Select Publications
Journal articles
2019, 'Multiphase flow under heterogeneous wettability conditions studied by special core analysis and pore-scale imaging', SPE Journal, 24, pp. 1234 - 1247,
,2019, 'Pore network extraction using geometrical domain decomposition', Advances in Water Resources, 123, pp. 70 - 83,
,2018, 'Functionalisation of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)- Microfluidic Devices coated with Rock Minerals', Scientific Reports, 8,
,2018, 'Influence of wettability on phase connectivity and electrical resistivity', Physical Review E, 98,
,2018, 'High-pressure X-ray imaging to interpret coal permeability', Fuel, 226, pp. 573 - 582,
,2018, 'Geometric state function for two-fluid flow in porous media', Physical Review Fluids, 3,
,2018, 'Dynamic imaging of multiphase flow through porous media using 4D cumulative reconstruction', Journal of Microscopy, 272, pp. 12 - 24,
,2018, 'Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Increased Ganglion Dynamics During Fractional Flow in Mixed-Wet Porous Media', Water Resources Research, 54, pp. 3277 - 3289,
,2018, 'Time-Lapsed Visualization and Characterization of Shale Diffusion Properties Using 4D X-ray Microcomputed Tomography', Energy and Fuels, 32, pp. 2889 - 2900,
,2018, 'Coal permeability: Gas slippage linked to permeability rebound', Fuel, 215, pp. 844 - 852,
,2018, 'Keyblock stability analysis of longhole stopes', Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 118, pp. 243 - 250,
,2018, 'Multiphase flow in porous rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed microtomography', Petrophysics, 55
,2017, 'Topological Characterization of Fractured Coal', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, pp. 9849 - 9861,
,2017, 'Impact of Mineralization on Digital Coal Properties', Energy and Fuels, 31, pp. 11558 - 11568,
,2017, 'Digital rock analysis for accurate prediction of fractured media permeability', Journal of Hydrology, 554, pp. 817 - 826,
,2017, 'Coal-on-a-Chip: Visualizing Flow in Coal Fractures', Energy and Fuels, 31, pp. 10393 - 10403,
,2017, 'Coal ash content estimation using fuzzy curves and ensemble neural networks for well log analysis', International Journal of Coal Geology, 181, pp. 11 - 22,
,2017, 'Pore-Scale Characterization of Two-Phase Flow Using Integral Geometry', Transport in Porous Media, 118, pp. 99 - 117,
,2017, 'Rough-walled discrete fracture network modelling for coal characterisation', Fuel, 191, pp. 442 - 453,
,2017, 'Cleat-scale characterisation of coal: An overview', Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 39, pp. 143 - 160,
,2017, 'Digital coal: Generation of fractured cores with microscale features', Fuel, 207, pp. 93 - 101,
,2017, 'Local diffusion coefficient measurements in shale using dynamic micro-computed tomography', Fuel, 207, pp. 312 - 322,
,2016, 'Micro-CT image calibration to improve fracture aperture measurement', Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 6, pp. 4 - 13,
,2016, 'Beyond Darcy's law: The role of phase topology and ganglion dynamics for two-fluid flow', Physical Review E, 94,
,2016, 'Coal cleat reconstruction using micro-computed tomography imaging', Fuel, 181, pp. 286 - 299,
,2016, 'Pore Scale Dynamics of Microemulsion Formation', Langmuir, 32, pp. 7096 - 7108,
,2016, 'A microfluidic framework for studying relative permeability in coal', International Journal of Coal Geology, 159, pp. 183 - 193,
,2016, 'Connected pathway relative permeability from pore-scale imaging of imbibition', Advances in Water Resources, 90, pp. 24 - 35,
,2016, 'Modeling of Pore-Scale Two-Phase Phenomena Using Density Functional Hydrodynamics', Transport in Porous Media, 112, pp. 577 - 607,
,2016, 'Pore-scale displacement mechanisms as a source of hysteresis for two-phase flow in porous media', Water Resources Research, 52, pp. 2194 - 2205,
,2016, 'Porosity and permeability characterization of coal: a micro-computed tomography study', International Journal of Coal Geology, 154, pp. 57 - 68
,2015, 'Experimental characterization of nonwetting phase trapping and implications for geologic CO
2015, 'Experience with the development and use of a simple DFN approach over a period of 30 years', Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 124, pp. 178 - 187,
,2015, 'The effect of pore morphology on microbial enhanced oil recovery', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 130, pp. 16 - 25,
,2015, 'From connected pathway flow to ganglion dynamics', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 3888 - 3894,
,2015, 'Modeling the velocity field during Haines jumps in porous media', Advances in Water Resources, 77, pp. 57 - 68,
,2015, 'Onset of Oil Mobilization and Nonwetting-Phase Cluster-Size Distribution', PETROPHYSICS, 56, pp. 15 - 22,
,2015, 'Capillary saturation and desaturation', Physical Review E, 92, pp. 063023 - 063023
,2015, 'Pore scale imaging and modelling of coal properties', The APPEA Journal, 55, pp. 468 - 468,
,2014, 'Subsecond pore-scale displacement processes and relaxation dynamics in multiphase flow', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 9162 - 9176,
,2014, 'Fast X-ray Micro-Tomography of Multiphase Flow in Berea Sandstone: A Sensitivity Study on Image Processing', Transport in Porous Media, 105, pp. 451 - 469,
,2014, 'Critical capillary number: Desaturation studied with fast X-ray computed microtomography', Geophysical Research Letters
,2013, 'Application of Digital Rock Technology for Chemical EOR Screening', SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference
,2013, 'Interfacial velocities and capillary pressure gradients during Haines jumps', Physical Review E, 88, pp. 043010 - 043010
,2013, 'Trapping and hysteresis in two-phase flow in porous media: A pore-network study', Water Resources Research, 49, pp. 4244 - 4256
,2013, 'Using Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Microtomography and Functional Contrast Agents in Environmental Applications', Soil–Water–Root Processes: Advances in Tomography and Imaging, pp. 1 - 22
,2012, 'Investigating the pore-scale mechanisms of microbial enhanced oil recovery', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 94, pp. 155 - 164
,2012, 'Linking pore-scale interfacial curvature to column-scale capillary pressure', Advances in Water Resources, 46, pp. 55 - 62
,2012, 'Microbial enhanced oil recovery in fractional-wet systems: A pore-scale investigation', Transport in porous media, 92, pp. 819 - 835
,2011, 'Analysis of interfacial curvature during drainage and imbibition', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, pp. 02 - 02