Select Publications


Lukmanjaya W; Butler T; Taflan P; Simpson P; Ginnivan N; Buchan I; Nenadic G; Karystianis G, 2024, Population Characteristics in Justice Health Research Based on PubMed Abstracts From 1963 to 2023: Text Mining Study (Preprint),

Hwang YI; Butler T, 2024, Responding to the rise of people leaving imprisonment in older age: development of a ‘Support-Efficacy’ framework as a transdisciplinary, holistic and strengths-based guide for understanding reintegration to the community.,

Karystianis G; Simpson P; Lukmanjaya W; Ginnivan N; Nenadic G; Buchan I; Butler T, 2023, Automatic Extraction of Research Themes in Epidemiological Criminology From PubMed Abstracts From 1946 to 2020: Text Mining Study (Preprint),

Hwang YIJ; Withall A; Hampton S; Snoyman P; Forsyth K; Butler T, 2023, Multi-sector stakeholder consensus on tackling the complex health and social needs of the growing population of people leaving prison in older age,

Hwang YIJ; Hagos A; Withall A; Hampton S; Snoyman P; Butler T, 2023, Population ageing, incarceration and the growing digital divide: understanding the effects of digital literacy inequity experienced by older people leaving prison,

Stewart AC; Cossar R; Walker S; Wilkinson AL; Quinn B; Dietze P; Winter R; Kirwan A; Curtis M; Ogloff JRP; Kinner S; Aitken C; Butler T; Woods E; Stoové M, 2021, Strategies to maximise study retention and limit attrition bias in a prospective cohort study of men reporting a history of injecting drug use released from prison: The Prison and Transition Health study,

Gullotta M; Greenberg DM; Adily A; Cale J; Butler TG, 2020, Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: Results from an Australia jurisdiction,

Gullotta M; Greenberg DM; Adily A; Cale J; Butler TG, 2019, Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: Results from an Australia jurisdiction,

Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; McManus H; Butler T; Cunningham EB; Vickerman P; Martin NK; McHutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Chambers GM; Grant L; Mcgrath C; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Group S-CS, Reduced Hepatitis C Incidence Associated with Rapid Treatment Scale-Up in Australian Prisons: Treatment-as-Prevention in the SToP-C Study,

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