Select Publications

Journal articles

Frees A; Gamble JK; Ward DR; Blume-Kohout R; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2019, 'Compressed optimization of device architectures for semiconductor quantum devices compressed optimization of device architectures... ADAM FREES et al.', Physical Review Applied, 11,

Ferdous R; Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Nowak MP; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R, 2018, 'Valley dependent anisotropic spin splitting in silicon quantum dots', npj Quantum Information, 4,

Kornich V; Vavilov MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, 'Phonon-induced decoherence of a charge quadrupole qubit', New Journal of Physics, 20,

Abadillo-Uriel JC; Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Calderón MJ; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Friesen M, 2018, 'Signatures of atomic-scale structure in the energy dispersion and coherence of a Si quantum-dot qubit', Physical Review B, 98,

Neyens SF; Foote RH; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Vandersypen LMK; Amin P; Thomas NK; Clarke JS; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2018, 'The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells', Applied Physics Letters, 112,

, 2018, 'First Person: Susan Coppersmith', AMERICAN SCIENTIST, 106, pp. 135 - 137,

Watson TF; Philips SGJ; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Scarlino P; Veldhorst M; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2018, 'A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon', Nature, 555, pp. 633 - 637,

Ercan HE; Ghosh J; Crow D; Premakumar VN; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, 'Measurement-free implementations of small-scale surface codes for quantum-dot qubits', Physical Review A, 97,

Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Yang YC; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2017, 'Extending the coherence of a quantum dot hybrid qubit', npj Quantum Information, 3,

Qi Z; Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Vavilov MG, 2017, 'Effects of charge noise on a pulse-gated singlet-triplet S - T- qubit', Physical Review B, 96,

Ghosh J; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2017, 'Pulse sequences for suppressing leakage in single-qubit gate operations', Physical Review B, 95,

Friesen M; Ghosh J; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2017, 'A decoherence-free subspace in a charge quadrupole qubit', Nature Communications, 8,

Yang YC; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2017, 'Achieving high-fidelity single-qubit gates in a strongly driven silicon-quantum-dot hybrid qubit', Physical Review A, 95,

Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Jullien T; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2017, 'Dressed photon-orbital states in a quantum dot: Intervalley spin resonance', Physical Review B, 95,

Kawakami E; Jullien T; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Dobrovitski VV; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2016, 'Gate fidelity and coherence of an electron spin in an Si/SiGe quantum dot with micromagnet', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, pp. 11738 - 11743,

Tilka JA; Park J; Ahn Y; Pateras A; Sampson KC; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Lagally MG; Holt MV; Evans PG, 2016, 'Combining experiment and optical simulation in coherent X-ray nanobeam characterization of Si/SiGe semiconductor heterostructures', Journal of Applied Physics, 120,

Park J; Ahn Y; Tilka JA; Sampson KC; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Holt MV; Evans PG, 2016, 'Electrode-stress-induced nanoscale disorder in Si quantum electronic devices', APL Materials, 4,

Knapp TJ; Mohr RT; Li YS; Thorgrimsson B; Foote RH; Wu X; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, 'Characterization of a gate-defined double quantum dot in a Si/SiGe nanomembrane', Nanotechnology, 27,

Coppersmith S, 2016, 'Quantum information: Violation of Bell's inequality in Si', Nature Nanotechnology, 11, pp. 216 - 217,

Coppersmith SN, 2016, 'Leo P. Kadanoff (1937-2015): An appreciation', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 113, pp. 471 - 472,

Ward DR; Kim D; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Foote RH; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, 'State-conditional coherent charge qubit oscillations in a Si/SiGe quadruple quantum dot', npj Quantum Information, 2,

Devol RT; Sun CY; Marcus MA; Coppersmith SN; Myneni SCB; Gilbert PUPA, 2015, 'Nanoscale Transforming Mineral Phases in Fresh Nacre', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, pp. 13325 - 13333,

Foote RH; Ward DR; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Nielsen E; Thorgrimsson B; Savage DE; Saraiva AL; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 107,

Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2015, 'Second-Harmonic Coherent Driving of a Spin Qubit in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot', Physical Review Letters, 115,

Wong CH; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2015, 'High-fidelity singlet-triplet S-T- qubits in inhomogeneous magnetic fields', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92,

Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection', Nanotechnology, 26,

Fei J; Hung JT; Koh TS; Shim YP; Coppersmith SN; Hu X; Friesen M, 2015, 'Characterizing gate operations near the sweet spot of an exchange-only qubit', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91,

Li YS; Sookchoo P; Cui X; Mohr R; Savage DE; Foote RH; Jacobson R; Sánchez-Pérez JR; Paskiewicz DM; Wu X; Ward DR; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Lagally MG, 2015, 'Electronic transport properties of epitaxial Si/SiGe heterostructures grown on single-crystal SiGe nanomembranes', ACS Nano, 9, pp. 4891 - 4899,

Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Gamble JK; Blume-Kohout R; Nielsen E; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Microwave-driven coherent operation of a semiconductor quantum dot charge qubit', Nature Nanotechnology, 10, pp. 243 - 247,

Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'High-fidelity resonant gating of a silicon-based quantum dot hybrid qubit', npj Quantum Information, 1,

Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Two-axis control of a singlet-triplet qubit with an integrated micromagnet', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 11938 - 11942,

Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology,

Ward DR; Foote RH; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, '(Invited) Integrating Classical Semiconductor Devices with Si/Sige Quantum Dots', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2014-02, pp. 1849 - 1849,

Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Wu X; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Fast coherent manipulation of three-electron states in a double quantum dot', Nature Communications, 5,

Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology, 9, pp. 666 - 670,

Kim D; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Quantum control and process tomography of a semiconductor quantum dot hybrid qubit', Nature, 511, pp. 70 - 74,

Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology, 9, pp. 666 - 670,

Koh TS; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, 'High-fidelity gates in quantum dot spin qubits', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 19695 - 19700,

Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Lagally MG, 2013, 'Semiconductor quantum dot qubits', MRS Bulletin, 38, pp. 794 - 801,

Frees A; Gamble JK; Rudinger K; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2013, 'Power-law scaling for the adiabatic algorithm for search-engine ranking', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 88,

Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Mohr RT; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Wu X; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Coherent quantum oscillations and echo measurements of a Si charge qubit', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88,

Gamble JK; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, 'Disorder-induced valley-orbit hybrid states in Si quantum dots', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88,

Zwanenburg FA; Dzurak AS; Morello A; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Silicon Quantum Electronics', Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, pp. 961 - 1019,

Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Integration of on-chip field-effect transistor switches with dopantless Si/SiGe quantum dots for high-throughput testing', Applied Physics Letters, 102,

Chua Y; Leahy B; Zhang M; You S; Lee KYC; Coppersmith SN; Lin B, 2013, 'Incommensurate phases of a supported nanoparticle film subjected to uniaxial compression', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 824 - 831,

Koh TS; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Pulse-gated quantum-dot hybrid qubit', Physical Review Letters, 109,

Evans PG; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Schülli TU, 2012, 'Nanoscale distortions of Si quantum wells in Si/SiGe quantum-electronic heterostructures', Advanced Materials, 24, pp. 5217 - 5221,

Rudinger K; Gamble JK; Wellons M; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Noninteracting multiparticle quantum random walks applied to the graph isomorphism problem for strongly regular graphs', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86,

Gamble JK; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Hu X, 2012, 'Two-electron dephasing in single Si and GaAs quantum dots', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86,

Prance J; Shi Z; Simmons C; Savage D; Lagally M; Schreiber L; Vandersypen L; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith S; Eriksson M, 2012, 'Single-Shot Readout of Singlet-Triplet Qubit States in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2012-02, pp. 3183 - 3183,

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