Select Publications

Journal articles

Di virgilio G; Laffan SW; Ebach M, 2012, 'Fine scale quantification of floral and faunal breaks and their geographic correlates, with an example from south-eastern Australia', Journal of Biogeography, 39, pp. 1862 - 1876,

Laffan SW; Skidmore AK; Franklin J, 2012, 'Geospatial analysis of species, biodiversity and landscapes: Introduction to the Second Special Issue on Spatial Ecology', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, pp. 2003 - 2007,

Cowled BD; Ward MP; Laffan SW; Negus K; Galea F; Garner MG; MacDonald A; Marsh I; Muellner P; Sarre S; Quasim S; Woolnough A, 2012, 'Integrating survey and molecular approaches to better understand wildlife disease ecology', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. Article numbere46310,

Burley HM; Laffan SW; Williams KJ, 2012, 'Spatial non-stationarity and anisotropy of compositional turnover in eastern Australian Myrtaceae species', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, pp. 2065 - 2081,

Amboni M; Laffan SW, 2012, 'The effect of species range estimation methods on richness and phylogenetic diversity estimates: A comparison of four methods using Australian marsupials', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, pp. 2097 - 2109,

Kooyman RM; Rossetto M; Laffan SW, 2012, 'Using Australian Virtual Herbarium data to find all the woody rain forest plants in Australia', Cunninghamia, 12, pp. 177 - 180,

Ward MP; Laffan SW; Highfield L, 2011, 'Disease spread models in wild and feral animal populations: application of artificial life models', Revue Scientifique et Technique de L Office International des Epizooties, 30, pp. 437 - 446,

Zhang K; Laffan SW; Ramp D; Webster E, 2011, 'Incorporating a distance cost in systematic reserve design', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25, pp. 393 - 404,

Gold A; Ramp D; Laffan SW, 2011, 'Potential lantana invasion of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area under climate change', Pacific Conservation Biology, 17, pp. 54 - 67,;dn=300638286674943;res=IELHSS

Roger E; Laffan SW; Ramp D, 2011, 'Road impacts a tipping point for wildlife populations in threatened landscapes', Population Ecology, 53, pp. 215 - 227,

Gonzales-Orozco CE; Laffan SW; Miller JT, 2011, 'Spatial distribution of species richness and endemism of the genus Acacia in Australia', Australian Journal of Botany, 59, pp. 600 - 608,

Laffan SW; Wang Z; Ward MP, 2011, 'The effect of neighbourhood definitions on spatio-temporal models of disease outbreaks: separation distance versus range overlap', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 102, pp. 218 - 229,

Kulheim C; Yeoh S; Wallis IR; Laffan SW; Moran GF; Foley WJ, 2011, 'The molecular basis of quantitative variation in foliar secondary metabolites in Eucalyptus globulus', New Phytologist, 191, pp. 1041 - 1053,

Van Niel K; Laffan SW, 2011, 'There is no good excuse for a bad random number generator: a reply to Barry', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25, pp. 531 - 539,

Constantinou NE; Rogers TL; Laffan SW; Warton DI, 2010, 'Determining the spatial distribution of an Antarctic top predator using passive acoustics.', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, pp. 1825 - 1825,

Zhang K; Laffan SW; Zhang S, 2010, 'A spatial approach to select pilot counties for programs to correct the biased sex ratio at birth in Shandong province, China', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24, pp. 403 - 416,

Laffan SW; Lubarsky E; Rosauer DF, 2010, 'Biodiverse, a tool for the spatial analysis of biological and related diversity', Ecography, 33, pp. 643 - 647,

Highfield L; Ward MP; Laffan SW; Norby B; Wagner GS, 2010, 'Critical parameters for modelling the spread of foot and mouth disease in wildlife', Epidemiology and Infection, 138, pp. 125 - 138,

Wang D; Laffan SW; Liu Y; Wu L, 2010, 'Morphometric characterisation of landform from DEMs', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24, pp. 305 - 326,

Laffan SW, 2010, 'The citation relationships between journals of Geography and cognate disciplines', Geographical Research, 48, pp. 166 - 180,

Highfield L; Ward MP; Laffan SW; Norby B; Wagner GS, 2010, 'The impact of potential mitigation strategies on the predicted spread of foot and mouth disease in white-tailed deer in south Texas', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 94, pp. 282 - 288,

Moles AT; Warton DI; Warman L; Swenson N; Laffan SW; Zanne A; Pitman AJ; Hemmings F; Leishman M, 2009, 'Global patterns in plant height', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 923 - 932,

Ward MP; Laffan SW; Highfield L, 2009, 'Modelling spread of foot-and-mouth disease in wild white-tailed deer and feral pig populations using a geographic-automata model and animal distributions', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 91, pp. 55 - 63,

Rosauer DF; Laffan SW; Crisp MD; Donnellan S; Cook L, 2009, 'Phylogenetic endemism: A new approach for identifying geographical concentrations of evolutionary history', Molecular Ecology, 18, pp. 4061 - 4072,

Huang ZF; Laffan SW, 2009, 'Sensitivity analysis of a decision tree derived forest type mapping to input data errors', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23, pp. 1433 - 1452,

Highfield L; Ward MP; Laffan SW; Norby B; Wagner GS, 2009, 'The impact of seasonal variability in wildlife populations on the predicted spread of foot and mouth disease', Veterinary Research, 40, pp. 18 - 18,

Ladd BM; Bonser SP; Peri PL; Larsen JR; Laffan SW; Pepper DA; Cendón DI, 2009, 'Towards a physical description of habitat: quantifying environmental adversity (abiotic stress) in temperate forest and woodland ecosystems', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 964 - 971,

Jones SC; Laffan SW, 2008, 'Lexical similarity and endemism in historical wordlists of Australian Aboriginal languages of the greater Sydney region', Transactions of the Philological Society, 106, pp. 456 - 486,

Highfield L; Laffan SW; Ward MP, 2008, 'Representation of animal distributions in space: how geostatistical estimates impact simulation modeling of foot-and-mouth disease spread', Veterinary Research, 39,

Roger E; Laffan SW; Ramp D, 2007, 'Habitat selection by the common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) in disturbed environments: Implications for the conservation of a `common` species', Biological Conservation, 137, pp. 437 - 449,

Ward M; Laffan SW; Highfield L, 2007, 'The potential role of wild and feral animals as reservoirs of foot-and-mouth disease', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 80, pp. 9 - 23,

Laffan SW, 2006, 'Assessing regional scale weed distributions, with an Australian example using Nassella trichotoma', Weed Research, 46, pp. 194 - 206,

Taylor MD; Laffan SW; Fielder D; Suthers IM, 2006, 'Key habitat and home range of mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus in a south-east Australian estuary: finding the estuarine niche to optimise stocking', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328, pp. 237 - 247

Bickford S; Laffan SW, 2006, 'Multi-extent analysis of the relationship between pteridophyte species richness and climate', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15, pp. 588 - 601,

Bickford SA; Laffan SW, 2006, 'Multi-extent analysis of the relationship between pteridophyte species richness and climate', GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 15, pp. 588 - 601,

Galloway M; Laffan SW; Smith P, 2006, 'Urban stormwater pollutants: A survey in three Sydney sub-catchments', Water, 33, pp. 67 - 70

Doran R; Laffan SW, 2005, 'Simulating the spatial dynamics of foot and mouth disease outbreaks in feral pigs and livestock in Queensland, Australia, using a susceptible-infected-recovered cellular automata model', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 70, pp. 133 - 152,

Laffan SW; Nielsen O; Silcock H; Hegland M, 2005, 'Sparse grids: a new predictive modelling method for the analysis of geographic data', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19, pp. 267 - 292,

Van Niel K; Laffan SW; Lees BG, 2004, 'Effect of error in the DEM on environmental variables for predictive vegetation modelling', Journal of Vegetation Science, 15, pp. 747 - 756,

Van Niel KP; Laffan SW; Lees BG, 2004, 'Effect of error in the DEM on environmental variables for predictive vegetation modelling', Journal of Vegetation Science, 15, pp. 747 - 747,[0747:eoeitd];2

Laffan SW; Lees BG, 2004, 'Predicting regolith properties using environmental correlation: a comparison of spatially global and spatially local approaches', Geoderma, 120, pp. 241 - 258,

Bickford S; Laffan SW; Kok R; Orthia L, 2004, 'Spatial analysis of taxonomic and genetic patterns and their potential for understanding evolutionary histories', Journal of Biogeography, 31, pp. 1715 - 1733,

Whiteway T; Laffan SW; Wasson RJ, 2004, 'Using sediment budgets to investigate the pathogen flux through catchments', Environmental Management, 34, pp. 516 - 527,

Laffan SW; Crisp MD, 2003, 'Assessing endemism at multiple spatial scales with an example from the Australian vascular flora', Journal of Biogeography, 30, pp. 511 - 520,

Van Niel K; Laffan SW, 2003, 'Gambling with randomness: The use of pseudorandom number generators in GIS', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17, pp. 49 - 68,

Laffan SW, 2002, 'Using process models to improve spatial analysis', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 16, pp. 245 - 257,

Crisp MD; Laffan SW; Linder HP; Monro A, 2001, 'Endemism in the Australian flora', Journal of Biogeography, 2001, pp. 183 - 198,

Conference Papers

Bayraktarov E; Low-Choy S; Singh AR; Beaumont LJ; Williams KJ; Baumgartner JB; Laffan SW; Vasco D; Cosgrove R; Wraith J; Antunes JF; Mackey B, 2025, 'EcoCommons Australia virtual laboratories with cloud computing: Meeting diverse user needs for ecological modeling and decision-making', in Environmental Modelling and Software,

Lu Y; Laffan S; Pettit C, 2022, 'THE INTEGRATION OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA AND WHAT IF? FOR SCENARIO PLANNING: FUTURE RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION IN THE CITY OF IPSWICH', in ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Sydney, Australia, pp. 151 - 158, presented at ISPRS TC IV 7th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC), Sydney, Australia, 19 October 2022 - 21 October 2022,

Laffan SW; Bickford SA, 2020, 'Using spatial randomisations to improve the utility of geographically weighted regression model results', in MODSIM 2005 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, Proceedings, pp. 1396 - 1401

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