Select Publications

Journal articles

Madan I; Henderson M; Hashtroud A; Hope V; Harvey SB, 2013, 'A prospective evaluation of mental health training for occupational health practitioners.', Occupational Medicine - Oxford, 63, pp. 217 - 223,

knudsen AK; Harvey SB; Mykletun A; Overland S, 2013, 'Common mental disorders and long-term sickness absence in a general working population. The Hordaland Health Study.', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127, pp. 287 - 297,

Harvey SB; Wessely S, 2013, 'How should functional somatic syndromes be diagnosed?', International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20, pp. 239 - 241,

Hatch SL; Harvey SB; Wessely S; Dandeker C; Burdett H; Greenberg N; Fear NT, 2013, 'Life in and after the Armed Forces: Social networks and mental health in the UK military', Sociology of Health and Illness,

Hatch S; Harvey SB; Dandeker C; Burdett H; Greenberg N; Fear N; Wessely S, 2013, 'Life in and after the Armed forces: social networks and the mental health of service leavers in the UK', Sociology of Health and Illness, EPUB ahead of print,

Harvey SB; Modini M; Christensen HM; Glozier N, 2013, 'Severe mental illness and work: what can we do to maximise the employment opportunities for individuals with psychosis?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47, pp. 421 - 424,

Henderson M; Harvey SB; Øverland S; Mykletun A; Hotopf M, 2012, 'Work and common psychiatric disorders', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 105, pp. 198 - 207,

knudsen AK; Lervik LV; Harvey SB; Løvvik CMS; Omenås AN; Mykletun A, 2012, 'Comparison of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy with other disorders: an observational study', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Short Reports, 3, pp. 1 - 7,

Williams S; Rogers C; Peel P; Harvey SB; Henderson M; Madan I; Smedley J; Grant R, 2012, 'Measuring how well the NHS looks after its own staff:methodology of the first national clinical audits of occupational health services in the NHS', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18, pp. 283 - 289

knudsen AK; Skogen JC; Harvey SB; Stewart R; Hotopf M; Moran P, 2012, 'Personality disorders, common mental disorders and receipt of disability benefits: evidence from the British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity', Psychological Medicine, 42, pp. 2631 - 2640,

Chan H-N; Mitchell PB; Loo CK; Harvey SB, 2012, 'Pharmacological treatment approaches to difficult-to-treat depression', MJA Open, 1, pp. 44 - 47,

Mykletun A; Harvey SB, 2012, 'Prevention of mental disorders: a new era for workplace mental health', Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 69, pp. 868 - 869,

Henderson M; Brooks SK; Del Busso L; Chalder T; Harvey SB; Hotopf M; Madan I; Hatch S, 2012, 'Shame! Self-stigmatisation as an obstacle to sick doctors returning to work: A qualitative study', BMJ Open, 2, pp. Art. No. e001776,

Harvey SB; Hatch S; Jones M; Hull L; Jones N; Greenberg N; Dandeker C; Fear N; Wessely S, 2012, 'The long term consequences of military deployment: a 5 year cohort study of UK Reservists deployed in Iraq', American Journal of Epidemiology, 176, pp. 1177 - 1184

Overland S; Harvey SB; knudsen AK; Mykletun A; Hotopf M, 2012, 'Widespread pain and medically certified disability pension in the Hordaland Health Study', European Journal of Pain, 16, pp. 611 - 620

Knudsen AK; Henderson M; Harvey SB; Chalder T, 2011, 'Long-term sickness absence among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome', British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, pp. 430 - 431,

Harvey SB; Hatch SL; Jones M; Hull L; Jones N; Greenberg N; Dandeker C; Fear NT; Wessely S, 2011, 'Coming Home: Social Functioning and the Mental Health of UK Reservists on Return From Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan', Annals of Epidemiology, 21, pp. 666 - 672,

Winton-Brown TT; Harvey SB; McGuire PK, 2011, 'The diagnostic significance of BLIPS (Brief Limited Intermittent Psychotic Symptoms) in Psychosis', Schizophrenia Research, 131, pp. 256 - 257,

Mykletun A; Glozier N; Wenzel HG; Øverland S; Harvey SB; Wessely S; Hotopf M, 2011, 'Reverse causality in the association between whiplash and symptoms of anxiety and depression: The HUNT study', Spine, 36, pp. 1380 - 1386,

Harvey SB; Glozier N; Henderson M; Allaway S; Litchfield P; Holland-Elliott K; Hotopf M, 2011, 'Depression and work performance: An ecological study using web-based screening', Occupational Medicine, 61, pp. 209 - 211,

Knudsen AK; Omenås AN; Harvey SB; Løvvik CM; Lervik LV; Mykletun A, 2011, 'Chronic fatigue syndrome in the media: a content analysis of newspaper articles.', JRSM Short Rep, 2, pp. 42,

Harvey SB; Mykletun A; Wessely S, 2010, 'Making sense of fatigue: The need for a balanced approach', Occupational Medicine, 60, pp. 665 - 666,

Harvey SB; Hotopf M; Øverland S; Mykletun A, 2010, 'Physical activity and common mental disorders', British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, pp. 357 - 364,

Knudsen AK; Øverland S; Aakvaag HF; Harvey SB; Hotopf M; Mykletun A, 2010, 'Common mental disorders and disability pension award: Seven year follow-up of the HUSK study', Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69, pp. 59 - 67,

Harvey SB; Glozier N; Carlton O; Mykletun A; Henderson M; Hotopf M; Holland-Elliott K, 2010, 'Obesity and sickness absence: Results from the CHAP study', Occupational Medicine, 60, pp. 362 - 368,

Hatch SL; Harvey SB; Maughan B, 2010, 'A developmental-contextual approach to understanding mental health and well-being in early adulthood', Social Science and Medicine, 70, pp. 261 - 268,

Harvey SB; Wessely S, 2009, 'Chronic fatigue syndrome: Identifying zebras amongst the horses', BMC Medicine, 7, pp. 58,

Skogen JC; Harvey SB; Henderson M; Stordal E; Mykletun A, 2009, 'Anxiety and depression among abstainers and low-level alcohol consumers. the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study', Addiction, 104, pp. 1519 - 1529,

Harvey SB; Henderson M, 2009, 'Occupational psychiatry', Psychiatry, 8, pp. 174 - 178,

Harvey SB; Wessely S; Kuh D; Hotopf M, 2009, 'The relationship between fatigue and psychiatric disorders: Evidence for the concept of neurasthenia', Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 66, pp. 445 - 454,

Rivenes AC; Harvey SB; Mykletun A, 2009, 'The relationship between abdominal fat, obesity, and common mental disorders: Results from the HUNT Study', Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 66, pp. 269 - 275,

Harvey SB; Wessely S, 2009, 'Tired all the time: Can new research on fatigue help clinicians?', British Journal of General Practice, 59, pp. 237 - 239,

Williams S; Harvey S, 2009, 'Management of depression in NHS staff: Results of the first national clinical audit', Occupational Health, 61, pp. 29 - 30

Harvey SB; Henderson M; Lelliott P; Hotopf M, 2009, 'Mental health and employment: Much work still to be done', British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, pp. 201 - 203,

Harvey SB; Ismail K, 2008, 'Psychiatric aspects of chronic physical disease', Medicine, 36, pp. 471 - 474,

Harvey SB; Dean K; Morgan C; Walsh E; Demjaha A; Dazzan P; Morgan K; Lloyd T; Fearon P; Jones PB; Murray RM, 2008, 'Authors' reply', British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, pp. 167,

Harvey SB; Wadsworth M; Wessely S; Hotopf M, 2008, 'The relationship between prior psychiatric disorder and chronic fatigue: Evidence from a national birth cohort study', Psychological Medicine, 38, pp. 933 - 940,

Harvey SB; Wadsworth M; Wessely S; Hotopf M, 2008, 'Etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome: Testing popular hypotheses using a national birth cohort study', Psychosomatic Medicine, 70, pp. 488 - 495,

Harvey SB; Dean K; Morgan C; Walsh E; Demjaha A; Dazzan P; Morgan K; Lloyd T; Fearon P; Jones PB; Murray RM, 2008, 'Self-harm in first-episode psychosis', British Journal of Psychiatry, 192, pp. 178 - 184,

Kooyman I; Dean K; Harvey S; Walsh E, 2007, 'Outcomes of public concern in schizophrenia', British Journal of Psychiatry, 191,

Harvey S, 2007, 'Post-trauma management at work', Occupational Health Review, pp. 17 - 18

Harvey SB; Stanton BR; David AS, 2006, 'Conversion disorder: Towards a neurobiological understanding', Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2, pp. 13 - 20

Harvey SB; Newton A; Moye GA, 2005, 'Physical health monitoring in schizophrenia: The use of an invitational letter in a primary care setting', Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, 10, pp. 71 - 74,

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