Select Publications


Foster C; Sande JVD; D'Eugenio F; Cortese L; McDermid RM; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Bryant J; Croom SM; Goodwin M; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence J; Lopez-Sanchez AR; Medling AM; Owers MS; Richards SN; Scott N; Taranu DS; Tonini C; Zafar T, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the intrinsic shape of kinematically selected galaxies, ,

Tescari E; Cortese L; Power C; Wyithe JSB; Ho I-T; Crain RA; Bland-Hawthorn J; Croom SM; Kewley LJ; Schaye J; Bower RG; Theuns T; Schaller M; Barnes L; Brough S; Bryant JJ; Goodwin M; Gunawardhana MLP; Lawrence JS; Leslie SK; López-Sánchez ÁR; Lorente NPF; Medling AM; Richards SN; Sweet SM; Tonini C, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: understanding observations of large-scale outflows at low redshift with EAGLE simulations, ,

Scott N; Brough S; Croom SM; Davies RL; van de Sande J; Allen JT; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bryant JJ; Cortese L; D'Eugenio F; Federrath C; Ferreras I; Goodwin M; Groves B; Konstantopoulos I; Lawrence JS; Medling AM; Moffett AJ; Owers MS; Richards S; Robotham ASG; Tonini C; Yi SK, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Global stellar populations on the size-mass plane, ,

Rowlands K; Wild V; Bourne N; Bremer M; Brough S; Driver SP; Hopkins AM; Owers MS; Phillipps S; Pimbblet K; Sansom AE; Wang L; Alpaslan M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Colless M; Holwerda BW; Taylor EN, 2017, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The mechanisms for quiescent galaxy formation at $z<1$, ,

Leslie SK; Bryant JJ; Ho I-T; Sadler EM; Medling AM; Groves B; Kewley LJ; Bland-Hawthorn J; Croom SM; Wong OI; Brough S; Tescari E; Sweet SM; Sharp R; Green AW; López-Sánchez AR; Allen JT; Fogarty LMR; Goodwin M; Lawrence JS; Konstantopoulos IS; Owers MS; Richards SN, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Disk-halo interactions in radio-selected star-forming galaxies, ,

Sande JVD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Croom SM; Cortese L; Foster C; Scott N; Bryant JJ; d'Eugenio F; Tonini C; Goodwin M; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; Medling AM; Owers MS; Richards SN; Schaefer AL; Yi SK, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Revising the Fraction of Slow Rotators in IFS Galaxy Surveys, ,

Zhou L; Federrath C; Yuan T; Bian F; Medling AM; Shi Y; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bryant JJ; Brough S; Catinella B; Croom SM; Goodwin M; Goldstein G; Green AW; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; Owers MS; Richards SN; Sanchez SF, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: energy sources of the turbulent velocity dispersion in spatially-resolved local star-forming galaxies, ,

Pearson RJ; Ponman TJ; Norberg P; Robotham ASG; Babul A; Bower RG; McCarthy IG; Brough S; Driver SP; Pimbblet K, 2017, Galaxy And Mass Assembly: search for a population of high-entropy galaxy groups, ,

van der Burg RFJ; Hoekstra H; Muzzin A; Sifon C; Viola M; Bremer MN; Brough S; Driver SP; Erben T; Heymans C; Hildebrandt H; Holwerda BW; Klaes D; Kuijken K; McGee S; Nakajima R; Napolitano N; Norberg P; Taylor EN; Valentijn E, 2017, The abundance of ultra-diffuse galaxies from groups to clusters: UDGs are relatively more common in more massive haloes, ,

Ching JHY; Croom SM; Sadler EM; Robotham ASG; Brough S; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Colless M; Driver SP; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Jarvis MJ; Johnston HM; Kelvin LS; Liske J; Loveday J; Norberg P; Pracy MB; Steele O; Thomas D; Wang L, 2017, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The environments of high- and low- excitation radio galaxies, ,

Khosroshahi HG; Raouf M; Miraghaei H; Brough S; Croton DJ; Driver S; Graham A; Baldry I; Brown M; Prescott M; Wang L, 2017, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): 'No Smoking' zone for giant elliptical galaxies?, ,

Bassett R; Bekki K; Cortese L; Couch WJ; Sansom AE; van de Sande J; Bryant JJ; Foster C; Croom SM; Brough S; Sweet SM; Medling AM; Owers MS; Driver SP; Davies LJM; Wong OI; Groves BA; Bland-Hawthorn J; Richards SN; Goodwin M; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Kinematics of Dusty Early-Type Galaxies, ,

Brough S; van de Sande J; Owers MS; d'Eugenio F; Sharp R; Cortese L; Scott N; Croom SM; Bassett R; Bekki K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bryant JJ; Davies R; Drinkwater MJ; Driver SP; Foster C; Goldstein G; Lopez-Sanchez AR; Medling AM; Sweet SM; Taranu DS; Tonini C; Yi SK; Goodwin M; Lawrence JS; Richards SN, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: mass as the driver of the kinematic morphology - density relation in clusters, ,

Federrath C; Salim DM; Medling AM; Davies RL; Yuan T; Bian F; Groves BA; Ho I-T; Sharp R; Kewley LJ; Sweet SM; Richards SN; Bryant JJ; Brough S; Croom S; Scott N; Lawrence J; Konstantopoulos I; Goodwin M, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: a new method to estimate molecular gas surface densities from star formation rates, ,

Owers MS; Allen JT; Baldry I; Bryant JJ; Cecil GN; Cortese L; Croom SM; Driver SP; Fogarty LMR; Green AW; Helmich E; de Jong JTA; Kuijken K; Mahajan S; McFarland J; Pracy MB; Robotham AGS; Sikkema G; Sweet S; Taylor EN; Kleijn GV; Bauer AE; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Colless M; Couch WJ; Davies RL; Drinkwater MJ; Goodwin M; Hopkins AM; Konstantopoulos IS; Foster C; Lawrence JS; Lorente NPF; Medling AM; Metcalfe N; Richards SN; van de Sande J; Scott N; Shanks T; Sharp R; Thomas AD; Tonini C, 2017, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: The cluster redshift survey, target selection and cluster properties, ,

Ferreras I; Hopkins AM; Gunawardhana MLP; Sansom AE; Owers MS; Driver S; Davies L; Robotham A; Taylor EN; Konstantopoulos I; Brough S; Norberg P; Croom S; Loveday J; Wang L; Bremer M, 2017, Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Probing the merger histories of massive galaxies via stellar populations, ,

Deeley S; Drinkwater MJ; Cunnama D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Cluver M; Colless M; Davies LJM; Driver SP; Foster C; Grootes MW; Hopkins AM; Kafle PR; Lara-Lopez MA; Liske J; Mahajan S; Phillipps S; Power C; Robotham A, 2017, Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Formation and Growth of Elliptical Galaxies in the Group Environment, ,

Davies LJM; Huynh MT; Hopkins AM; Seymour N; Driver SP; Robotham AGR; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bourne N; Bremer MN; Brown MJI; Brough S; Cluver M; Grootes MW; Jarvis M; Loveday J; Moffet A; Owers M; Phillipps S; Sadler E; Wang L; Wilkins S; Wright A, 2017, Galaxy And Mass Assembly: The 1.4GHz SFR indicator, SFR-M* relation and predictions for ASKAP-GAMA, ,

Velliscig M; Cacciato M; Hoekstra H; Schaye J; Heymans C; Hildebrandt H; Loveday J; Norberg P; Sifón C; Schneider P; van Uitert E; Viola M; Brough S; Erben T; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Kuijken K, 2016, Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in EAGLE: comparison with data from 180 square degrees of the KiDS and GAMA surveys, ,

Brouwer MM; Visser MR; Dvornik A; Hoekstra H; Kuijken K; Valentijn EA; Bilicki M; Blake C; Brough S; Buddelmeijer H; Erben T; Heymans C; Hildebrandt H; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Klaes D; Liske J; Loveday J; McFarland J; Nakajima R; Sifón C; Taylor EN, 2016, First test of Verlinde's theory of Emergent Gravity using Weak Gravitational Lensing measurements, ,

Hinton SR; Kazin E; Davis TM; Blake C; Brough S; Colless M; Couch WJ; Drinkwater MJ; Glazebrook K; Jurek RJ; Parkinson D; Pimbblet KA; Poole GB; Pracy M; Woods D, 2016, Measuring the 2D Baryon Acoustic Oscillation signal of galaxies in WiggleZ: Cosmological constraints, ,

Sande JVD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Fogarty LMR; Cortese L; d'Eugenio F; Croom SM; Scott N; Allen JT; Brough S; Bryant JJ; Cecil G; Colless M; Couch WJ; Davies R; Elahi PJ; Foster C; Goldstein G; Goodwin M; Groves B; Ho I-T; Jeong H; Jones DH; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; Leslie SK; Lopez-Sanchez AR; McDermid RM; McElroy R; Medling AM; Oh S; Owers MS; Richards SN; Schaefer AL; Sharp R; Sweet SM; Taranu D; Tonini C; Walcher CJ; Yi SK, 2016, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Revisiting Galaxy Classification Through High-Order Stellar Kinematics, ,

Oliva-Altamirano P; Brough S; Tran K-V; Jimmy ; Miller C; Bremer MN; Phillipps S; Sharp R; Colless M; Lara-Lopez MA; Lopez-Sanchez AR; Pimbblet K; Kafle PR; Couch WJ, 2016, A Study of Central Galaxy Rotation with Stellar Mass and Environment, ,

Gordon YA; Owers MS; Pimbblet KA; Croom SM; Alpaslan M; Baldry IK; Brough S; Brown MJI; Cluver ME; Conselice CJ; Davies LJM; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Gunawardhana MLP; Loveday J; Taylor EN; Wang L, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Active Galactic Nuclei in Pairs of Galaxies, ,

Bloom JV; Fogarty LMR; Croom SM; Schaefer A; Bryant JJ; Cortese L; Richards S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Ho I-T; Scott N; Goldstein G; Medling A; Brough S; Sweet SM; Cecil G; Lopez-Sanchez A; Glazebrook K; Parker Q; Allen JT; Goodwin M; Green AW; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; Lorente N; Owers MS; Sharp R, 2016, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Asymmetry in Gas Kinematics and its links to Stellar Mass and Star Formation, ,

Oh S; Yi SK; Cortese L; van de Sande J; Mahajan S; Jeong H; Sheen Y-K; Allen JT; Bekki K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bloom JV; Brough S; Bryant JJ; Colless M; Croom SM; Fogarty LMR; Goodwin M; Green A; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence J; López-Sánchez ÁR; Lorente NPF; Medling AM; Owers MS; Richards S; Scott N; Sharp R; Sweet SM, 2016, The SAMI galaxy survey: Galaxy Interactions and Kinematic Anomalies in Abell 119, ,

Schaefer AL; Croom SM; Allen JT; Brough S; Medling AM; Ho I-T; Scott N; Richards SN; Pracy MB; Gunawardhana MLP; Norberg P; Alpaslan M; Bauer AE; Bekki K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bloom JV; Bryant JJ; Couch WJ; Driver SP; Fogarty LMR; Foster C; Goldstein G; Green AW; Hopkins AM; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; López-Sánchez AR; Lorente NPF; Owers MS; Sharp R; Sweet SM; Taylor EN; Sande JVD; Walcher CJ; Wong OI, 2016, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Spatially resolving the environmental quenching of star formation in GAMA galaxies, ,

Kafle PR; Robotham ASG; Lagos CDP; Davies LJ; Moffett AJ; Driver SP; Andrews SK; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Cortese L; Drinkwater MJ; Finnegan R; Hopkins AM; Loveday J, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The absence of stellar mass segregation in galaxy groups and consistent predictions from GALFORM and EAGLE simulations, ,

Williams RP; Baldry IK; Kelvin LS; James PA; Driver SP; Prescott M; Brough S; Brown MJI; Davies LJM; Holwerda BW; Liske J; Norberg P; Moffett AJ; Wright AH, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): detection of low-surface-brightness galaxies from SDSS data, ,

Moffett AJ; Lange R; Driver SP; Robotham ASG; Kelvin LS; Alpaslan M; Andrews SK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Cluver ME; Colless M; Davies LJM; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Kafle PR; Liske J; Meyer M, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the Stellar Mass Budget of Galaxy Spheroids and Disks, ,

Kennedy R; Bamford SP; Häußler B; Brough S; Holwerda B; Hopkins AM; Vika M; Vulcani B, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Galaxy colour gradients versus colour, structure and luminosity, ,

Cortese L; Fogarty LMR; Bekki K; van de Sande J; Couch W; Catinella B; Colless M; Obreschkow D; Taranu D; Tescari E; Barat D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bloom J; Bryant JJ; Cluver M; Croom SM; Drinkwater MJ; d'Eugenio F; Konstantopoulos IS; Lopez-Sanchez A; Mahajan S; Scott N; Tonini C; Wong OI; Allen JT; Brough S; Goodwin M; Green AW; Ho I-T; Kelvin LS; Lawrence JS; Lorente NPF; Medling AM; Owers MS; Richards S; Sharp R; Sweet SM, 2016, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the link between angular momentum and optical morphology, ,

Wang L; Norberg P; Gunawardhana MLP; Heinis S; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bourne N; Brough S; Brown MJI; Cluver ME; Cooray A; da Cunha E; Driver SP; Dunne L; Dye S; Eales S; Grootes MW; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Ibar E; Ivison R; Lacey C; Lara-Lopez MA; Loveday J; Maddox SJ; lowski MJM; Oteo I; Owers MS; Popescu CC; Smith DJB; Taylor EN; Tuffs RJ; van der Werf P, 2016, GAMA/H-ATLAS: Common star-formation rate indicators and their dependence on galaxy physical parameters, ,

Jarrett TH; Cluver ME; Magoulas C; Bilicki M; Alpaslan M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown MJI; Croom S; Driver S; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Loveday J; Norberg P; Peacock JA; Popescu CC; Sadler EM; Taylor EN; Tuffs RJ; Wang L, 2016, Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Exploring the WISE Cosmic Web in G12, ,

Lange R; Moffett AJ; Driver SP; Robotham ASG; Lagos CDP; Kelvin LS; Conselice C; Margalef-Bentabol B; Alpaslan M; Baldry I; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bremer M; Brough S; Cluve M; Colless M; Davies LJM; Häußler B; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Kafle PR; Kennedy R; Liske J; Phillipps S; Popescu CC; Taylor EN; Tuffs R; van Kampen E; Wright AH, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): $\mathcal{M_\star}-R_{\rm e}$ relations of $z=0$ bulges, discs and spheroids, ,

Davies LJM; Driver SP; Robotham ASG; Grootes MW; Popescu CC; Tuffs RJ; Hopkins A; Alpaslan M; Andrews SK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bremer MN; Brough S; Brown MJI; Cluver ME; Croom S; da Cunha E; Dunne L; Lara-Lopez MA; Liske J; Loveday J; Moffett AJ; Owers M; Phillipps S; Sansom AE; Taylor EN; Michalowski MJ; Ibar E; Smith M; Bourne N, 2016, GAMA/H-ATLAS: A meta-analysis of SFR indicators - comprehensive measures of the SFR-M* relation and Cosmic Star Formation History at z < 0.4, ,

Jimmy ; Tran K-V; Saintonge A; Accurso G; Brough S; Oliva-Altamirano P; Salmon B; Forrest B, 2016, Spatial Correlation Between Dust and H$\alpha$ Emission in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies, ,

Kennedy R; Bamford SP; Häußler B; Baldry I; Bremer M; Brough S; Brown MJI; Driver S; Duncan K; Graham AW; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Kelvin LS; Lange R; Phillipps S; Vika M; Vulcani B, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Understanding the wavelength dependence of galaxy structure with bulge-disc decompositions, ,

Brouwer MM; Cacciato M; Dvornik A; Eardley L; Heymans C; Hoekstra H; Kuijken K; McNaught-Roberts T; Sifón C; Viola M; Alpaslan M; Bilicki M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Choi A; Driver SP; Erben T; Grado A; Hildebrandt H; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; de Jong JTA; Liske J; McFarland J; Nakajima R; Napolitano NR; Norberg P; Peacock JA; Radovich M; Robotham ASG; Schneider P; Sikkema G; van Uitert E; Kleijn GV, 2016, Dependence of GAMA galaxy halo masses on the cosmic web environment from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data, ,

Pracy M; Ching J; Sadler E; Croom S; Baldry I; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown M; Couch W; Davis T; Drinkwater M; Hopkins A; Jarvis M; Jelliffe B; Jurek R; Loveday J; Pimbblet K; Prescott M; Wisniosk E; Woods D, 2016, GAMA/WiggleZ: The 1.4GHz radio luminosity functions of high- and low-excitation radio galaxies and their redshift evolution to z=0.75, ,

Wright AH; Robotham ASG; Bourne N; Driver SP; Dunne L; Maddox SJ; Alpaslan M; Andrews SK; Bauer AE; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown MJI; Cluver M; Davies LJM; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Jarrett TH; Kafle PR; Lange R; Liske J; Loveday J; Moffett AJ; Norberg P; Popescu CC; Smith M; Taylor EN; Tuffs RJ; Wang L; Wilkins SM, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Accurate Panchromatic Photometry from Optical Priors using LAMBDAR, ,

van Uitert E; Cacciato M; Hoekstra H; Brouwer M; Sifón C; Viola M; Baldry I; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown MJI; Choi A; Driver SP; Erben T; Heymans C; Hildebrandt H; Joachimi B; Kuijken K; Liske J; Loveday J; McFarland J; Miller L; Nakajima R; Peacock J; Radovich M; Robotham ASG; Schneider P; Sikkema G; Taylor EN; Kleijn GV, 2016, The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data, ,

Alpaslan M; Grootes MW; Marcum PM; Popescu C; Tuffs R; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown MJI; Davies LJM; Driver SP; Holwerda BW; Kelvin LS; Lara-López MA; López-Sánchez ÁR; Loveday J; Moffett A; Taylor EN; Owers M; Robotham ASG, 2016, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Stellar mass growth of spiral galaxies in the cosmic web, ,

Prescott M; Mauch T; Jarvis MJ; McAlpine K; Smith DJB; Fine S; Johnston R; Hardcastle MJ; Baldry IK; Brough S; Brown MJI; Bremer MN; Driver SP; Hopkins AM; Kelvin LS; Loveday J; Norberg P; Obreschkow D; Sadler EM, 2015, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The 325 MHz Radio Luminosity Function of AGN and Star Forming Galaxies, ,

Moffett AJ; Ingarfield SA; Driver SP; Robotham ASG; Kelvin LS; Lange R; Mestric U; Alpaslan M; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Cluver ME; Davies LJM; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Kafle PR; Kennedy R; Norberg P; Taylor EN, 2015, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the Stellar Mass Budget by Galaxy Type, ,

Dariush A; Dib S; Hony S; Smith DJB; Zhukovska S; Dunne L; Eales S; Andrae E; Baes M; Baldry I; Bauer A; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Bourne N; Cava A; Clements D; Cluver M; Cooray A; De Zotti G; Driver S; Grootes MW; Hopkins AM; Hopwood R; Kaviraj S; Kelvin L; Lara-Lopez MA; Liske J; Loveday J; Maddox S; Madore B; Michalowski MJ; Pearson C; Popescu C; Robotham A; Rowlands K; Seibert M; Shabani F; Smith MWL; Taylor EN; Tuffs R; Valiante E; Virdee JS, 2015, H-ATLAS/GAMA: The nature and characteristics of optically red galaxies detected at submillimetre wavelengths, ,

Davies LJM; Robotham ASG; Driver SP; Alpaslan M; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Brown MJI; Cluver ME; Holwerda BW; Hopkins AM; Lara-Lopez MA; Mahajan S; Moffett AJ; Owers MS; Phillipps S, 2015, Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): growing up in a bad neighbourhood - how do low-mass galaxies become passive?, ,

Richards SN; Bryant J; Croom S; Hopkins A; Schaefer A; Bland-Hawthorn J; Allen J; Brough S; Cecil G; Cortese L; Fogarty L; Gunawardhana M; Goodwin M; Green A; Ho I-T; Kewley L; Konstantopoulos I; Lawrence J; Lorente N; Medling A; Owers M; Sharp R; Sweet S; Taylor E, 2015, The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Can we trust aperture corrections to predict star formation?, ,

Jimmy ; Tran K-V; Saintonge A; Accurso G; Brough S; Oliva-Altamirano P, 2015, The Gas Phase Mass Metallicity Relation for Dwarf Galaxies: Dependence on Star Formation Rate and HI Gas Mass, ,

Fogarty LMR; Scott N; Owers MS; Croom SM; Bekki K; Houghton RCW; van de Sande J; D'Eugenio F; Cecil GN; Colless MM; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brough S; Cortese L; Davies RL; Jones DH; Pracy M; Allen JT; Bryant JJ; Goodwin M; Green AW; Konstantopoulos IS; Lawrence JS; Lorente NPF; Richards S; Sharp RG, 2015, The SAMI Pilot Survey: Stellar Kinematics of Galaxies in Abell 85, 168 and 2399, ,

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