Select Publications

Journal articles

Kennedy BL; Rawding J; Most SB; Hoffman JE, 2014, 'Emotion-induced blindness reflects competition at early and late processing stages: An ERP study', Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience,

Kennedy BL; Rawding J; Most SB; Hoffman JE, 2014, 'Emotion-induced blindness reflects competition at early and late processing stages: An ERP study', Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, pp. 1485 - 1498,

Kristjánsson A; Óladóttir B; Most SB, 2013, 'Hot" facilitation of "cool" processing: Emotional distraction can enhance priming of visual search', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39, pp. 298 - 306,

Most SB, 2013, 'Setting sights higher: Category-level attentional set modulates sustained inattentional blindness', Psychological Research, 77, pp. 139 - 146,

Skoranski AM; Most SB; Lutz-Stehl M; Hoffman JE; Hassink SG; Simons RF, 2013, 'Response monitoring and cognitive control in childhood obesity', Biological Psychology, 92, pp. 199 - 204,

Kennedy BL; Rawding J; Most SB; Hoffman JE, 2012, 'Electrophysiological evidence for early perceptual disruption by emotional distractors', Journal of Vision, 12, pp. 15 - 15,

Bredemeier K; Berenbaum H; Brockmole JR; Boot WR; Simons DJ; Most SB, 2012, 'A load on my mind: Evidence that anhedonic depression is like multi-tasking', Acta Psychologica, 139, pp. 137 - 145,

Kennedy BL; Most SB, 2012, 'Perceptual, not memorial, disruption underlies emotion-induced blindness.', Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 12, pp. 199 - 202,

Wang ; Kennedy BL; Most S, 2012, 'When emotion blinds: A spatiotemporal competition account of emotion-induced blindness', Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology, 3, pp. Article numberArticle 438,

Wang L; Most SB, 2011, 'Dissociating the impact of emotion from the impact of attentional capture on conscious perception', Visual Cognition, 19, pp. 1343 - 1346

Bredemeier K; Berenbaum H; Most SB; Simons DJ, 2011, 'Links between neuroticism, emotional distress, and disengaging attention: Evidence from a single-target RSVP task', Cognition and Emotion, 25, pp. 1510 - 1519,

Piech RM; McHugo M; Smith SD; Dukic MS; Van Der Meer J; Abou-Khalil B; Most SB; Zald DH, 2011, 'Attentional capture by emotional stimuli is preserved in patients with amygdala lesions', Neuropsychologia, 49, pp. 3314 - 3319,

Kennedy BL; Most SB, 2011, 'Emotion-induced blindness elicits no lag-1 sparing', Journal of Vision, 11, pp. 111 - 111,

Most SB; Kuvaldina M; Dobson K; Kennedy BL, 2011, 'Prior perceptual decisions drive subsequent perceptual experience: Negative priming increases inattentional blindness', Journal of Vision, 11, pp. 159 - 159,

Most SB; Wang L, 2011, 'Dissociating spatial attention and awareness in emotion-induced blindness', Psychological Science, 22, pp. 300 - 305,

Most SB, 2010, 'What's "inattentional" about inattentional blindness?', Consciousness and Cognition, 19, pp. 1102 - 1104,

Moser JS; Most SB; Simons RF, 2010, 'Increasing negative emotions by reappraisal enhances subsequent cognitive control: A combined behavioral and electrophysiological study', Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 10, pp. 195 - 207,

Most SB; Laurenceau JP; Graber E; Belcher A; Smith CV, 2010, 'Blind Jealousy? Romantic Insecurity Increases Emotion-Induced Failures of Visual Perception', Emotion, 10, pp. 250 - 256,

Most SB; Wang L; Engelhardt D; Curby KM, 2010, 'Selective effects of emotion on visual short-term memory consolidation', Journal of Vision, 8, pp. 207 - 207,

Most SB; Jungé J, 2008, 'Don't look back: Retroactive, dynamic costs and benefits of emotional capture', Visual Cognition, 16, pp. 262 - 278,

Izard CE; Quinn PC; Most SB, 2007, 'Many ways to awareness: A developmental perspective on cognitive access', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, pp. 506 - 507,

Most SB; Smith SD; Cooter AB; Levy BN; Zald DH, 2007, 'The naked truth: Positive, arousing distractors impair rapid target perception', Cognition and Emotion, 21, pp. 964 - 981,

Most SB; Sorber AV; Cunningham JG, 2007, 'Auditory Stroop reveals implicit gender associations in adults and children', Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, pp. 287 - 294,

Most SB; Astur RS, 2007, 'Feature-based attentional set as a cause of traffic accidents', Visual Cognition, 15, pp. 125 - 132,

Smith SD; Most SB; Newsome LA; Zald DH, 2006, 'An emotion-induced attentional blink elicited by aversively conditioned stimuli', Emotion, 6, pp. 523 - 527,

Most SB; Chun MM; Johnson MR; Kiehl KA, 2006, 'Attentional modulation of the amygdala varies with personality', NeuroImage, 31, pp. 934 - 944,

Most SB; Astur RS, 2005, 'Attentional set as a contributing factor in virtual traffic accidents', Journal of Vision, 5, pp. 788 - 788,

Most SB; Chun MM; Widders DM; Zald DH, 2005, 'Attentional rubbernecking: Cognitive control and personality in emotion-induced blindness', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12, pp. 654 - 661,

Most SB; Scholl BJ; Clifford ER; Simons DJ, 2005, 'What you see is what you set: Sustained inattentional blindness and the capture of awareness', Psychological Review, 112, pp. 217 - 242,

Most SB; Chun MM; Widders DM, 2003, 'Selective substitution: Attentional set modulates object substitution masking', Journal of Vision, 3,

Most SB; Alvarez GA, 2002, 'But it's the only thing there! Sustained inattentional blindness for a solitary stimulus', Journal of Vision, 2,

Most SB; Clifford E, 2001, 'Set your sights higher: Category-level attentional effects in the detection of unexpected objects', Journal of Vision, 1,

Most SB; Simons DJ, 2001, '7 Attention capture, orienting, and awareness', , 133, pp. 151 - 173,

Most SB; Simons DJ; Scholl BJ; Jimenez R; Clifford E; Chabris CF, 2001, 'How not to be seen: The contribution of similarity and selective ignoring to sustained inattentional blindness', Psychological Science, 12, pp. 9 - 17,

Most SB; Simons DJ; Scholl BJ; Chabris CF, 2000, 'Sustained inattentional blindness: The role of location in the detection of unexpected dynamic events', Psyche, 6

Conference Papers

Boger T; Most SB; Franconeri SL, 2021, 'Jurassic Mark: Inattentional Blindness for a Datasaurus Reveals that Visualizations are Explored, not Seen', in Proceedings - 2021 IEEE Visualization Conference - Short Papers, VIS 2021, pp. 71 - 75,

Hong C; Katona A; Zimko Z; Most SB; Simons RF, 2011, 'STIMULUS DRIVEN ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURES OF RESPONSE INHIBITION', in PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, MA, Boston, pp. S30 - S31, presented at 51st Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Psychophysiological-Research, MA, Boston, 14 September 2011 - 18 September 2011,

Kristjansson A; Oladottir B; Most S, 2011, 'The emotional robot: Reflexive attentional orienting under emotional arousal', in PERCEPTION, PION LTD, pp. 215 - 215,

Chen JI; Ruf B; Maloney K; Saricicek A; Hu J; Most S; Bhagwagar Z, 2009, 'The Attentional Window: Persisting Deficits in Euthymic, MDD Patients', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CANADA, Vancouver, pp. 242S - 242S, presented at 64th Annual Convention of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, CANADA, Vancouver, 14 May 2009 - 16 May 2009,

Wang L; Most SB; Hoffman JE, 2009, 'The contralateral delay activity component of the event-related potential reflects the number of locations but not the number of objects in visual short-term memory', in VISUAL COGNITION, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, MA, Boston, pp. 156 - 159, presented at 17th Annual Meeting on Object Perception, Attention and Memory, MA, Boston,

Moser JS; Most SB; Simons RF, 2008, 'At the crossroads of cognition-emotiion interactions: Modulation of the late positive potential during cognitive reappraisal predicts subsequent attentional control', in PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, TX, Austin, pp. S8 - S8, presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research, TX, Austin, 01 October 2008 - 05 October 2008,

Most S; Simons D; Scholl B, 1999, 'Prolonged inattentional blindness for a visually distinctive, dynamic object', in PERCEPTION, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 36 - 36,

Conference Posters

Zhao J; Most S, 2017, 'Context effects on emotional disruption of perception: Distractor frequency does not mitigate emotion-induced blindness', Vancouver, British Columbia, presented at Object Perception, Attention and Memory Workshop, Vancouver, British Columbia, 08 November 2017

Zhao J; Wyble B; Most S, 2017, 'More distractors, less distraction: Multiple valence-matched distractors improve target perception', Boston, Massachusetts, presented at Society for Affective Science Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 27 April 2017

Zhao J; Wyble B; Most S, 2016, 'Distracted from distraction? Multiple distractors improves target perception in RSVP', Boston, Massachusetts, presented at Object Perception, Attention and Memory Workshop, Boston, Massachusetts, 17 November 2016

Zhao J; Kennedy B; Most S, 2016, 'Object-based effects (and their absence) reveal parallel mechanisms of emotional disruption of perception', St Pete Beach, Florida, presented at Vision Sciences Society Conference, St Pete Beach, Florida, 13 May 2016,

Zhao J; Wyble B; Most S, 2016, 'Distracted from distraction? Additional distractors attenuate the effect of a critical distractor on target perception', University of Melbourne, presented at Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, University of Melbourne, 30 March 2016

Zhao J; Kennedy B; Most S, 2015, 'Does emotion-induced blindness spread according to the perceived structure of the environment?', University of Sydney, presented at Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, University of Sydney, 08 April 2015

Conference Presentations

Zhao J; Walker A; Most S, 2019, 'Context matters: Multiple emotional distractors improve target perception', presented at Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Wellington, NZ, 24 April 2019

Zhao J; Wyble B; Most S, 2018, 'Context matters: Reduced emotion-induced blindness through mutual inhibition by multiple distractors', presented at Sydney Postgraduate Psychology Conference, UNSW Sydney, 21 November 2018

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