Select Publications

Journal articles

Li W; Ma H; Gao W, 2019, 'A higher-order shear deformable mixed beam element model for accurate analysis of functionally graded sandwich beams', Composite Structures, 221,

Li K; Wu D; Gao W, 2019, 'Spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis for linear stability analysis of plate', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 352, pp. 1 - 31,

Cheng J; Liu Z; Qian Y; Wu D; Zhou Z; Gao W; Zhang J; Tan J, 2019, 'Robust optimization of uncertain structures based on interval closeness coefficients and the 3D violation vectors of interval constraints', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60, pp. 17 - 33,

Feng J; Liu L; Wu D; Li G; Beer M; Gao W, 2019, 'Dynamic reliability analysis using the extended support vector regression (X-SVR)', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 126, pp. 368 - 391,

Li K; Wu D; Gao W; Song C, 2019, 'Spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis of free vibration', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 350, pp. 1 - 27,

Feng J; Li Q; Sofi A; Li G; Wu D; Gao W, 2019, 'Uncertain Structural Free Vibration Analysis with Non-Probabilistic Spatially Varying Parameters', ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 5,

Li Q; Wang Q; Wu D; Chen X; Yu Y; Gao W, 2019, 'Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of organic solar cell resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation under thermal environment', Composites Part B: Engineering, 163, pp. 121 - 129,

Liu Z; Yang C; Gao W; Wu D; Li G, 2019, 'Nonlinear behaviour and stability of functionally graded porous arches with graphene platelets reinforcements', International Journal of Engineering Science, 137, pp. 37 - 56,

Yu Y; Chen X; Gao W; Wu D; Castel A, 2019, 'Impact of atmospheric marine environment on cementitious materials', Corrosion Science, 148, pp. 366 - 378,

Wu D; Wang Q; Liu A; Yu Y; Zhang Z; Gao W, 2019, 'Robust free vibration analysis of functionally graded structures with interval uncertainties', Composites Part B: Engineering, 159, pp. 132 - 145,

Liu L; Zhang J; Song C; Birk C; Gao W, 2019, 'An automatic approach for the acoustic analysis of three-dimensional bounded and unbounded domains by scaled boundary finite element method', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 151, pp. 563 - 581,

Huang Y; Liu A; Zhu C; Lu H; Gao W, 2019, 'Experimental and numerical investigations on out-of-plane ultimate resistance of parallel twin-arch under uniform radial load', Thin-Walled Structures, 135, pp. 147 - 159,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu B; Song C, 2019, 'Nondeterministic dynamic stability assessment of Euler–Bernoulli beams using Chebyshev surrogate model', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 66, pp. 1 - 25,

Huang YQ; Fu JY; Liu AR; Pi YL; Wu D; Gao W, 2019, 'Effect of concrete creep on dynamic stability behavior of slender concrete-filled steel tubular column', Composites Part B: Engineering, 157, pp. 173 - 181,

Li W; Gao W; Xie P; Chen S, 2019, 'A simplified-but-general nonlinear thin-walled beam finite element model with independent interpolated axial displacement', Thin-Walled Structures, 148,

Li K; Wu D; Chen X; Cheng J; Liu Z; Gao W; Liu M, 2018, 'Isogeometric Analysis of functionally graded porous plates reinforced by graphene platelets', Composite Structures, 204, pp. 114 - 130,

Gao K; Gao W; Chen D; Yang J, 2018, 'Nonlinear free vibration of functionally graded graphene platelets reinforced porous nanocomposite plates resting on elastic foundation', Composite Structures, 204, pp. 831 - 846,

Long XY; Jiang C; Liu K; Han X; Gao W; Li BC, 2018, 'An interval analysis method for fatigue crack growth life prediction with uncertainty', Computers and Structures, 210, pp. 1 - 11,

Wu D; Liu A; Huang Y; Huang Y; Pi Y; Gao W, 2018, 'Mathematical programming approach for uncertain linear elastic analysis of functionally graded porous structures with interval parameters', Composites Part B: Engineering, 152, pp. 282 - 291,

Li Q; Wu D; Chen X; Liu L; Yu Y; Gao W, 2018, 'Nonlinear vibration and dynamic buckling analyses of sandwich functionally graded porous plate with graphene platelet reinforcement resting on Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 148, pp. 596 - 610,

Li K; Wu D; Gao W, 2018, 'Spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis for static response of FGM plate with material uncertainty', Thin-Walled Structures, 132, pp. 504 - 521,

Tomar SS; Zafar S; Talha M; Gao W; Hui D, 2018, 'State of the art of composite structures in non-deterministic framework: A review', Thin-Walled Structures, 132, pp. 700 - 716,

Dou C; Pi YL; Gao W, 2018, 'Shear resistance and post-buckling behavior of corrugated panels in steel plate shear walls', Thin-Walled Structures, 131, pp. 816 - 826,

Yu Y; Chen X; Gao W; Li Q; Wu D; Liu M, 2018, 'Stochastic leaching analysis on cementitious materials considering the influence of material uncertainty', Construction and Building Materials, 184, pp. 186 - 202,

Ma J; Du W; Gao W; Wriggers P; Xue X, 2018, 'Multiscale finite element analysis of uncertain-but-bounded heterogeneous materials at finite deformation', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 149, pp. 15 - 31,

Dou C; Pi YL; Gao W, 2018, 'Restraining requirements for lateral elastic-plastic buckling of columns accounting for random imperfections', Engineering Structures, 171, pp. 260 - 268,

Dou C; Guo YF; Jiang ZQ; Gao W; Pi YL, 2018, 'In-plane buckling and design of steel tubular truss arches', Thin-Walled Structures, 130, pp. 613 - 621,

Hu CF; Pi YL; Gao W; Li L, 2018, 'In-plane non-linear elastic stability of parabolic arches with different rise-to-span ratios', Thin-Walled Structures, 129, pp. 74 - 84,

Wu D; Liu A; Huang Y; Huang Y; Pi Y; Gao W, 2018, 'Dynamic analysis of functionally graded porous structures through finite element analysis', Engineering Structures, 165, pp. 287 - 301,

Chieu NH; Feng JW; Gao W; Li G; Wu D, 2018, 'SOS-Convex Semialgebraic Programs and its Applications to Robust Optimization: A Tractable Class of Nonsmooth Convex Optimization', Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 26, pp. 305 - 326,

Li K; Gao W; Wu D; Song C; Chen T, 2018, 'Spectral stochastic isogeometric analysis of linear elasticity', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332, pp. 157 - 190,

Huang Y; Wang Y; Fu J; Liu A; Gao W, 2018, 'Measurement of the real-time deflection of cable-stayed bridge based on cable tension variations', Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 119, pp. 218 - 228,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu D; Song C, 2018, 'Nonlinear dynamic buckling of the imperfect orthotropic E-FGM circular cylindrical shells subjected to the longitudinal constant velocity', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 138-139, pp. 199 - 209,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu B; Wu D; Song C, 2018, 'Nonlinear primary resonance of functionally graded porous cylindrical shells using the method of multiple scales', Thin-Walled Structures, 125, pp. 281 - 293,

Gao W; Wu D; Gao K; Chen X; Tin-Loi F; Wu D, 2018, 'Structural reliability analysis with imprecise random and interval fields', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 55, pp. 49 - 67,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu D; Song C, 2018, 'Nonlinear dynamic stability of the orthotropic functionally graded cylindrical shell surrounded by Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation subjected to a linearly increasing load', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 415, pp. 147 - 168,

Wu B; Wu D; Gao W; Song C, 2018, 'Time-variant random interval natural frequency analysis of structures', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 414, pp. 284 - 298,

Dou C; Jiang ZQ; Pi YL; Gao W, 2018, 'Elastic buckling of steel arches with discrete lateral braces', Engineering Structures, 156, pp. 12 - 20,

Wu D; Gao W; Hui D; Gao K; Li K, 2018, 'Stochastic static analysis of Euler-Bernoulli type functionally graded structures', Composites Part B: Engineering, 134, pp. 69 - 80,

Wu J; Luo Z; Zhang N; Gao W, 2018, 'A new sequential sampling method for constructing the high-order polynomial surrogate models', Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 35, pp. 529 - 564,

Feng J; Wu D; Gao W; Li G; Wu D, 2018, 'Hybrid uncertain natural frequency analysis for structures with random and interval fields', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 328, pp. 365 - 389,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu D; Song C, 2017, 'Nonlinear dynamic stability analysis of Euler–Bernoulli beam–columns with damping effects under thermal environment', Nonlinear Dynamics, 90, pp. 2423 - 2444,

Wu D; Gao W; Gao K; Tin-Loi F, 2017, 'Robust safety assessment of functionally graded structures with interval uncertainties', Composite Structures, 180, pp. 664 - 685,

Feng J; Wu D; Gao W; Li G, 2017, 'Uncertainty analysis for structures with hybrid random and interval parameters using mathematical programming approach', Applied Mathematical Modelling, 48, pp. 208 - 232,

Wu D; Gao W; Tangaramvong S, 2017, 'Time-dependent buckling analysis of concrete-filled steel tubular arch with interval viscoelastic effects', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 143,

Wu D; Gao W, 2017, 'Uncertain static plane stress analysis with interval fields', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 110, pp. 1272 - 1300,

Gao K; Gao W; Wu D; Song C, 2017, 'Nonlinear dynamic characteristics and stability of composite orthotropic plate on elastic foundation under thermal environment', Composite Structures, 168, pp. 619 - 632,

Huang Y; Liu A; Pi Y; Lu H; Gao W, 2017, 'Assessment of lateral dynamic instability of columns under an arbitrary periodic axial load owing to parametric resonance', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 395, pp. 272 - 293,

Do DM; Gao W; Saputra AA; Song C; Leong CH, 2017, 'The stochastic Galerkin scaled boundary finite element method on random domain', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 110, pp. 248 - 278,

Li W; Ma H; Gao W, 2017, 'Geometrically exact curved beam element using internal force field defined in deformed configuration', International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 89, pp. 116 - 126,

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