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Select Publications
Bryan M; Degeling S; Donald S; Vann V, 2022, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press
Witzleb N; Bant E; Degeling S; Barker K, 2020, Remedies Commentary and Materials, Thomson Reuters
Donald S; Degeling S; Bryan M; Vann V, 2019, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107445499
Bryan M; Degeling SE; Donald S; Vann V, 2016, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press
Witzleb N; Bant E; Degeling S; Barker K, 2015, Remedies Commentary and Materials
Degeling SE, 2003, Restitutionary Rights to Share in Damages, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Degeling S; Smith L, 2024, 'Exporting Fiduciary Obligations: The Case of Advisors', in Agnew S; Smith SM (ed.), Law at the Cutting Edge Essays in Honour of Sarah Worthington, Hart Publishing, pp. 171 - 192, http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781509965182.ch-009
Degeling S; Gardner J; McGeechan J, 2024, 'Small Claims, Big Challenges: Merricks v Mastercard', in Gardner J; Ramsay I (ed.), Landmark Cases in Consumer Law, Hart Publishing, pp. 387 - 402, http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781509952328.ch-021
Degeling S, 2023, 'Administrators as Trustees of Class Action Recoveries in Australia', in Degeling S; Hudson J; Samet I (ed.), Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Express Trusts, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 223 - 251, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192844934.003.0010
Degeling S; Hudson J; Samet I, 2023, 'Express Trusts: Concepts, Justifications, and Boundaries', in Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Express Trusts, pp. 1 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192844934.003.0001
Degeling S, 2023, 'Certainty of Loss of Chance in Equity', in McFarlane B; Elliott S (ed.), Equity Today 150 Years After the Judicature Reforms, Hart Publishing, pp. 339 - 360, https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/equity-today-9781509960071/
Degeling S; Crawford MJ; Tiverios NA, 2021, 'Introduction', in Justifying Private Rights, pp. 1 - 20
Degeling S, 2021, 'Fiduciaries, Equitable Compensation and Lost Commercial Opportunity: Reconciling the Need for Financial Loss', in Eldridge J; Douglas M; Carr C (ed.), Economic Torts and Economic Wrongs, Hart Publishing, Oxford, https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/economic-torts-and-economic-wrongs/
Bant E; Barker K; Degeling S, 2020, 'The Evolution of Unjust Enrichment Law: Theory and Practice.', in Bant E; Barker K; Degeling S (ed.), Research Handbook on Unjust Enrichment and Restitution, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 2 - 27, https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781788114257/9781788114257.00007.xml
Degeling S, 2020, 'Some Varieties of Consent in Equity: Enhancing and Protecting Autonomy?', in Klimchuk D; Samet I; Smith HE (ed.), Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Equity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198817659.003.0016
Degeling S, 2020, 'Compensation in Equity', in Wiztleb N; Bant E; Degeling S; Barker K (ed.), Remedies Commentary and Materials, pp. 631 - 715
Degeling S, 2020, 'Informed Consent and Declining to Opt-Out of Australian Federal Class Actions', in Bant E; Patterson J (ed.), Misleading Silence, Hart Publishing, pp. 351 - 371, https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/misleading-silence-9781509929252/
Degeling S; Crawford M; Tiverios N, 2020, 'Introduction', in Degeling S; Crawford M; Tiverios N (ed.), Justifying Private Rights, Hart Publishing, https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/justifying-private-rights-9781509931958/
Degeling S, 2020, 'Punishment', in Witzleb N; Bant E; Degeling S; Barker K (ed.), Remedies Commentary and Materials, pp. 889 - 965
Degeling S, 2019, 'Bars to Relief', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 119 - 137
Degeling S, 2019, 'Fiduciary relationships', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 232 - 277
Degeling S, 2019, 'Statutes and a Fiduciary Course of Dealing', in Vines P; Donald S (ed.), Statutory Interpretation in Private Law, Federation Press, Alexandria NSW, pp. 228 - 244, https://www.federationpress.com.au/bookstore/book.asp?isbn=9781760022051
Degeling S, 2019, 'Certainty in Calculating Monetary Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duty', in Barker K; Grantham R (ed.), Apportionment in Private Law, Hart Publishing, pp. 221 - 239, http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781509917525.ch-009
Degeling S, 2019, 'Constructive Trusts', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 564 - 611
Degeling S, 2019, 'Resulting Trusts', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 532 - 563
Degeling SE, 2018, 'Breach of Fiduciary Duty: Consent and Prior Court Authorisation', in Davies P; Douglas S; Goudkamp J (ed.), Defences in Equity, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 99 - 120, http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781509995110.ch-006
Degeling SE; Barker K, 2017, 'Designing Reparation: Lessons from Private Law', in Levy R; O'Brien M; Rice S; Ridge P; Thornton M (ed.), New Directions for Law In Australia Essays in Contemporary Law Reform, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 321 - 328, http://dx.doi.org/10.22459/NDLA.09.2017
Degeling SE, 2017, 'Undue Influence and the Spiritual Economy', in Barker K; Degeling S; Fairweather K; Grantham R (ed.), Private Law and Power, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 159 - 175
Degeling SE, 2017, 'Discretion and Equitable Compensation', in Degeling S; Varuhas J (ed.), Equitable Compensation and Disgorgement of Profit, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 311 - 329
Degeling SE; Varuhas J, 2017, 'Equity's Personal Monetary Remedies', in Degeling S; Varuhas J (ed.), Equitable Compensation and Disgorgement of Profit, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1 - 18
Degeling SE; Weeks G, 2016, 'The Essence of a Fiduciary Relationship: Justice Mason’s Dissent in Hospital Products Ltd v United States Surgical Corporation (1984)', in Lynch AN (ed.), Great Australian Dissents, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 209 - 228
Degeling SE, 2016, 'Bars to Relief', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 104 - 121
Degeling SE, 2016, 'Constructive Trusts', in A Sourcebook On Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 511 - 554
Degeling SE, 2016, 'Fiduciary Relationships', in A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 208 - 247
Edelman J; Goudkamp J; Degeling SE, 2016, 'Introduction', in Degeling S; Edelman J; Goudkamp J (ed.), Contract in Commercial Law, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 1 - 24
Degeling SE, 2016, 'Resulting Trusts', in A Sourcebook On Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 480 - 510
Degeling SE, 2015, 'Compensation in Equity', in Remedies Commentary and Materials, Thomson Reuters Australia Limited, Sydney, pp. 599 - 679
Degeling SE, 2015, 'Punishment', in Remedies Commentary and Materials, Thomson Reuters Australia Limited, Sydney, pp. 835 - 907
Degeling SE, 2013, 'Proprietary Responses to Policy Motivated Claims: Restitution in the Hinterland', in Bant E; Bryan M (ed.), Principles of Proprietary Remedies, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 141 - 164, http://www.thomsonreuters.com.au/principles-of-proprietary-remedies-hardcover/productdetail/120634
Degeling SE, 2013, 'Restitution of Unlawfully Exacted Tax in Australia: The Woolwich Principle', in Elliott S; Hacker B; Mitchell C (ed.), Restitution of Overpaid Tax, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 313 - 326, http://www.hartpub.co.uk/BookDetails.aspx?ISBN=9781849461733
Degeling SE, 2011, 'The Foundations of Torts in Commercial Law', in Degeling S; Edelman J; Goudkamp J (ed.), Torts in Commercial Law, Thomson Reuters, Australia, pp. 1 - 15, http://www.thomsonreuters.com.au/catalogue/productdetails.asp?id=12270
Degeling SE; Edgeworth BJ, 2010, 'Improvements to Land Belonging to Another', in Moses LB; Edgeworth B; Sherry C (ed.), Property and Security: Selected Essays, Lawbook Co., Pyrmont NSW, pp. 277 - 290
Degeling S; Edgeworth B, 2010, 'Unjust Enrichment and Unauthorised Improvements to Land', in Property and Security: Selected Essays, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 277 - 296
Degeling SE; Edelman J, 2008, 'Introduction', in Edelman J; Degeling S (ed.), Unjust Enrichment in Commercial Law, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 1 - 10
Degeling SE, 2008, 'Understanding Policy-motivated Unjust Factors', in Rickett C; Grantham R (ed.), Structure and Justification in Private Law: Essays for Peter Birks, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 267 - 290
Degeling SE; Edelman J, 2008, 'What is an Unjust Factor?', in Edelman J; Degeling S (ed.), Unjust Enrichment in Commercial Law, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 177 - 196
Degeling SE; Edelman J, 2005, 'Introduction', in Degeling S; Edelman J (ed.), Equity in Commercial Law, Thomson, Sydney Australia, pp. 1 - 8
Degeling SE, 2004, 'The policy against accumulation and three party cases: Roxborough v Rothmans of Pall Mall Australia', in Hudson A (ed.), New Perspectives on Property Law: Obligations and Restitution, Cavvendish, London, pp. 233 - 246
Degeling SE, 2003, 'Restitution for Vulnerable Transactions', in Armour J; Bennett H (ed.), Vulnerable Transactions in Corporate Insolvency, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 385 - 426
Degeling SE, 2001, 'The policy against accumulation as an unjust factor', in Schrage, E. (ed.), Unjust Enrichment and the Law of Contract, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 167 - 192