Select Publications

Book Chapters

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY, 2024, 'Singlet Fission for Solar Cells', in Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications, Volume 2, pp. 255 - 270,

Frankcombe TJ; Schmidt TW, 2024, 'Valence Bond Motifs from Wave Function Tesselation', in Comprehensive Computational Chemistry, Elsevier, pp. 652 - 661,

Frankcombe TJ; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Valence Bond Motifs from Wave Function Tesselation', in Comprehensive Computational Chemistry, First Edition: Volume 1-4, pp. V1-652-V1-661,

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY; Alves J, 2022, '1.23 - Upconversion', in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Second Edition: Volume 1-9, pp. 499 - 517,

Tayebjee MJY; Alves J; Schmidt TW; Conibeer G, 2022, '1.24 - Downconversion', in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Second Edition: Volume 1-9, pp. 518 - 533,

Frazer L; Schmidt TW, 2021, 'Optically Coupled Upconversion Solar Cells', in Emerging Strategies to Reduce Transmission and Thermalization Losses in Solar Cells: Redefining the Limits of Solar Power Conversion Efficiency, pp. 197 - 207,

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY, 2014, 'CHAPTER 15', in Advanced Concepts in Photovoltaics, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), pp. 489 - 505,

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY, 2014, 'Triplet-triplet Annihilation Up-conversion', in Advanced Concepts in Photovoltaics, The Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 489 - 505,

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY, 2012, '1.24 - Upconversion', in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, pp. 533 - 548,

Tayebjee MJY; Schmidt TW; Conibeer G, 2012, '1.25 - Downconversion', in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, pp. 549 - 561,

Schmidt TW; Tayebjee MJY, 2012, '1.24 - Upconversion', in Sayigh A (ed.), Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 533 - 548,

Tayebjee MJY; Schmidt TW; Conibeer G, 2012, '1.25 - Downconversion', in Editor-in-Chief: Ali Sayigh (ed.), Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 549 - 561,

Schmidt T, 2010, 'Computational Spectroscopy', in Grunenberg JR (ed.), Computational Spectroscopy, Wiley-VCH

Journal articles

Sloane NP; Bailey CG; Cole JH; Schmidt TW; McCamey DR; Klymenko MV, 2025, 'Electronic Structure at the Perovskite/Rubrene Interface: The Effect of Surface Termination', Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 129, pp. 889 - 898,

Fillbrook LL; Middleton IA; Rashidnejad H; Sapre A; Schmidt TW; Sen A; Beves JE, 2025, 'Ionic gradients in flow to control transport of emissive ions', Chemical Communications,

Madbak E; Osborn DJ; Small T; Ishwara T; Schmidt TW; Domen K; Metha GF, 2024, 'Utilising triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion for overall photocatalytic water splitting', Chemical Communications, 61, pp. 157 - 160,

Pace DP; Crocker RD; Kendrick WJ; Zhang B; Wong WWH; Mai BK; Schmidt TW; Nguyen TV, 2024, 'Development of a Novel Solid State Organic Fluorophore: Excited-State Aromatization-Induced Structural Planarization', Advanced Optical Materials, 12,

Hemmer E; Kimizuka N; Marciniak Ł; Nienhaus L; Schmidt T, 2024, 'Photon upconversion materials collection', Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12, pp. 18572 - 18574,

Feng J; Hosseinabadi P; de Clercq DM; Carwithen BP; Nielsen MP; Brett MW; Prasad SKK; Farahani AAD; Li HL; Sanders SN; Beves JE; Ekins-Daukes NJ; Cole JH; Thordarson P; Huang DM; Tayebjee MJY; Schmidt TW, 2024, 'Magnetic fields reveal signatures of triplet-pair multi-exciton photoluminescence in singlet fission', Nature Chemistry, 16, pp. 1861 - 1867,

Tayebjee MJY; Lee KLK; Schmidt TW, 2024, 'Accurate & cheap calculations of the lowest triplet state energy: an experimentalist's guide', Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12, pp. 13884 - 13891,

de Clercq DM; Collins MI; Sloane NP; Feng J; McCamey DR; Tayebjee MJY; Nielsen MP; Schmidt TW, 2024, 'Singlet fission in TIPS-anthracene thin films', Chemical Science, 15, pp. 6402 - 6409,

Hudson RJ; MacDonald TSC; Cole JH; Schmidt TW; Smith TA; McCamey DR, 2024, 'A framework for multiexcitonic logic', Nature Reviews Chemistry, 8, pp. 136 - 151,

Ishwara T; Feng J; de Clercq DM; Geng R; Alves J; McCamey DR; Nielsen MP; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Nanoporous Solid-State Sensitization of Triplet Fusion Upconversion', ACS Energy Letters, 8, pp. 4078 - 4084,

Hudson RJ; Manian A; Hall CR; Schmidt TW; Russo SP; Ghiggino KP; Smith TA, 2023, 'Quantifying the Relaxation Dynamics of Higher Electronic Excited States in Perylene', Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, pp. 8000 - 8008,

Manian A; Campaioli F; Hudson RJ; Cole JH; Schmidt TW; Lyskov I; Smith TA; Russo SP, 2023, 'Charge Transfer-Mediated Multi-exciton Mechanisms in Weakly Coupled Perylene Dimers', Chemistry of Materials, 35, pp. 6889 - 6908,

Laws BA; Krechkivska O; Nauta K; Kable SH; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Intramolecular hole-transfer in protonated anthracene', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, pp. 19524 - 19531,

De Clercq DM; Yang J; Hanif M; Alves J; Feng J; Nielsen MP; Kalantar-Zadeh K; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Exciton Dissociation, Charge Transfer, and Exciton Trapping at the MoS2/Organic Semiconductor Interface', Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, pp. 11260 - 11267,

Forecast R; Gholizadeh EM; Prasad SKK; Blacket S; Tapping PC; McCamey DR; Tayebjee MJY; Huang DM; Cole JH; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Power Dependence of the Magnetic Field Effect on Triplet Fusion: A Quantitative Model', Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, pp. 4742 - 4747,

Feng J; Alves J; De Clercq DM; Schmidt TW, 2023, 'Photochemical Upconversion', Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 74, pp. 145 - 168,

Forecast R; Campaioli F; Schmidt TW; Cole JH, 2023, 'Photochemical Upconversion in Solution: The Role of Oxygen and Magnetic Field Response', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127, pp. 1794 - 1800,

Hansen CS; Peeters E; Cami J; Schmidt TW, 2022, 'Open questions on carbon-based molecules in space', Communications Chemistry, 5,

Günay B; Burton MG; Afşar M; Schmidt TW, 2022, 'Mapping the aliphatic hydrocarbon content of interstellar dust in the Galactic plane', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, pp. 4201 - 4216,

Laws BA; Levey ZD; Sanov A; Stanton JF; Schmidt TW; Gibson ST, 2022, 'Velocity map imaging spectroscopy of C2H-and C2D-: A benchmark study of vibronic coupling interactions', Journal of Chemical Physics, 157, pp. 044305,

Aghaei M; Pelosi R; Wong WWH; Schmidt T; Debije MG; Reinders AHME, 2022, 'Measured power conversion efficiencies of bifacial luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic devices of the mosaic series', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 30, pp. 726 - 739,

Jiang J; Ye HZ; Nauta K; Van Voorhis T; Schmidt TW; Field RW, 2022, 'Diabatic Valence-Hole States in the C2Molecule: "putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again"', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, pp. 3090 - 3100,

Alves J; Feng J; Nienhaus L; Schmidt TW, 2022, 'Challenges, progress and prospects in solid state triplet fusion upconversion', Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, pp. 7783 - 7798,

Aghaei M; Zhu X; Debije M; Wong W; Schmidt T; Reinders A, 2022, 'Simulations of Luminescent Solar Concentrator Bifacial Photovoltaic Mosaic Devices Containing Four Different Organic Luminophores', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 12, pp. 771 - 777,

Jacob LSD; Lee KLK; Schmidt TW; Nauta K; Kable SH, 2022, 'The dynamics of CO production from the photolysis of acetone across the whole S 1← S 0absorption spectrum: Roaming and triple fragmentation pathways', Journal of Chemical Physics, 156,

Liu Y; Frankcombe TJ; Schmidt TW, 2022, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Wave Function', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, pp. 979 - 991,

Yang C; Atwater HA; Baldo MA; Baran D; Barile CJ; Barr MC; Bates M; Bawendi MG; Bergren MR; Borhan B; Brabec CJ; Brovelli S; Bulovic V; Ceroni P; Debije MG; Delgado-Sanchez J-M; Dong W-J; Duxbury PM; Evans RC; Forrest SR; Gamelin DR; Giebink NC; Gong X; Griffini G; Guo F; Herrera CK; Ho-Baillie AWY; Holmes RJ; Hong S-K; Kirchartz T; Levine BG; Li H; Li Y; Liu D; Loi MA; Luscombe CK; Makarov NS; Mateen F; Mazzaro R; McDaniel H; McGehee MD; Meinardi F; Menendez-Velazquez A; Min J; Mitzi DB; Moemeni M; Moon JH; Nattestad A; Nazeeruddin MK; Nogueira AF; Paetzold UW; Patrick DL; Pucci A; Rand BP; Reichmanis E; Richards BS; Roncali J; Rosei F; Schmidt TW; So F; Tu C-C; Vahdani A; van Sark WGJHM; Verduzco R; Vomiero A; Wong WWH; Wu K; Yip H-L; Zhang X; Zhao H; Lunt RR, 2022, 'Consensus statement: Standardized reporting of power-producing luminescent solar concentrator performance', JOULE, 6, pp. 8 - 15,

Levey ZD; Laws BA; Sundar SP; Nauta K; Kable SH; da Silva G; Stanton JF; Schmidt TW, 2022, 'PAH Growth in Flames and Space: Formation of the Phenalenyl Radical', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, pp. 101 - 108,

Baldacchino AJ; Collins MI; Nielsen MP; Schmidt TW; Mccamey DR; Tayebjee MJY, 2022, 'Singlet fission photovoltaics: Progress and promising pathways', CHEMICAL PHYSICS REVIEWS, 3,

Borsovszky J; Nauta K; Jiang J; Hansen CS; McKemmish LK; Field RW; Stanton JF; Kable SH; Schmidt TW, 2021, 'Photodissociation of dicarbon: How nature breaks an unusual multiple bond', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118,

Wimberger L; Prasad SKK; Peeks MD; Andreásson J; Schmidt TW; Beves JE, 2021, 'Large, Tunable, and Reversible pH Changes by Merocyanine Photoacids', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 20758 - 20768,

Hamzawy S; Wagner P; Gallaher JK; Schmidt TW; Mozer AJ; Nattestad A, 2021, 'Optical analysis of an integrated solar cell and a photon up converter, providing guidance for future device engineering efforts', Journal of Applied Physics, 130,

Laws BA; Levey ZD; Schmidt TW; Gibson ST, 2021, 'Velocity Map Imaging Spectroscopy of the Dipole-Bound State of CH2CN–: Implications for the Diffuse Interstellar Bands', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 18684 - 18692,

Nienhaus L; Schmidt TW, 2021, 'Comment on "tremendously enhanced photocurrent enabled by triplet-triplet annihilation up-conversion for high-performance perovskite solar cells" by W. Sheng, J. Yang, X. Li, G. Liu, Z. Lin, J. Long, S. Xiao, L. Tan and Y. Chen, Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, 14, 3532', Energy and Environmental Science, 14, pp. 6050 - 6052,

Gholizadeh EM; Prasad SKK; Gillan LV; Nielsen MP; Ekins-Daukes NJ; McCamey DR; Tayebjee MJY; Schmidt TW, 2021, 'Singlet and Triplet Exciton Dynamics of Violanthrone', Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, pp. 22464 - 22471,

Li Y; Sabatini RP; Prasad SKK; Hockings ET; Schmidt TW; Lakhwani G, 2021, 'Improved optical confinement in ambipolar field-effect transistors toward electrical injection organic lasers', Applied Physics Letters, 119,

Gallaher JK; Wright KM; Frazer L; Macqueen RW; Crossley MJ; Castellano FN; Schmidt TW, 2021, 'High efficiency deep red to yellow photochemical upconversion under solar irradiance', Energy and Environmental Science, 14, pp. 5541 - 5551,

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