isolation during infancy enhances the formation of long-term memories in infant rodents', Behavioral Neuroscience, 133, pp. 437 - 447,

Cowan CSM; Stylianakis AA; Richardson R, 2019, 'Early-life stress, microbiota, and brain development: probiotics reverse the effects of maternal separation on neural circuits underpinning fear expression and extinction in infant rats', Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 37, pp. 100627,

Stylianakis AA; Richardson R; Baker K, 2019, 'Timing is everything: Developmental differences in the effect of chronic corticosterone exposure on extinction retention', Behavioral Neuroscience, 133, pp. 467 - 477,

Zimmermann KS; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2019, 'Maturational changes in prefrontal and amygdala circuits in adolescence: implications for understanding fear inhibition during a vulnerable period of development', Brain Sciences, 9, pp. 65,

Elliott ND; Richardson R, 2019, 'The effects of early life stress on context fear generalization in adult rats', Behavioral Neuroscience, 133, pp. 50 - 58,

King G; Baker KD; Bisby MA; Chan D; Cowan CSM; Stylianakis AA; Zimmermann KS; Richardson R, 2019, 'A precision medicine approach to pharmacological adjuncts to extinction: a call to broaden research', Psychopharmacology, 236, pp. 143 - 161,

Graham BM; Richardson R, 2019, 'Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhancement of extinction recall depends on the success of within-session extinction training in rats: a re-analysis', Psychopharmacology, 236, pp. 227 - 238,

Bae SE; Richardson R, 2018, 'Behavioral tagging in infant rats', Learning and Memory, 25, pp. 580 - 586,

Stylianakis AA; Harmon-Jones SK; Richardson R; Baker KD, 2018, 'Differences in the persistence of spatial memory deficits induced by a chronic stressor in adolescents compared to juveniles', Developmental Psychobiology, 60, pp. 805 - 813,

Graham BM; Dong V; Richardson R, 2018, 'The impact of chronic fluoxetine on conditioned fear expression and hippocampal FGF2 in rats: Short- and long-term effects', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 155, pp. 344 - 350,

Baker KD; McNally GP; Richardson R, 2018, 'D-Cycloserine facilitates fear extinction in adolescent rats and differentially affects medial and lateral prefrontal cortex activation', Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 86, pp. 262 - 269,

Cowan CSM; Richardson R, 2018, 'Early-life stress leads to sex-dependent changes in pubertal timing in rats that are reversed by a probiotic formulation.', Developmental psychobiology, 61, pp. 679 - 687,

King G; Graham BM; Richardson R, 2018, 'Effects of D-cycloserine on individual differences in relapse of fear', Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 84, pp. 115 - 121,

Bisby MA; Baker KD; Richardson R, 2018, 'Elucidating the mechanisms of fear extinction in developing animals: A special case of NMDA receptor-independent extinction in adolescent rats', Learning and Memory, 25, pp. 158 - 164,

Kan JM; Richardson R, 2018, 'Ghosts of mother's past: Previous maternal stress leads to altered maternal behavior following a subsequent pregnancy in rats', Developmental Psychobiology, 60, pp. 278 - 291,

King G; Graham BM; Richardson R, 2018, 'Individual differences in fear relapse', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 100, pp. 37 - 43,

Cowan CSM; Richardson R, 2018, 'A Brief Guide to Studying Fear in Developing Rodents: Important Considerations and Common Pitfalls.', Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 83, pp. 1 - 14,

Baker K; Bisby MA; Richardson R, 2017, 'Elucidating the mechanisms of fear extinction in developing animals: A special case of NMDA receptor-independent extinction in adolescent rats', Learning and Memory,

Graham BM; Zagic D; Richardson R, 2017, 'Low Endogenous Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Levels Are Associated With Heightened Conditioned Fear Expression in Rats and Humans', Biological Psychiatry, 82, pp. 601 - 607,

Baker KD; Richardson R, 2017, 'Pharmacological evidence that a failure to recruit NMDA receptors contributes to impaired fear extinction retention in adolescent rats', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 143, pp. 18 - 26,

Baker KD; Gray AR; Richardson R, 2017, 'The development of perineuronal nets around parvalbumin GABAergic neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala of rats', Behavioral Neuroscience, 131, pp. 289 - 303,

Newall C; Watson T; Grant KA; Richardson R, 2017, 'The relative effectiveness of extinction and counter-conditioning in diminishing children's fear', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 95, pp. 42 - 49,

King G; Scott E; Graham BM; Richardson R, 2017, 'Individual differences in fear extinction and anxiety-like behavior', Learning and Memory, 24, pp. 182 - 190,

Baker KD; Bisby MA; Richardson R, 2016, 'Impaired fear extinction in adolescent rodents: Behavioural and neural analyses', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 70, pp. 59 - 73,

Kan JM; Callaghan BL; Richardson R, 2016, 'A mother's past can predict her offspring's future: Previous maternal separation leads to the early emergence of adult-like fear behavior in subsequent male infant rat offspring', Behavioral Neuroscience, 130, pp. 511 - 520,

Walters E; Richardson R; Graham BM, 2016, 'Individual differences in conditioned fear expression are associated with enduring differences in endogenous Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 and hippocampal-mediated memory performance', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 134, pp. 248 - 255,

Callaghan BL; Cowan CSM; Richardson R, 2016, 'Treating Generational Stress: Effect of Paternal Stress on Development of Memory and Extinction in Offspring Is Reversed by Probiotic Treatment', Psychological Science, 27, pp. 1171 - 1180,

Richardson R; Cowan CSM; Callaghan BL; Kan JM, 2016, 'Effects of early-life stress on fear memory in the developing rat', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 7, pp. 15 - 20,

Furlong TM; Richardson R; McNally GP, 2016, 'Habituation and extinction of fear recruit overlapping forebrain structures', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 128, pp. 7 - 16,

Graham BM; Richardson R, 2016, 'Individual differences in the expression of conditioned fear are associated with endogenous fibroblast growth factor 2', Learning and Memory, 23, pp. 42 - 45,

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