Select Publications

Book Chapters

Pawson H; Milligan V, 2024, 'Towards a national housing policy for the 2020s', in Australian Urban Policy: Prospects and Pathways, ANU Press, pp. 349 - 368,

Milligan V; Hulse K, 2020, 'Housing third sector organisations in Australia', in Billis D; Rochester C (ed.), Handbook on Hybrid Organisations, Edward Elgar Publishing limited, Cheltenham UK, pp. 370 - 390,

Yates J; Milligan V, 2012, 'Policies to support access and affordability of housing', in International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, pp. 293 - 305,

Milligan V; Gilmour T, 2012, 'Affordable Housing Strategies', in Smith S; Elsinga M; O'Mahony LF; Eng OS; Wachter S (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 58 - 64

Gilmour T; Milligan V, 2012, 'Housing affordability, affordable housing and the policy agenda', in Tomlinson R (ed.), Australia’s Unintended Cities: The Impact of Housing on Urban Development, CSIRO, Collingwood, Vic, pp. 51 - 67

Yates J; Milligan V, 2012, 'Policies that Support Affordability and Access to Housing', in Smith S; Elsinga M; O'Mahony LF; Eng OS; Wachter S (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 293 - 305

Milligan V; Gilmour T, 2011, 'Affordable Housing Strategies', in International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, pp. 58 - 64,

Yates J; Milligan V, 2011, 'Policies to Support Access and Affordability of Housing', in International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, pp. 293 - 305,

Milligan V; Randolph B, 2009, 'Australia', in Management of Privatised Housing: International Policies & Practice, pp. 19 - 43,

Milligan V; Randolph WG, 2009, 'Australia: New approaches to managing mixed tenure estates', in Gruis V; Tsenkova S; Nieboer N (ed.), Management of privatised housing: international policies and practice, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 19 - 43

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