Select Publications

Journal articles

Resnikoff S; Keys TU, 2012, 'Future trends in global blindness', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 60, pp. 387 - 395,

Fricke T; Holden BA; Wilson DA; Schlenther G; Naidoo KS; Resnikoff S; Frick K; Fricke T, 2012, 'Global cost of correcting vision impairment from uncorrected refractive error', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 90, pp. 728 - 738,

Winthrop KL; Furtado JM; Silva JC; Resnikoff S; Lansingh VC, 2011, 'River blindness: An old disease on the brink of elimination and control', Journal of Global Infectious Diseases, 3, pp. 151 - 155,

Furtado JM; Cade F; Lansingh VC; Zin A; Arieta CE; Fabiani J; Luco C; Resnikoff S, 2010, 'Is Misión Milagro an effective program to prevent blindness in Latin America?', Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 73, pp. 397 - 398,

Lansingh VC; Resnikoff S; Tingley-Kelley K; Nano ME; Martens M; Silva JC; Duerksen R; Carter MJ, 2010, 'Cataract surgery rates in Latin America: A four-year longitudinal study of 19 countries', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 17, pp. 75 - 81,

Strong K; Mathers C; Epping-Jordan JA; Resnikoff S; Ullrich A, 2008, 'Preventing cancer through tobacco and infection control: How many lives can we save in the next 10 years?', European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17, pp. 153 - 161,

Mariotti S; Resnikoff S; Pascolini D, 2008, 'Author reply to: Estimation of global visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive error', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86,

Resnikoff S; Pascolini D; Mariotti SP; Pokharel GP, 2008, 'Global magnitude of visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors in 2004', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86, pp. 63 - 70,

Kocur I; Resnikoff S, 2005, 'New challenges for VISION 2020', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 12, pp. 291 - 292,

Foster A; Resnikoff S, 2005, 'The impact of Vision 2020 on global blindness', Eye, 19, pp. 1133 - 1135,

Resnikoff S; Pascolini D; Etya'ale D; Kocur I; Pararajasegaram R; Pokharel GP; Mariotti SP, 2004, 'Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 82, pp. 844 - 851

Pascolini D; Mariotti SP; Pokharel GP; Pararajasegaram R; Etya'ale D; Négrel AD; Resnikoff S, 2004, '2002 Global update of available data on visual impairment: A compilation of population-based prevalence studies', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 11, pp. 67 - 115,

Pizzarello L; Abiose A; Ffytche T; Duerksen R; Thulasiraj R; Taylor H; Faal H; Rao G; Kocur I; Resnikoff S, 2004, 'VISION 2020: The Right to Sight - A Global Initiative to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness', Archives of Ophthalmology, 122, pp. 615 - 620,

Mensah A; Balo KP; Kondi G; Banla M; Koffigue KB; Resnikoff S; Astagneau P; Brücker G, 2003, 'Cataract surgery in Togo', Cahiers Sante, 13, pp. 5 - 8

Mariotti SP; Pararajasegaram R; Resnikoff S, 2003, 'Trachoma: looking forward to Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020 (GET 2020).', The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 69, pp. 33 - 35,

Holden BA; Resnikoff S, 2002, 'The role of optometry in vision 2020', Journal of Community Eye Health, 15, pp. 33 - 36

Kocur I; Resnikoff S; Foster A, 2002, 'Eye healthcare services in eastern Europe: Part 1 cataract surgery', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 86, pp. 847 - 850,

Kocur I; Resnikoff S; Foster A, 2002, 'Eye healthcare services in eastern Europe: Part 2 vitreoretinal surgical services', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 86, pp. 851 - 853,

Kocur I; Resnikoff S, 2002, 'Visual impairment and blindness in Europe and their prevention', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 86, pp. 716 - 722,

Schémann JF; Leplège A; Keita T; Resnikoff S, 2002, 'From visual function deficiency to handicap: Measuring visual handicap in Mali', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 9, pp. 133 - 148,

Resnikoff S; Pararajasegaram R, 2001, 'Blindness prevention programmes: Past, present, and future', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79, pp. 222 - 226

Resnikoff S, 2000, 'National prevention of blindness programmes and vision 2020', Journal of Community Eye Health, 13, pp. 49 - 50

Farbos S; Resnikoff S; Peyramaure F, 2000, 'Urbanisation and vitamin A deficiency in children: Comparison between a traditional district and a new settlement in Mali', European Journal of Epidemiology, 16, pp. 1143 - 1149,

Farbos S; Resnikoff S; Peyramaure F, 1999, 'Urbanisation et déficit en vitamine A', La Revue de Médecine Interne, 20, pp. s179 - s180,

Resnikoff S, 1998, 'Contribution of mectizan to the control of onchocerciasis. Impact on ocular lesions', Santé (Montrouge, France), 8, pp. 12 - 14

Colin J; Hoh HB; Easty DL; Herbort CP; Resnikoff S; Rigal D; Romdane K, 1997, 'Ganciclovir ophthalmic gel (virgan; 0.15%) in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis', Cornea, 16, pp. 393 - 399,

Peyramaure F; Pichard E; Guindo I; Resnikoff S, 1996, 'Ophthalmologic complications associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Bamako (Mali)', Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 89, pp. 345 - 347

Schemann JF; Resnikoff S; Muhizi C, 1996, 'Value of tenonectomy at the time of trabeculectomy in Africa', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 73, pp. 89 - 99

Resnikoff S; Peyramaure F; Bagayogo CO; Huguet P, 1995, 'Health education and antibiotic therapy in trachoma control.', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 72

Farbos S; Resnikoff S; Peyramaure F; Castan R, 1995, 'Xerophthalmia. Identification of populations at immediate risk', Cahiers Sante, 5, pp. 159 - 161

Resnikoff S; Castan R; Peyramaure F; Bagayogo C; Huguet P, 1994, 'Clinical course of trachoma treated by a 1% oxytetracycline', Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie, 17, pp. 591 - 595

Peyramaure F; Resnikoff S; Bagayoko C; Huguet P; De Liniers F, 1994, 'Effect of water supply on the incidence of trachoma: preliminary results of a prospective study in Mali', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 71, pp. 87 - 94

Guillemot De Liniers F; Resnikoff S; Huguet P; Castan R; Peyramaure F; Traore J, 1994, 'The cost cataract surgery at the African Institute of Tropical Ophthalmology (Bamako, Mali)', Cahiers Sante, 4, pp. 275 - 279

N'jikam J; Goasguen J; Jacquemin JL; Morel A; Resnikoff S; Le Flohic AM, 1993, 'Evaluation of pathogenic amoebian fauna from surface waters in the Republic of Benin', Journal of African Zoology, 107, pp. 555 - 560

Bonnet S; Resnikoff S; Castan R; Konate S; Periquet B; Coste J; Amédée-Manesme O, 1992, 'Assessment of vitamin A deficiency in a rural area in Mali. Estimation of sample size for the impression cytology test.', International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 62, pp. 291 - 297

Resnikoff S; Luzeau R; Filliard G; Amedee-Manesme O, 1992, 'Impression cytology with transfer in xerophtalmia and conjunctival diseases', International Ophthalmology, 16, pp. 445 - 451,

Resnikoff S; Filliard G; Carlier C; Luzeau R; Amedee-Manesme O, 1992, 'Assessment of vitamin A deficiency in the Republic of Djibouti', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 46, pp. 25 - 30

Resnikoff S; Filliard G; Dell'Aquila B, 1991, 'Climatic droplet keratopathy, exfoliation syndrome, and cataract', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 75, pp. 734 - 736,

Resnikoff S; Paniagua-Crespo E; Mjikam JM; Simitzis-Le Flohic AM, 1991, 'First cases of keratitis caused by free-living amoebas of the genus Acanthamoeba diagnosed in Mali', Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 84, pp. 1016 - 1020

Pichard E; Resnikoff S; Serre L; Coulibaly D, 1991, 'Retino-vitreous hemorrhages in hemoglobinopathies', Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie, 14, pp. 377 - 381

Resnikoff S; Castan R; Bonnet S; Traore L; Minous M; Guillemot de Liniers F, 1991, 'Trachoma and the conjunctival impression test', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 68, pp. 95 - 105

Castan R; Resnikoff S; Guillemot de Liniers F; Huguet P; Peyramaure F, 1991, 'Tropical conjunctivitis: infectious etiology and validation of its clinical features', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 68, pp. 63 - 73

Resnikoff S; Filliard G; Dell'Aquila B, 1990, 'Corneal complications of climatic keratopathy', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de santé publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l'International Organization against Trachoma et des organisations nationales et internationales de santé publique, 67, pp. 207 - 212

Resnikoff S; Filliard G; Dell'Aquila B; Abatte EA, 1989, 'Epidemiological course of trachoma in Djibouti', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l"International Organization against Trachoma e, 66, pp. 129 - 142

Resnikoff S; Cornand G; Filliard G; Hugard L, 1988, 'Limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis in the tropics.', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l"International Organization against Trachoma e, 65, pp. 21 - 72

Resnikoff S, 1988, 'Bietti's keratopathy. A study of risk factors in Central Africa', Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie, 11, pp. 733 - 740

Resnikoff S, 1988, 'Epidemiologic aspects of xerophtalmia in Chad', Medecine Tropicale, 48, pp. 27 - 32

Resnikoff S; Cornand G, 1987, 'Malnutrition and trachoma: study of the correlations with the epidemiological scheme', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l"International Organization against Trachoma e, pp. 75 - 87

Resnikoff S; Lamarque D; Laure JM, 1986, 'Onchocerciasis and blindness in the Moyen-Chari area of Chad', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l"International Organization against Trachoma e, 63, pp. 185 - 197

Resnikoff S; Yankalbe Matchock-Mahouri P, 1986, 'Prevention of blindness in Chad. Effects of a difficult conjuncture. First measures', Revue internationale du trachome et de pathologie oculaire tropicale et subtropicale et de sante publique : organe de la Ligue contre le trachome avec la collaboration de l"International Organization against Trachoma e, 63, pp. 133 - 143

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