Select Publications
2024, Population Characteristics in Justice Health Research Based on PubMed Abstracts From 1963 to 2023: Text Mining Study (Preprint),
,2024, Responding to the rise of people leaving imprisonment in older age: development of a ‘Support-Efficacy’ framework as a transdisciplinary, holistic and strengths-based guide for understanding reintegration to the community.,
,2023, Automatic Extraction of Research Themes in Epidemiological Criminology From PubMed Abstracts From 1946 to 2020: Text Mining Study (Preprint),
,2023, Multi-sector stakeholder consensus on tackling the complex health and social needs of the growing population of people leaving prison in older age,
,2023, Population ageing, incarceration and the growing digital divide: understanding the effects of digital literacy inequity experienced by older people leaving prison,
,2021, Strategies to maximise study retention and limit attrition bias in a prospective cohort study of men reporting a history of injecting drug use released from prison: The Prison and Transition Health study,
,2020, Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: Results from an Australia jurisdiction,
,2019, Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: Results from an Australia jurisdiction,
,Reduced Hepatitis C Incidence Associated with Rapid Treatment Scale-Up in Australian Prisons: Treatment-as-Prevention in the SToP-C Study,