Select Publications

Journal articles

Winnel MS; Wang Z; Malaney R; Aguinaldo R; Green J; Ralph TC, 2024, 'Classical-quantum dual encoding for laser communications in space', New Journal of Physics, 26,

Gosalia RK; Malaney R; Aguinaldo R; Green J, 2024, 'Quantum super-resolution with balanced homodyne detection in low-earth-orbit', Laser Physics, 34,

Shi W; Malaney R, 2024, 'Quantum Routing for Emerging Quantum Networks', IEEE Network, 38, pp. 140 - 146,

Long NK; Malaney R; Grant KJ, 2023, 'A Survey of Machine Learning Assisted Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution', Information (Switzerland), 14,

Al-Juboori A; Zeng HZJ; Nguyen MAP; Ai X; Laucht A; Solntsev A; Toth M; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2023, 'Quantum Key Distribution Using a Quantum Emitter in Hexagonal Boron Nitride', Advanced Quantum Technologies, 6,

Villaseñor E; Winnel MS; Ralph TC; Aguinaldo R; Green J; Malaney R, 2023, 'Protecting classical-quantum signals in free-space optical channels', Physical Review A, 107,

Karunanayake I; Ahmed N; Malaney R; Islam R; Jha SK, 2023, 'Darknet Traffic Analysis: Investigating the Impact of Modified Tor Traffic on Onion Service Traffic Classification', IEEE Access, 11, pp. 70011 - 70022,

Shi W; Malaney R, 2023, 'Entanglement of Signal Paths via Noisy Superconducting Quantum Devices', Entropy, 25,

He M; Malaney R, 2022, 'Teleportation of hybrid entangled states with continuous-variable entanglement', Scientific Reports, 12,

Yan S; Ihsan U; Malaney R; Sun L; Tomasin S, 2022, 'Location Verification for Future Wireless Vehicular Networks: Research Directions and Challenges', IEEE Network, 36, pp. 60 - 66,

Ai X; Malaney R, 2022, 'Optimised Multithreaded CV-QKD Reconciliation for Global Quantum Networks', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70, pp. 6122 - 6132,

Wang Z; Malaney R, 2022, 'Performance analysis of inter-satellite round-robin differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution', Quantum Information Processing, 21,

He M; Malaney R; Aguinaldo R, 2022, 'Teleportation of discrete-variable qubits via continuous-variable lossy channels', Physical Review A, 105,

Zeng HZJ; Ngyuen MAP; Ai X; Bennet A; Solntsev AS; Laucht A; Al-Juboori A; Toth M; Mildren RP; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2022, 'Erratum: Integrated room temperature single-photon source for quantum key distribution (Opt. Lett. (2022) 47 (1673) DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2201.11882)', Optics Letters, 47, pp. 2161 - 2161,

Zeng HZJ; Ngyuen MAP; Ai X; Bennet A; Solnstev AS; Laucht A; Al-Juboori A; Toth M; Mildren RP; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2022, 'Integrated room temperature single-photon source for quantum key distribution', Optics Letters, 47, pp. 1673 - 1676,

Wang Z; Malaney R; Aguinaldo R, 2022, 'Temporal Modes of Light in Satellite-to-Earth Quantum Communications', IEEE Communications Letters, 26, pp. 311 - 315,

Dzurak AS; Epps J; Laucht A; Malaney R; Morello A; Nurdin HI; Pla JJ; Saraiva A; Yang CH, 2022, 'Development of an Undergraduate Quantum Engineering Degree', IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 3,

Ihsan U; Malaney R; Yan S, 2021, 'Neural Network Architectures for Location Estimation in the Internet of Things', IEEE International Conference on Communications,

Kish SP; Villasenor E; Malaney R; Mudge KA; Grant KJ, 2021, 'Use of a Local Local Oscillator for the Satellite-to-Earth Channel', IEEE International Conference on Communications,

Karunanayake I; Ahmed N; Malaney R; Islam R; Jha SK, 2021, 'De-Anonymisation Attacks on Tor: A Survey', IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 23, pp. 2324 - 2350,

Villaseñor E; He M; Wang Z; Malaney R; Win MZ, 2021, 'Enhanced Uplink Quantum Communication With Satellites via Downlink Channels', IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2,

He M; Malaney R; Burnett BA, 2021, 'Noiseless linear amplifiers for multimode states', Physical Review A, 103,

Karunanayake I; Ahmed N; Malaney RA; Islam R; Jha SK, 2021, 'De-Anonymisation Attacks on Tor: A Survey.', IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, 23, pp. 2324 - 2350

Do H; Malaney R; Green J, 2021, 'Satellite‐based distribution of hybrid entanglement', Quantum Engineering, 3,

Wang Z; Malaney R; Burnett B, 2020, 'Satellite-To-Earth Quantum Key Distribution via Orbital Angular Momentum', Physical Review Applied, 14,

Ai X; Malaney R; Ng SX, 2020, 'A Reconciliation Strategy for Real-Time Satellite-Based QKD', IEEE Communications Letters, 24, pp. 1062 - 1066,

He M; Malaney R; Green J, 2020, 'Global Entanglement Distribution with Multi-Mode Non-Gaussian Operations', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38, pp. 528 - 539,

Ahmed N; Michelin RA; Xue W; Ruj S; Malaney R; Kanhere SS; Seneviratne A; Hu W; Janicke H; Jha SK, 2020, 'A Survey of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps', IEEE Access, 8, pp. 134577 - 134601,

Ahmed N; Michelin RA; Xue W; Ruj S; Malaney RA; Kanhere SS; Seneviratne A; Hu W; Janicke H; Jha SK, 2020, 'A Survey of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps.', ARXIV, 2006.10306,

Kish SP; Villaseñor E; Malaney R; Mudge KA; Grant KJ, 2020, 'Feasibility assessment for practical continuous variable quantum key distribution over the satellite‐to‐Earth channel', Quantum Engineering, 2,

He M; Malaney R; Green J, 2020, 'Multimode CV‐QKD with non‐Gaussian operations', Quantum Engineering, 2,

Ihsan U; Yan S; Malaney R, 2019, 'Location Verification for Emerging Wireless Vehicular Networks', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, pp. 10261 - 10272,

Hosseinidehaj N; Babar Z; Malaney R; Ng SX; Hanzo L, 2019, 'Satellite-based continuous-variable quantum communications: State-of-the-art and a predictive outlook', IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 21, pp. 881 - 919,

Chen R; Li C; Yan S; Malaney RA; Yuan J, 2019, 'Physical Layer Security for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications.', IEEE Wirel. Commun., 26, pp. 6 - 11,

Hosseinidehaj N; Babar Z; Malaney RA; Ng SX; Hanzo L, 2019, 'Satellite-Based Continuous-Variable Quantum Communications: State-of-the-Art and a Predictive Outlook.', IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, 21, pp. 881 - 919

Yan S; Yang N; Land I; Malaney R; Yuan J, 2018, 'Three Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Transmission Schemes in Wiretap Channels', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, pp. 3669 - 3673,

Yan S; Peters GW; Nevat I; Malaney R, 2018, 'Location verification systems based on received signal strength with unknown transmit power', IEEE Communications Letters, 22, pp. 650 - 653,

Malaney R, 2018, 'A Note on the Information-Theoretic-(in)Security of Fading Generated Secret Keys', Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM, 00, pp. 1 - 6,

Hosseinidehaj N; Malaney R, 2017, 'CV-MDI quantum key distribution via satellite', Quantum Information and Computation, 17, pp. 361 - 379

Hosseinidehaj N; Malaney R, 2017, 'CV-MDI Quantum Key Distribution via Satellite', Quantum Inf. Comput., 17, pp. 361 - 379,

Hosseinidehaj N; Malaney R, 2017, 'CV-MDI quantum key distribution via satellite', Quantum Information and Computation, 17, pp. 361 - 379,

Malaney R, 2016, 'The Quantum Car', IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 5, pp. 624 - 627,

Xie Y; Li J; Malaney R; Yuan J, 2016, 'Improved quantum LDPC decoding strategies for the misidentified quantum depolarization channel', European Signal Processing Conference, 2016-November, pp. 493 - 497,

Liu C; Yang N; Malaney R; Yuan J, 2016, 'Artificial-Noise-Aided Transmission in Multi-Antenna Relay Wiretap Channels With Spatially Random Eavesdroppers', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15, pp. 7444 - 7456,

Liu C; Malaney R, 2016, 'Location-Based Beamforming and Physical Layer Security in Rician Wiretap Channels', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15, pp. 7847 - 7857,

Yan S; Malaney R; Nevat I; Peters GW, 2016, 'Location Verification Systems for VANETs in Rician Fading Channels', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65, pp. 5652 - 5664,

Hosseinidehaj N; Malaney R, 2016, 'Erratum: Gaussian entanglement distribution via satellite (Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2015) 91 (022304))', Physical Review A, 93,

Yan S; Nevat I; Peters GW; Malaney R, 2016, 'Location Verification Systems under Spatially Correlated Shadowing', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15, pp. 4132 - 4144,

Hosseinidehaj N; Malaney R, 2016, 'Erratum: Gaussian Entanglement Distribution via Satellite', Physical Review A

Yan S; Malaney R, 2016, 'Location-Based Beamforming for Enhancing Secrecy in Rician Wiretap Channels', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15, pp. 2780 - 2791,

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