Select Publications
Journal articles
2022, 'Renewal of academic psychiatry without addressing gender equity will render it Jurassic rather than endangered', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57,
,2022, 'The impact of depression, anxiety and comorbidity on occupational outcomes', Occupational Medicine, 72, pp. 17 - 24,
,2022, 'Ubiquitous Emotional Exhaustion in School Principals: Stable Trait, Enduring Autoregressive Trend, or Occasion-Specific State?', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 426 - 441,
,2021, '‘The hardest job I’ve ever done’: a qualitative exploration of the factors affecting junior doctors’ mental health and well-being during medical training in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 21, pp. 1342,
,2021, 'Development of the shift smartphone app to support the emotional well-being of junior physicians: Design of a prototype and results of usability and acceptability testing', JMIR Formative Research, 5, pp. e26370,
,2021, 'Help-seeking for depression among Australian doctors', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 2069 - 2077,
,2021, 'Mental health screening amongst police officers: factors associated with under-reporting of symptoms', BMC Psychiatry, 21,
,2021, 'Prevalence, types and recognition of cognitive impairment in dialysis patients in South Eastern Sydney', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 2034 - 2041,
,2021, 'Mental illness and suicide among physicians', The Lancet, 398, pp. 920 - 930,
,2021, 'Can an online mental health training programme improve physician supervisors' behaviour towards trainees?', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 1441 - 1449,
,2021, 'Shared decision-making and the implementation of treatment recommendations for depression', Patient Education and Counseling, 104, pp. 2119 - 2121,
,2021, 'The impact of communicating personal mental ill-health risk: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 15, pp. 932 - 941,
,2021, 'The voice of mental health practice in Australia: a mixed-method cross-sectional study of gaps and areas of need', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 318 - 324,
,2021, 'Workplace stress, common mental disorder and suicidal ideation in junior doctors', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 1074 - 1080,
,2021, 'Pre-Employment MMPI-2 Measures and Later Psychological Injury-Related Absenteeism among Police Officers', Policing (Oxford), 15, pp. 1316 - 1325,
,2021, 'Workplace Mental Health Awareness Training A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63, pp. 311 - 316,
,2021, 'e-mental health program usage patterns in randomized controlled trials and in the general public to inform external validity considerations: Sample groupings using cluster analyses', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, pp. e18348,
,2021, '‘Having a thick skin is essential’: mental health challenges for young apprentices in Australia', Journal of Youth Studies, 24, pp. 355 - 371,
,2020, 'Co-designing a web-based decision aid tool for employees disclosure of mental health conditions: A participatory study design using employee and organizational preferences', JMIR Formative Research, 4, pp. e23337,
,2020, 'The well-being of medical students: A biopsychosocial approach', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 997 - 1006,
,2020, 'The Utility of a Mental Health App in Apprentice Workers: A Pilot Study', Frontiers in Public Health, 8, pp. 389,
,2020, 'A pilot evaluation of a smartphone application for workplace depression', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 14,
,2020, 'Co-Designing a Web-Based Decision Aid Tool for Employees Disclosure of Mental Health Conditions: A Participatory Study Design Using Employee and Organizational Preferences (Preprint)', ,
,2020, 'A review and agenda for examining how technology-driven changes at work will impact workplace mental health and employee well-being', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 402 - 424,
,2020, 'Unemployment, suicide and COVID-19: using the evidence to plan for prevention', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 153 - 154.e1,
,2020, 'Pre-incident training to build resilience in first responders: Recommendations on what to and what not to do.', Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes.,
,2020, 'Pre-incident training to build resilience in first responders: Recommendations on what to and what not to do.', Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes,
,2020, 'A meta-regression of the impact of policy on the efficacy of individual placement and support', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 141, pp. 206 - 220,
,2020, 'e-Mental Health Program Usage Patterns in Randomized Controlled Trials and in the General Public to Inform External Validity Considerations: Sample Groupings Using Cluster Analyses (Preprint)', ,
,2020, 'Working hours, common mental disorder and suicidal ideation among junior doctors in Australia: A cross-sectional survey', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e033525,
,2020, 'A prospective study of pre-employment psychological testing amongst police recruits', Occupational Medicine, 70, pp. 162 - 168,
,2019, 'A comparison of face-to-face and online training in improving managers' confidence to support the mental health of workers', Internet Interventions, 18,
,2019, 'Using cluster analysis to explore engagement and e-attainment as emergent behavior in electronic mental health', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, pp. e14728,
,2019, 'Prevalence, detection and associations of depression in Australian dialysis patients', Australasian Psychiatry, 27, pp. 444 - 449,
,2019, 'Mental Health Training Programs for Secondary School Teachers: A Systematic Review', School Mental Health, 11, pp. 489 - 508,
,2019, 'The relationship between depression symptoms, absenteeism and presenteeism', Journal of Affective Disorders, 256, pp. 536 - 540,
,2019, 'Web-based decision aid tool for disclosure of a mental health condition in the workplace: A randomised controlled trial', Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76, pp. 595 - 602,
,2019, 'A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate HeadCoach: An Online Mental Health Training Program for Workplace Managers', Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61, pp. 545 - 551,
,2019, 'Mental health and mindfulness amongst Australian fire fighters', BMC Psychology, 7, pp. 34,
,2019, 'Medical students’ preferences regarding Psychiatry teaching: a comparison of different lecture delivery methods', MedEdPublish, 8, pp. 163,
,2019, 'A blended face-to-face and smartphone intervention for suicide prevention in the construction industry: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial with MATES in Construction', BMC Psychiatry, 19, pp. 146,
,2019, 'Effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation, behaviour and mental ill health in medical students: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 22, pp. 84 - 90,
,2019, 'Interventions to reduce symptoms of common mental disorders and suicidal ideation in physicians – Authors' reply', The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, pp. 370 - 371,
,2019, 'Can Resilience be Measured and Used to Predict Mental Health Symptomology among First Responders Exposed to Repeated Trauma?', Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61, pp. 285 - 292,
,2019, 'Interventions to reduce symptoms of common mental disorders and suicidal ideation in physicians: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, pp. 225 - 234,
,2019, 'Are young men getting the message? Age differences in suicide prevention literacy among male construction workers', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, pp. 475,
,2019, 'Resilience@Work mindfulness program: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial with first responders', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, pp. e12894,
,2018, 'Deciding to Disclose a Mental Health Condition in Male Dominated Workplaces; A Focus-Group Study', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, pp. 684,
,2018, 'Preliminary effectiveness of a smartphone app to reduce depressive symptoms in the workplace: feasibility and acceptability study', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6, pp. e11661,
,2018, 'The impact of trauma exposure on the development of PTSD and psychological distress in a volunteer fire service', Psychiatry Research, 270, pp. 1110 - 1115,