Select Publications


Cheung SO; Wong PSP; Yiu TW, 2015, The soft power of construction contracting organisations,

Book Chapters

Yiu TWK, 2023, 'Means to Incentivize Safety Compliance at Work', in Construction Incentivization - Beyond Carrot and Stick, Springer Nature,

Gao Y; González VA; Yiu TW; Cabrera-Guerrero G, 2022, 'Identifying non-linearity in construction workers' personality:Safety behaviour predictive relationship using neural network and linear regression modelling', in Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Management, and Safety of Infrastructure, pp. 30 - 51

Lee CK; Yiu TW; Cheung SO, 2022, 'Intervening Decision-Making in Using Alternative Dispute Resolutions: A Parsimonious Intervention Model', in Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, pp. 369 - 398,

Yiu TW; Cheung SO, 2015, 'Behaviour transition in construction contracting', in The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations, pp. 145 - 160,

Yiu TW, 2015, 'Equity in construction contracting negotiation: I: A study of behaviour-outcome relationship', in The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations, pp. 161 - 182,

Yiu TW; Keung CW, 2015, 'Equity in construction contracting negotiation: II: A study of problem-solving approaches and satisfaction', in The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations, pp. 183 - 194,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2015, 'The aggressive-cooperative drivers of construction contracting', in The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations, pp. 56 - 74,

Yiu TW; Cheung SO, 2014, 'Application of Bandura's self-efficacy theory to examining the choice of tactics in construction dispute negotiation', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 277 - 295,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2014, 'Catastrophic transitions of construction contracting behaviour', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 53 - 73,

Cheung SO; Wong WK; Yiu TW; Pang HY, 2014, 'Developing a trust inventory for construction contracting', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 147 - 168,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2014, 'Exploring the potential for predicting project dispute resolution satisfaction using logistic regression', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 75 - 95,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2014, 'Interweaving trust and communication for project performance', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 169 - 187,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2014, 'Online construction dispute negotiation', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 213 - 229,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW; Chow PT, 2014, 'The behavioural dimensions of construction dispute negotiation', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 191 - 211,

Yiu TW, 2014, 'The efficacy of trust-building tactics in construction dispute mediation', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 367 - 381,

Cheung SO; Yiu TW, 2014, 'The interrelationships among sources, tactics and outcomes in construction dispute mediation', in Construction Dispute Research: Conceptualisation, Avoidance and Resolution, pp. 337 - 366,

Journal articles

Shad HK; Feng Z; Paes D; Yiu TW; Lovreglio R, 2025, 'Augmented Reality Applications for the Excavation Industry: Locating and Protecting Underground Utilities', Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 16,

Frimpong S; Sunindijo RY; Wang CC; Hon CKH; Boadu EF; Dansoh A; Yiu TW, 2025, 'Developing and validating a positive mental health scale for the global south construction industry: the construction industry positive mental health inventory (CI-PMHI)', Construction Innovation, 25, pp. 78 - 103,

Chen X; Chang-Richards A; Ling FYY; Yiu TW; Pelosi A; Yang N, 2025, 'Digital technologies in the AEC sector: a comparative study of digital competence among industry practitioners', International Journal of Construction Management, 25, pp. 63 - 76,

Chen X; Chang-Richards AY; Yiu TW; Ling FYY; Pelosi A; Yang N, 2024, 'A multivariate regression analysis of barriers to digital technologies adoption in the construction industry', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31, pp. 4281 - 4307,

Khorrami Shad H; Tak Wing Yiu K; Lovreglio R; Feng Z, 2024, 'State-of-the-art analysis of the integration of augmented reality with construction technologies to improve construction safety', Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13, pp. 1434 - 1449,

Charles SH; Chang-Richards AY; Yiu TW, 2024, 'Determining the critical factors for realising successful post-disaster reconstruction projects in the Caribbean', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 113,

Ahiadu AA; Abidoye RB; Yiu TW, 2024, 'Decision-Making Amid Economic Uncertainty: Exploring the Key Considerations of Commercial Property Investors', Buildings, 14, pp. 3315 - 3315,

Ahiadu AA; Abidoye RB; Yiu TW, 2024, 'Economic Policy Uncertainty and Commercial Property Performance: An In-Depth Analysis of Rents and Capital Values', International Journal of Financial Studies, 12, pp. 71 - 71,

Feng Z; Lovreglio R; Yiu TW; Acosta DM; Sun B; Li N, 2024, 'Immersive virtual reality training for excavation safety and hazard identification', Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13, pp. 883 - 907,

Yiu TW; Sutrisna M; Lovreglio R, 2024, 'Guest Editorial: Special issue of ‘The use of emerging technologies to enhance construction Safety’', Safety Science, 174,

Guan Z; Yiu TW; Samarasinghe DAS; Reddy R, 2024, 'Health and safety risk of migrant construction workers–a systematic literature review', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31, pp. 1081 - 1099,

Scorgie D; Feng Z; Paes D; Parisi F; Yiu TW; Lovreglio R, 2024, 'Virtual reality for safety training: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis', Safety Science, 171,

Chen X; Chang-Richards AY; Ling FYY; Yiu TW; Pelosi A; Yang N, 2024, 'Digital technology-enabled AEC project management: practical use cases, deployment patterns and emerging trends', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,

Chen X; Chang-Richards A; Ling FYY; Yiu KTW; Pelosi A; Yang N, 2024, 'Effects of digital readiness on digital competence of AEC companies: a dual-stage PLS-SEM-ANN analysis', Building Research and Information, 52, pp. 905 - 922,

Gao Y; Wang J; Yiu TW, 2024, 'Multi-information integration-based life cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions for prefabricated construction: A case study of Shenzhen', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 104,

Frimpong S; Sunindijo RY; Wang CC; Boadu EF; Dansoh A; Hon CKH; Yiu TW, 2024, 'Promoting positive mental health among young construction workers: the role of theory', Construction Management and Economics, 42, pp. 366 - 385,

Ling FYY; Heng GTH; Chang-Richards A; Chen X; Yiu TW, 2023, 'Impact of Digital Technology Adoption on the Comparative Advantage of Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Firms in Singapore', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149,

Charles SH; Chang-Richards A; Yiu TW, 2023, 'Providing a framework for post-disaster resilience factors in buildings and infrastructure from end-users’ perspectives: case study in Caribbean island states', International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 14, pp. 366 - 386,

Shoar S; Yiu TW; Payan S; Parchamijalal M, 2023, 'Modeling cost overrun in building construction projects using the interpretive structural modeling approach: a developing country perspective', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30, pp. 365 - 392,

Wu R; Yiu TW; Jelodar MB, 2023, 'Are you Ready to be Monitored at Construction Sites? A State-of-theArt Review of Real-Time Employee Monitoring Technologies Adoption from Legal, Ethical and Behavioural Perspectives', International Journal on Engineering Applications, 11, pp. 425 - 435,

Ma L; Lovreglio R; Yi W; Yiu TW; Shan M, 2023, 'Barriers and strategies for building information modelling implementation: a comparative study between New Zealand and China', International Journal of Construction Management, 23, pp. 2067 - 2076,

Keung CCW; Yiu TW; Feng Z, 2023, 'Building Information Modeling Education for Quantity Surveyors in Hong Kong: Current States, Education Gaps, and Challenges', International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 19, pp. 259 - 275,

Chen X; Chang-Richards A; Ling FYY; Yiu TW; Pelosi A; Yang N, 2023, 'Developing a readiness model and a self-assessment tool for adopting digital technologies in construction organizations', Building Research and Information, 51, pp. 241 - 256,

Charles SH; Chang-Richards A; Yiu TW, 2022, 'New success factors for construction projects: a systematic review of post-2004 literature', Construction Innovation, 22, pp. 891 - 914,

Premaratne AS; Feng Z; Yiu TW, 2022, 'Independence and impartiality of contract administrators in the New Zealand construction sector', Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 176, pp. 76 - 84,

Gao Y; González VA; Yiu TW; Cabrera-Guerrero G; Deng R, 2022, 'Predicting Construction Workers’ Intentions to Engage in Unsafe Behaviours Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Taxonomy of Personality', Buildings, 12,

Babaeian Jelodar M; Yiu TW; Wilkinson S, 2022, 'Empirical Modeling for Conflict Causes and Contractual Relationships in Construction Projects', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148,

Gao Y; González VA; Yiu TW; Cabrera-Guerrero G; Li N; Baghouz A; Rahouti A, 2022, 'Immersive virtual reality as an empirical research tool: exploring the capability of a machine learning model for predicting construction workers’ safety behaviour', Virtual Reality, 26, pp. 361 - 383,

Ghodrati N; Yiu TW; Wilkinson S; Poshdar M; Talebi S; Elghaish F; Sepasgozar SME, 2022, 'Unintended Consequences of Productivity Improvement Strategies on Safety Behaviour of Construction Labourers; A Step toward the Integration of Safety and Productivity', Buildings, 12,

Charles SH; Chang-Richards AY; Yiu TW, 2022, 'A systematic review of factors affecting post-disaster reconstruction projects resilience', International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 13, pp. 113 - 132,

Charles SH; Chang-Richards A; Yiu TW, 2022, 'What do post-disaster reconstruction project success indicators look like? End-user’s perspectives', International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 13, pp. 31 - 50,

Keung CCW; Yiu TW; Feng Z, 2022, 'BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING IN QUANTITY SURVEYING PRACTICES: CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE CHALLENGES IN HONG KONG', Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 27, pp. 1060 - 1074,

Erri Pradeep AS; Yiu TW; Zou Y; Amor R, 2021, 'Blockchain-aided information exchange records for design liability control and improved security', Automation in Construction, 126,

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