Select Publications

Journal articles

Lan Q; Wang SS; Menashe I; Armstrong B; Zhang Y; Hartge P; Purdue MP; Holford TR; Morton LM; Kricker A; Cerhan JR; Grulich A; Cozen W; Zahm SH; Yeager M; Vajdic CM; Schenk M; Leaderer B; Yuenger J; Severson RK; Chatterjee N; Chanock SJ; Zheng T; Rothman N, 2011, 'Genetic variation in Th1/Th2 pathway genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled analysis of three population-based case-control studies', British Journal of Haematology, 153, pp. 341 - 351,

Hocking JS; Stein A; Conway EL; Regan DG; Grulich A; Law MG; Brotherton J, 2011, 'Head and neck cancer in Australia between 1982 and 2005 show increasing incidence of potentially HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers', British Journal of Cancer, 104, pp. 886 - 891,

Grulich AE; Jin F; Poynten IM; Vajdic CM, 2011, 'HIV, cancer, and ageing', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 521 - 525,;dn=535749118010911;res=IELHEA

Templeton DJ; Grulich AE; Yew J; Twin J; Jin F; Prestage G; Donovan BJ; Tabrizi S, 2011, 'Lymphogranuloma venereum is rare in Australian community-based samples of men who have sex with men', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 38, pp. 48 - 49,

Wilson DP; Grulich AE; Boyd MA, 2011, 'Overly optimistic forecasts of the impact of treatment as HIV prevention for men who have sex with men', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 53, pp. 611 - 612

Donovan B; Franklin N; Guy R; Grulich AE; Regan DG; Ali H; Wand H; Fairley CK, 2011, 'Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination and trends in genital warts in Australia: analysis of national sentinel surveillance data', Lancet Infectious Diseases, 11, pp. 39 - 44

Guy R; Wand HC; Franklin NP; Fairley CK; Chen M; O'Connor CC; Marshall L; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Hellard M; Donovan B, 2011, 'Re-testing for chlamydia at sexual health services in Australia, 2004-08', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 242 - 247,;dn=026882672949469;res=IELHEA

Guy RJ; Spelman T; Stoove M; El-Hayek C; Goller J; Fairley CK; Leslie D; Tee BK; Roth N; Grulich AE; Hellard ME, 2011, 'Risk factors for HIV seroconversion in men who have sex with men in Victoria, Australia; results from a sentinel surveillance system', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 319 - 329

Prestage G; Down I; Grulich AE; Zablotska I, 2011, 'Sex partying among gay men in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia', AIDS and Behavior, 15, pp. 298 - 304,

Poynten IM; Templeton DJ; Grulich AE, 2011, 'Sexually transmissible infections in aging HIV populations', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 508 - 511,;dn=535637320183362;res=IELHEA

Poynten IM; Grulich AE, 2011, 'The emerging role of antiretroviral agents in HIV prevention', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 137 - 139

Jin F; Stein AN; Conway EL; Regan DG; Law MG; Brotherton J; Hocking J; Grulich AE, 2011, 'Trends in anal cancer in Australia, 1982-2005', Vaccine, 29, pp. 1982 - 2005,

Guy RJ; Wand H; Wilson DP; Prestage G; Jin F; Templeton DJ; Donovan B; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM, 2011, 'Using population attributable risk to choose HIV prevention strategies in men who have sex with men', BMC Public Health, 11, pp. 1 - 10,

Shen M; Menashe I; Morton LM; Zhang Y; Armstrong B; Wang SS; Lan Q; Hartge P; Purdue MP; Cerhan JR; Grulich A; Cozen W; Yeager M; Holford TR; Vajdic CM; Davis S; Leaderer B; Kricker A; Severson RK; Zahm SH; Chatterjee N; Rothman N; Chanock SJ; Zheng T, 2010, 'Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma in a pooled analysis of three studies', British Journal of Haematology, 151, pp. 239 - 244,

Wilson DP; Jin F; Jansson J; Zablotska I; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Infectiousness of HIV-infected men who have sex with men in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy', AIDS, 24, pp. 2420 - 2421,

Molano M; Tabrizi SN; Garland SM; Roberts JM; MacHalek DA; Phillips S; Chandler D; Hillman RJ; Grulich AE; Jin F; Poynten IM; Templeton DJ; Cornall AM; McCaffery K; Howard K; Farnsworth A; Fairley K; Prestage G; Carr A; Tong W; Law C; Acraman B; Crampton L; Feeney L; Fraissard E; Law M; McGrath P; Mellor R; Norris R; O'Dwyer M; Pendlebury S; Petoumenos K; Richards A; Schema L; Seeds D; Segelov E; Thurloe J; Varma R; Han A, 2010, 'CpG methylation analysis of hpv16 in laser capture microdissected archival tissue and whole tissue sections from high grade anal squamous intraepithelial lesions: A potential disease biomarker', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0160673,

Hong A; Grulich A; Jones D; Lee S; Garland S; Dobbins T; Clark J; Harnett G; Milross C; O'Brien C; Rose B, 2010, 'Oropharyngeal cancer. Australian data show increase.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 340,

Hong A; Grulich A; Jones D; Lee S; Garland S; Dobbins T; Clark J; Harnett G; Milross C; O'Brien C; Rose B, 2010, 'Oropharyngeal cancer. Australian data show increase.', BMJ, 340, pp. c2518,

O'Donnell D; Grulich AE; Garsia R; Parkhill N; Browne K, 2010, 'HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 21, pp. 49 - 53,

Jin F; Prestage G; Imrie JC; Kippax SC; Donovan BJ; Templeton DJ; Cunningham AL; Mindel A; Cunningham PH; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Anal sexually transmitted infections and risk of HIV infection in homosexual men', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 53, pp. 144 - 149,

Vajdic CM; Mao L; Van Leeuwen MT; Kirkpatrick P; Grulich AE; Riminton S, 2010, 'Are antibody deficiency disorders associated with a narrower range of cancers than other forms of immunodeficiency?', Blood: American Journal of Hematology, 116, pp. 1228 - 1234,

Poynton M; Jin F; Prestage G; Kaldor JM; Imrie JC; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Attitudes towards new HIV biomedical prevention technologies among a cohort of HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia', HIV Medicine, 11, pp. 282 - 288,

Grulich AE; Vajdic CM; Falster M; Kane E; Ekstrom SK; Bracci P; De Sanjose S; Becker NG; Turner J; Martinez-Maza O; Melbye M; Engels E; Vineis P; Seniori CA; Holly E; Spinelli J; La Vecchia C; Zheng T; Chiu B; Dal Maso L; Cocco P, 2010, 'Birth order and risk of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma - true association or bias?', American Journal of Epidemiology, 172, pp. 621 - 630,

Grulich AE; Jin F; Conway EL; Stein A; Hocking J, 2010, 'Cancers attributable to human papillomavirus infection', Sexual Health, 7, pp. 244 - 252

Petoumenos K; Hui E; Kumarasamy N; Kerr SJ; Choi JY; Chen YF; Merati T; Zhang F; Lim P; Sungkanuparph S; Pujari S; Ponnampalavanar S; Ditangco R; Lee CK; Grulich AE; Law MG, 2010, 'Cancers in the Treat Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD): A retrospective analysis of risk factors', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13, pp. 1 - 14,

Franklin N; O''connor C; Shaw M; Guy R; Grulich AE; Fairley CK; Chen M; Hellard M; Dickson B; Marshall L; Donovan B, 2010, 'Chlamydia at an inner metropolitan sexual health service in Sydney, NSW: Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS) Project', Sexual Health, 7, pp. 478 - 483

Grulich AE; Zablotska I, 2010, 'Commentary: Probability of HIV transmission through anal intercourse', International Journal of Epidemiology, 39, pp. 1064 - 1065

Zablotska I; Prestage G; Middleton MG; Wilson DP; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Contemporary HIV diagnoses trends in Australia can be predicted by trends in unprotected anal intercourse among gay men', AIDS, 24, pp. 1955 - 1958,

Poynton M; Jin F; Prestage G; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Defining high HIV incidence subgroups of Australian homosexual men: implications for conducting HIV prevention trials in low HIV prevalence settings', HIV Medicine, 11, pp. 634 - 641,

Van Leeuwen MT; Webster AC; Mccredie MR; Stewart JH; McDonald S; Amin J; Kaldor JM; Chapman JR; Vajdic CM; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Effect of reduced immunosuppression after kidney transplant failure on risk of cancer: population based retrospective cohort study.', British Medical Journal (BMJ), 340, pp. c570,

Grulich AE; Wilson DP, 2010, 'Is antiretroviral therapy modifying the HIV epidemic?', Lancet, 376, pp. 1824 - 1824,

Templeton DJ; Millett GA; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Male circumcision to reduce the risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men.', Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, 23, pp. 45 - 52

Vajdic CM; Van Leeuwen MT; Turner J; McDonald AM; Webster A; McDonald S; Chapman JR; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2010, 'No excess risk of follicular lymphoma in kidney transplant and HIV-related immune deficiency', International Journal of Cancer, 127, pp. 2732 - 2735,

Jin F; Jansson J; Law MG; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Imrie JC; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE; Wilson DP, 2010, 'Per-contact probability of HIV transmission in homosexual men in Sydney in the era of HAART', AIDS, 24, pp. 907 - 913,

Shen MJ; Menashe I; Morton L; Zhang Y; Armstrong B; Wang S; Lan Q; Hartge P; Purdue M; Cerhan J; Grulich AE; Cozen W; Yeager M; Holford T; Vajdic CM; Davis S; Leaderer B; Kricker A; Severson R; Zahm S; Chatterjee N; Rothman N; Chanock S; Zheng T, 2010, 'Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a pooled analysis of three studies', British Journal of Haematology, 151, pp. 239 - 244,

Sturgiss EA; Jin F; Martin SJ; Grulich AE; Bowden FJ, 2010, 'Prevalence of other sexually transmissible infections in patients with newly diagnosed anogenital warts in a sexual health clinic', Sexual Health, 7, pp. 55 - 59

Jin F; Prestage G; Matthews G; Zablotska I; Rawstorne PR; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for hepatitis C in homosexual men: data from two cohorts of HIV-negative and HIV-positive men in Sydney, Australia', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86, pp. 25 - 28,

Templeton DJ; Jin F; McNally LP; Imrie JC; Prestage G; Donovan BJ; Cunningham PH; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for pharyngeal gonorrhea in a community-based HIV-negative cohort of homosexual men in Sydney, Australia', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86, pp. 90 - 96,

Wilson DP; Regan DG; Heymer K; Jin F; Prestage G; Grulich AE; Heymer K, 2010, 'Serosorting may increase the risk of HIV acquisition among men who have sex with men', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37, pp. 13 - 17,

Hong A; Grulich AE; Jones D; Soon lee C; Garland S; Dobbins T; Clark J; Harnett G; Milross C; O'Brien C; Rose B, 2010, 'Squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx in Australian males induced by human papillomavirus vaccine targets', Vaccine, 28, pp. 3269 - 3272

Grulich AE; O'Donnell D; de Wit J, 2010, 'Surveillance, epidemiology and behavioural research to guide HIV prevention policy', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 21, pp. 96,

Babirye JN; Nuwaha F; Grulich AE, 2009, 'Adherence to feeding guidelines among HIV-infected and HIV uninfected mothers in a rural district in Uganda', East African Medical Journal, 86, pp. 337 - 343

Bower M; Grulich A, 2009, 'Editorial introductions', Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 4


Jin F; Prestage GP; Templeton DJ; Donovan B; Imrie J; Kippax S; Mindel A; Cunningham A; Cunningham P; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2009, 'THE IMPACT OF HIV RISK REDUCTION BEHAVIOURS ON SEXUALLY TRANSMISSIBLE INFECTIONS IN HIV NEGATIVE HOMOSEXUAL MEN', SEXUAL HEALTH, 6, pp. 376 - 376,

Purdue M; Lan Q; Wang SS; Kricker A; Menashe I; Zheng T; Hartge P; Grulich AE; Zhang Y; Morton L; Vajdic CM; Holford T; Severson R; Leaderer B; Cerhan J; Yeager M; Cozen W; Jacobs K; Davis S; Rothman N; Chanock S; Chatterjee N; Armstrong BK, 2009, 'A pooled investigation of Toll-like receptor gene variants and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma', Carcinogenesis, 30, pp. 275 - 281

Vajdic CM; Van Leeuwen MT; Grulich AE, 2009, 'A role for ageing and HIV infection in HIV-related cancer risk', AIDS, 23, pp. 1183 - 1184,

Babirye J; Nuwaha F; Grulich AE, 2009, 'Adherence to feeding guidelines among HIV-infected and HIV uninfected mothers in a rural district in Uganda', East African Medical Journal, 86, pp. 7 - 13

Vajdic CM; Van Leeuwen MT; Jin F; Prestage G; Medley G; Hillman R; Stevens M; Botes L; Zablotska I; Tabrizi S; Grulich AE; botes , 2009, 'Anal human papillomavirus genotype diversity and co-infection in a community-based sample of homosexual men', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 85, pp. 330 - 335,

Vajdic CM; Falster M; De Sanjose S; Martinez-Maza O; Becker N; Bracci P; Melbye M; Smedby K; Engels E; Turner J; Vineis P; Costantini A; Holly E; Kane E; Spinelli J; La Vecchia C; Zheng T; Chiu B; Dal Maso L; Cocco P; Maynadie M; Foretova L; Staines A; Brennan P; Davis S; Severson R; Cerhan J; Breen E; Birmann B; Cozen W; Grulich AE, 2009, 'Atopic disease and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: An interlymph pooled analysis', Cancer research, 69, pp. 6482 - 6489

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