Select Publications
Book Chapters
2020, 'Economic impacts and implications of climate change in the Pacific', in Springer Climate, pp. 475 - 498,
,2018, 'The effects of skilled emigration on small island nations', in Handbook of Small States: Economic, Social and Environmental Issues, pp. 403 - 415,
,2018, 'The effects of skilled emigration on small states', in Handbook of Small States Economic, Social and Environmental Issues, Routledge, New York, pp. 403 - 415
,2014, 'Responding to natural versus human-made disasters: lessons from Fiji', in Sakai M; Jurriens E; Zhang J; Thornton A (ed.), Disaster Relief in the Asia Pacific, Routledge, London, pp. 189 - 205,
,2009, 'Economic Policy Making', in May RJ (ed.), Policy Making and Implementation: Studies for Papua New Guinea, ANU E Press, Canberra, pp. 41 - 56
,2009, 'Swim or Sink: The post-coup economy in limbo', in Fraenkel J; Firth S; Lal BV (ed.), The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji: A coup to End all Coups?, ANU E Press, Canberra, pp. 139 - 154