Select Publications


Wong FS; Thomas AB; Killcross S; Laurent V; Westbrook RF; Holmes NM, 2024, Integration of sensory and fear memories in the rat medial temporal lobe: advancing research by Wong et al. (2019),

Kennedy NGW; Lee JC; Killcross S; Westbrook RF; Holmes NM, 2024, Prediction error determines how memories are organized in the brain,

Kennedy N; Lee J; Killcross S; Westbrook F; Holmes N, 2024, Prediction error determines how memories are organized in the brain: a study of Pavlovian fear extinction in rats,

Panayi MC; Killcross S, 2022, Orbitofrontal Cortex is necessary for the behavioural expression, but not learning, of Pavlovian conditioned inhibition,

Qureshi O; Leake J; Delaney A; Killcross S; Westbrook F; Holmes N, 2022, Danger changes the way the brain consolidates neutral information; and does so by interacting with processes involved in the encoding of that information,

Liu Y; Jean-Richard-dit-Bressel P; Yau JO-Y; Willing A; Prasad A; Power J; Killcross S; Clifford CWG; McNally G, 2020, The mesolimbic dopamine signatures of relapse to alcohol-seeking,

Prasad A; Xie C; Chaichim C; Killcross S; Power J; McNally G, 2019, Complementary roles for ventral pallidum cell types and their projections in relapse,

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