Select Publications


Raposo VL; Beran RG, 2022, Preface

Beran RG, 2013, Legal and Forensic Medicine, Springer Verlag

Beran RG, 2010, Antiepileptic Drug Prophylactic Treatment: Overview, Panayiotopoulos CP, (ed.), SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD,

Schapel G; Danta G; Beran RG; Somerville E; Mclaughlin D, 1999, Australian study of titration to effect profile (AUS-Steps): a prospective open-label multicentre study of high-dose gabapentin (GPT, neurontin) in patients with uncontrolled partial epileptic seizure already taking one to three, Original

Beran RG; Hung A; Plunkett M; Sacht , 1999, Predictability of visual field defects in patients exposed to GABAergic agents, viga-batrin or tiagabine., Original

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