Select Publications

Journal articles

Moore D; Fraser S; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2024, 'Countering ‘the moral science of biopolitics’: Understanding hepatitis C treatment ‘non-compliance’ in the antiviral era', Sociology of Health and Illness, 46, pp. 399 - 417,

Farrugia A; Lenton E; Seear K; Kagan D; valentine K; Fraser S; Mulcahy S; Edwards M; Jeffcote D, 2024, ''We've got a present for you’: Hepatitis C elimination, compromised healthcare subjects and treatment as a gift', Social Science and Medicine, 340,

Fraser S, 2024, '“Staying with the Trouble” in Ontopolitical Research on Drugs: Keynote presentation delivered at the 2023 Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, Paris', Contemporary Drug Problems,

Nourse G; Fraser S; Moore D, 2024, 'Masculine enhancement as health or pathology: gender and optimisation discourses in health promotion materials on performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs)', Health Sociology Review,

Ferguson N; Farrugia A; Moore D; Fraser S, 2024, 'Remaking the ‘angry Narcanned subject’: Affording new subject positions through take-home naloxone training', International Journal of Drug Policy, 123,

Nourse G; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Moore D; Treloar C, 2023, 'Optimism and eternal vigilance: Gathering disease, responsible subjects and the hope of elimination in the new hepatitis C treatment era', International Journal of Drug Policy, 119,

Kagan D; Seear K; Lenton E; Farrugia A; valentine K; Mulcahy S; Fraser S, 2023, 'The trouble with normalisation: Transformations to hepatitis C health care and stigma in an era of viral elimination', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 1421 - 1440,

Seear K; Fraser S; Mulcahy S; Kagan D; Lenton E; Farrugia A; valentine K, 2023, 'Echoes and Antibodies: Legal Veridiction and the Emergence of the Perpetual Hepatitis C Subject', Social and Legal Studies, 32, pp. 216 - 236,

Waling A; Farrugia A; Fraser S, 2023, 'Embarrassment, Shame, and Reassurance: Emotion and Young People’s Access to Online Sexual Health Information', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, pp. 45 - 57,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Moore D; Edwards M; Treloar C, 2023, 'Post-crisis imaginaries in the time of direct-acting antiviral hepatitis C treatment', Time and Society, 32, pp. 50 - 74,

Seear K; Mulcahy S; Kagan D; Lenton E; Fraser S; Valentine K; Farrugia A, 2023, 'Complicating cure: How Australian criminal law shapes imagined post-hepatitis C futures', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 179 - 195,

valentine K; Lenton E; Seear K; Fraser S; Kagan D; Farrugia A; Mulcahy S; Edwards M; Jeffcote D, 2023, 'Hepatitis C data justice: the implications of data-driven approaches to the elimination of hepatitis C', Critical Public Health, 33, pp. 803 - 813,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Hocking S, 2023, 'Improving the effectiveness and inclusiveness of alcohol and other drug outreach models for young people: a literature review', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 30, pp. 105 - 114,

Seear K; Fraser S, 2023, 'Making Australian institutions in newspaper coverage of the #MeToo movement: exceptionalism, co-production and agency', Feminist Media Studies, 23, pp. 836 - 851,

Mulcahy S; Seear K; Fraser S; Farrugia A; Kagan D; Lenton E; Valentine K, 2023, 'Performing Hepatitis C, Problematising “Cure”: The Construction of Hepatitis C (Cure) in Social Security and Migration Law', Law and Literature,

Shaw F; Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S, 2023, 'Proper distance in the age of social distancing: Hepatitis C treatment, telehealth and questions of care and responsibility', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 19 - 36,

Fomiatti R; Shaw F; Fraser S, 2022, '‘It's a different way to do medicine’: Exploring the affordances of telehealth for hepatitis C healthcare', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110,

Fraser S; Moore D; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2022, 'Exhausted practical sovereignty and lateral agency: Non-uptake of treatment for hepatitis C in the antiviral era', International Journal of Drug Policy, 107,

Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Fraser S; Moore D; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2022, 'Hepatitis C cure as a ‘gathering’: Attending to the social and material relations of hepatitis C treatment', Sociology of Health and Illness, 44, pp. 830 - 847,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Dwyer R; Neale J; Strang J, 2022, 'Addiction stigma and the production of impediments to take-home naloxone uptake', Health (United Kingdom), 26, pp. 139 - 161,

Fomiatti R; Savic M; Fraser S; Edwards M; Farrugia A, 2022, 'Heavy drinking as phenomenon: gender and agency in accounts of men’s heavy drinking', Health Sociology Review, 31, pp. 16 - 31,

Farrugia A; Treloar C; Fraser S, 2022, ' a mixed-method evaluation of a public information website on experiences of overdose and using take-home naloxone to save lives', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 29, pp. 43 - 53,

Neale J; Farrugia A; Campbell AN; Dietze P; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Jones JD; Comer SD; Fraser S; Strang J, 2022, 'Understanding preferences for type of take-home naloxone device: international qualitative analysis of the views of people who use opioids', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 29, pp. 109 - 120,

Fomiatti R; Moore D; Fraser S; Farrugia A, 2021, 'Holding ‘new recovery’ together: Organising relations and forms of coordination in professional sociomaterial practices of addiction recovery', International Journal of Drug Policy, 97,

Farrugia A; Waling A; Pienaar K; Fraser S, 2021, 'The “Be All and End All”? Young People, Online Sexual Health Information, Science and Skepticism', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 2097 - 2110,

Seear K; Fraser S; Farrugia A; valentine K, 2021, 'Beyond a ‘post-cure’ world: Sketches for a new futurology of hepatitis C', International Journal of Drug Policy, 94,

Fraser S; Moore D; Waling A; Farrugia A, 2021, 'Corrigendum to “Making epistemic citizens: Young people and the search for reliable and credible sexual health information” (Social Science & Medicine (2021) 276, (113817), (S0277953621001490), (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113817))', Social Science and Medicine, 279,

Seear K; Fraser S; Boyd S, 2021, 'A highly charged field: Mapping energies, currents and desires for reform in Canadian expert responses to drug law', International Journal of Drug Policy, 91,

Fraser S; Moore D; Waling A; Farrugia A, 2021, 'Making epistemic citizens: Young people and the search for reliable and credible sexual health information', Social Science and Medicine, 276,

Seear K; Moore D; Fraser S; Fomiatti R; Aitken C, 2020, 'Consumption in contrast: The politics of comparison in healthcare practitioners’ accounts of men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 85,

Fraser S; Moore D; Farrugia A; Edwards M; Madden A, 2020, 'Exclusion and hospitality: the subtle dynamics of stigma in healthcare access for people emerging from alcohol and other drug treatment', Sociology of Health and Illness, 42, pp. 1801 - 1820,

Moore D; Hart A; Fraser S; Seear K, 2020, 'Masculinities, practices and meanings: A critical analysis of recent literature on the use of performance- and image-enhancing drugs among men', Health (United Kingdom), 24, pp. 719 - 736,

Fraser S, 2020, 'Doing ontopolitically-oriented research: Synthesising concepts from the ontological turn for alcohol and other drug research and other social sciences', International Journal of Drug Policy, 82,

Fraser S; Fomiatti R; Moore D; Seear K; Aitken C, 2020, 'Is another relationship possible? Connoisseurship and the doctor–patient relationship for men who consume performance and image-enhancing drugs', Social Science and Medicine, 246,

Farrugia A; Neale J; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Fraser S; Strang J; Dietze P, 2020, 'Conflict and communication: managing the multiple affordances of take-home naloxone administration events in Australia', Addiction Research and Theory, 28, pp. 29 - 37,

Farrugia A; Pienaar K; Fraser S; Edwards M; Madden A, 2020, 'Basic care as exceptional care: addiction stigma and consumer accounts of quality healthcare in Australia', Health Sociology Review, pp. 1 - 16,

Fomiatti R; Lenton E; Latham JR; Fraser S; Moore D; Seear K; Aitken C, 2020, 'Maintaining the healthy body: Blood management and hepatitis C prevention among men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 75,

Seear K; Fraser S; Madden A, 2020, 'The Problem of the Subject: The Politics of Post-mortem Rights in the Aftermath of Drug-related Deaths', Australian Feminist Law Journal, 46, pp. 169 - 188,

Dwyer R; Fraser S, 2019, 'Celebrity enactments of addiction on Twitter', Convergence, 25, pp. 1044 - 1062,

Fomiatti R; Moore D; Fraser S, 2019, 'The improvable self: enacting model citizenship and sociality in research on ‘new recovery’', Addiction Research and Theory, 27, pp. 527 - 538,

Fomiatti R; Latham JR; Fraser S; Moore D; Seear K; Aitken C, 2019, 'A ‘messenger of sex’? Making testosterone matter in motivations for anabolic-androgenic steroid injecting', Health Sociology Review, 28, pp. 323 - 338,

Sarmiento E; Seear K; Fraser S, 2019, 'Enacting Alcohol and Other Drug (Testing)-Related Harms in an Australian Drug Court', Contemporary Drug Problems, 46, pp. 282 - 303,

Treloar C; Pienaar K; Dilkes-Frayne E; Fraser S, 2019, 'Lives of Substance: a mixed-method evaluation of a public information website on addiction experiences', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 26, pp. 140 - 147,

Farrugia A; Fraser S; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Neale J; Dietze P; Strang J, 2019, 'Take-home naloxone and the politics of care', Sociology of Health and Illness, 41, pp. 427 - 443,

Latham JR; Fraser S; Fomiatti R; Moore D; Seear K; Aitken C, 2019, 'Men’s Performance and Image-Enhancing Drug Use as Self-Transformation: Working Out in Makeover Culture', Australian Feminist Studies, 34, pp. 149 - 164,

Fraser S; valentine K; Ekendahl M, 2018, 'Drugs, Brains and Other Subalterns: Public Debate and the New Materialist Politics of Addiction', Body and Society, 24, pp. 58 - 86,

Fraser S; Farrugia A; Dwyer R, 2018, 'Grievable lives? Death by opioid overdose in Australian newspaper coverage', International Journal of Drug Policy, 59, pp. 28 - 35,

Seear K; Fraser S, 2018, 'Euthanasia for what? Attending to the role of stigma in addiction-related ‘intractable suffering’ and ‘incurability’', Addiction, 113, pp. 1181 - 1182,

Fraser S; Ekendahl M, 2018, '“Getting Better”: The Politics of Comparison in Addiction Treatment and Research', Contemporary Drug Problems, 45, pp. 87 - 106,

Farrugia A; Seear K; Fraser S, 2018, 'Authentic advice for authentic problems? Legal information in Australian classroom drug education', Addiction Research and Theory, 26, pp. 193 - 204,

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