Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'The Effect of β-Hydrogens on the Tropospheric Photochemistry of Aldehydes: Norrish Type 1, Triple Fragmentation, and Methylketene Formation from Propanal', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, pp. 21308 - 21319,
,2023, 'Assessing the atmospheric fate of trifluoroacetaldehyde (CF
2023, 'Photophysical oxidation of HCHO produces HO
2023, 'Intramolecular hole-transfer in protonated anthracene', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, pp. 19524 - 19531,
,2023, 'Tribute to Paul L. Houston', The journal of physical chemistry. A, 127, pp. 2068 - 2070,
,2022, 'POPTARTS: A New Method to Determine Quantum Yields in a Molecular Beam', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, pp. 9268 - 9275,
,2022, 'Evaluating the contribution of the unexplored photochemistry of aldehydes on the tropospheric levels of molecular hydrogen (H2)', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, pp. 12367 - 12386,
,2022, 'The dynamics of CO production from the photolysis of acetone across the whole S
2022, 'An assessment of the tropospherically accessible photo-initiated ground state chemistry of organic carbonyls', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, pp. 929 - 949,
,2022, 'PAH Growth in Flames and Space: Formation of the Phenalenyl Radical', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, pp. 101 - 108,
,2021, 'Photodissociation of dicarbon: How nature breaks an unusual multiple bond', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118,
,2021, 'Photodissociation dynamics of CF
2021, 'PAH growth in flames and space: Formation of phenalenyl radical', ,
,2021, 'Photodissociation of CF3CHO provides a new source of CHF3 (HFC-23) in the atmosphere: implications for new refrigerants.', ,
,2021, 'Disentangling the H
2020, 'Rotational resonances in the H
2020, 'The Under-Explored Possibilities of Ground State Carbonyl Photochemistry', ,
,2020, 'Predicting Carbonyl Excitation Energies Efficiently Using EOM-CC Trends', ,
,2020, 'Structural Causes of Singlet/triplet Preferences of Norrish Type II Reactions in Carbonyls', ,
,2020, 'Predicting Carbonyl Excitation Energies Efficiently Using EOM-CC Trends', ,
,2020, 'Perceptions and Misconceptions about the Undergraduate Laboratory from Chemistry, Physics and Biology Academics', International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 28, pp. 1 - 15,
,2020, 'Predicting Carbonyl Excitation Energies Efficiently Using EOM-CC Trends', ,
,2020, 'Structural Causes of Singlet/triplet Preferences of Norrish Type II Reactions in Carbonyls', ,
,2020, 'The Under-Explored Possibilities of Ground State Carbonyl Photochemistry', ,
,2019, 'Structural Effects on the Norrish Type i α-Bond Cleavage of Tropospherically Important Carbonyls', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, pp. 10381 - 10396,
,2019, 'Quantum-Induced Symmetry Breaking in the Deuterated Dihydroanthracenyl Radical', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, pp. 6711 - 6719,
,2019, 'Quantum-Induced Symmetry-Breaking in the Deuterated Dihydroanthracenyl Radical', ,
,2019, 'Using teacher voices to develop the ASELL schools professional development workshops', Teaching Science, 65, pp. 4 - 12,;res=IELHSS;issn=1449-6313
,2019, 'Dynamics and quantum yields of H
2019, 'What can instructors focus on when improving undergraduate science experiments? Supporting a cross- disciplinary approach', International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27, pp. 25 - 40
,2018, 'Photo-tautomerization of acetaldehyde as a photochemical source of formic acid in the troposphere', Nature Communications, 9, pp. 2584,
,2018, 'Jet-Cooled Spectroscopy of ortho-Hydroxycyclohexadienyl Radicals', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, pp. 8886 - 8897,
,2018, 'Aliphatic hydrocarbon content of interstellar dust', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479, pp. 4336 - 4344,
,2018, 'Multihydroxy-Anthraquinone Derivatives as Free Radical and Cationic Photoinitiators of Various Photopolymerizations under Green LED', Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 39, pp. e1800172,
,2018, 'Zero-point energy conservation in classical trajectory simulations: Application to H
2018, 'Photodissociation dynamics of propanal and isobutanal: The Norrish Type i pathway', Journal of Chemical Physics, 148,
,2018, 'Interconversion of Methyltropyl and Xylyl Radicals: A Pathway Unavailable to the Benzyl-Tropyl Rearrangement', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, pp. 1261 - 1269,
,2018, 'Higher vibrational levels of the D1Σ
2017, 'The e Π g 3 state of C
2017, 'Formaldehyde roaming dynamics: Comparison of quasi-classical trajectory calculations and experiments', Journal of Chemical Physics, 147,
,2017, 'The energy dependence of CO(v,J) produced from H 2 CO via the transition state, roaming, and triple fragmentation channels', Journal of Chemical Physics, 147,
,2017, 'Infrared Spectra of Gas-Phase 1- and 2-Propenol Isomers', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, pp. 3679 - 3688,
,2017, 'First observation of the 33Π
2017, 'Photodissociation of acetone from 266 to 312 nm: Dynamics of CH
2016, 'The ionization energy of C
2016, 'Hydrogen-atom attack on phenol and toluene is ortho-directed', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, pp. 8625 - 8636,
,2015, 'Resonance-Enhanced 2-Photon Ionization Scheme for C
2015, 'A new role of curcumin: As a multicolor photoinitiator for polymer fabrication under household UV to red LED bulbs', Polymer Chemistry, 6, pp. 5053 - 5061,
,2015, 'Development, Evaluation and Use of a Student Experience Survey in Undergraduate Science Laboratories: The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory Student Laboratory Learning Experience Survey', International Journal of Science Education, 37, pp. 1795 - 1814,
,2015, 'H and D Attachment to Naphthalene: Spectra and Thermochemistry of Cold Gas-Phase 1-C