Select Publications

Journal articles

Salam MA; Praveen D; Patel A; Tewari A; Webster R, 2018, 'PO171 Barriers to the Use of Cardiovascular Polypills In India: A Mixed-Methods Study', Global Heart, 13, pp. 418,

Webster R; Bullen C; Patel A; Selak V; Stepien S; Thom S; Rodgers A, 2017, 'Impact of switching to polypill based therapy by baseline potency of medication: Post-hoc analysis of the SPACE Collaboration dataset', International Journal of Cardiology, 249, pp. 443 - 447,

Tewari A; Kallakuri S; Devarapalli S; Jha V; Patel A; Maulik PK, 2017, 'Process evaluation of the systematic medical appraisal, referral and treatment (SMART) mental health project in rural India', BMC Psychiatry, 17, pp. 385,

Peng Y; Du X; Rogers KD; Wu Y; Gao R; Patel A, 2017, 'Predicting In-Hospital Mortality in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome in China', American Journal of Cardiology, 120, pp. 1077 - 1083,

Xie G; Sun Y; Myint PK; Patel A; Yang X; Li M; Li X; Wu T; Li S; Gao R; Wu Y, 2017, 'Six-month adherence to Statin use and subsequent risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients discharged with acute coronary syndromes', Lipids in Health and Disease, 16, pp. 155,

Du X; Patel A; Li X; Wu Y; Turnbull F; Gao R, 2017, 'Treatment and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes in women: An analysis of a multicenter quality improvement Chinese study', International Journal of Cardiology, 241, pp. 19 - 24,

Atkins ER; Du X; Wu Y; Gao R; Patel A; Chow CK, 2017, 'Use of cardiovascular prevention treatments after acute coronary syndrome in China and associated factors', International Journal of Cardiology, 241, pp. 444 - 449,

Anastasius M; Lau JK; Hyun K; D'Souza M; Patel A; Rankin J; Walters D; Juergens C; Aliprandi-Costa B; Yan AT; Goodman SG; Chew D; Brieger D, 2017, 'The underutilisation of dual antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndrome', International Journal of Cardiology, 240, pp. 30 - 36,

Patel A; Pieper K; Myburgh JA; Perkovic V; Finfer S; Yang Q; Li Q; Billot L, 2017, 'Reanalysis of the crystalloid versus hydroxyethyl starch trial (CHEST)', New England Journal of Medicine, 377, pp. 298 - 300,

Patel A; Billot L, 2017, 'Reality and truth: Balancing the hope and the hype of real-world evidence', Circulation, 136, pp. 260 - 262,

Bennett A; Chow CK; Chou M; Dehbi HM; Webster R; Salam A; Patel A; Neal B; Peiris D; Thakkar J; Chalmers J; Nelson M; Reid C; Hillis GS; Woodward M; Hilmer S; Usherwood T; Thom S; Rodgers A; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Efficacy and Safety of Quarter-Dose Blood Pressure-Lowering Agents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials', Hypertension, 70, pp. 85 - 93,

Lafeber M; Spiering W; Visseren FLJ; Grobbee DE; Bots ML; Stanton A; Patel A; Prabhakaran D; Webster R; Thom S; Rodgers A, 2017, 'Impact of switching from different treatment regimens to a fixed-dose combination pill (polypill) in patients with cardiovascular disease or similarly high risk', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 24, pp. 951 - 961,

Dean JA; Welsh LC; Wong KH; Aleksic A; Dunne E; Islam MR; Patel A; Patel P; Petkar I; Phillips I; Sham J; Schick U; Newbold KL; Bhide SA; Harrington KJ; Nutting CM; Gulliford SL, 2017, 'Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) Modelling of Severe Acute Mucositis using a Novel Oral Mucosal Surface Organ at Risk', Clinical Oncology, 29, pp. 263 - 273,

Maulik PK; Kallakuri S; Devarapalli S; Vadlamani VK; Jha V; Patel A, 2017, 'Increasing use of mental health services in remote areas using mobile technology: A pre- post evaluation of the SMART Mental Health project in rural India', Journal of Global Health, 7, pp. 010408,

Tian M; Zhang J; Luo R; Chen S; Petrovic D; Redfern J; Xu DR; Patel A, 2017, 'mhealth interventions for health system strengthening in china: A systematic review', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5,

Hyun KK; Redfern J; Patel A; Brieger D; Sullivan D; Harris M; Usherwood T; MacMahon S; Lyford M; Woodward M; Peiris D, 2017, 'Gender inequalities in cardiovascular risk factor assessment and management in primary healthcare', Heart, 103, pp. 500 - 506,

Rodgers A; Chow CK; Jackson RT; Patel A; Usherwood T, 2017, 'Guideline for the diagnosis and management of hypertension in adults — 2016', Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 141 - 141.e1,

Patel A; Rutherford JD, 2017, 'Improving Cardiovascular Health in Diverse Populations: A Conversation with Anushka Patel, MBBS, SM, PhD', Circulation, 135, pp. 502 - 505,

Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Desai A; Praveen D; Joshi R; Rozati R; Bhatla N; Prabhakaran D; Reddy P; Patel A; Tandon N, 2017, 'Conversion of gestational diabetes mellitus to future Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the predictive value of HbA1c in an Indian cohort', Diabetic Medicine, 34, pp. 37 - 43,

Laba TL; Patel A; Jan S, 2017, 'Creating a new investment pool for innovative health systems research', Australian Health Review, 41, pp. 173 - 175,

Goff A; Patel A; Spies J; Chan K; Faulds I; Wilcox I, 2017, '24-Hour Heart Rate Variability in Subjects with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 26, pp. S284 - S284,

Riddell MA; Edwards N; Thompson SR; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Praveen D; Johnson C; Kengne AP; Liu P; McCready T; Ng E; Rodgers A; Jan S; MacMahon S; Joshi R; Neal B; Patel A; Webster R; Peiris D; Maulik PK; Li X; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Developing consensus measures for global programs: lessons from the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Hypertension research program', Globalization and health, 13, pp. 17 - 17,

Angell B; Laba T; Lung T; Brown A; Eades S; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Billot L; Hillis G; Webster R; Patel A; Jan S, 2017, 'Healthcare expenditure on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians at high risk of cardiovascular disease', International journal for equity in health, 16, pp. 108,

Patel B; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Li Q; Harris M; Panaretto K; Zwar N; Patel A, 2017, 'Impact of sustained use of a multifaceted computerized quality improvement intervention for cardiovascular disease management in Australian primary health care', Journal of the American Heart Association, 6, pp. e007093,

Chow CK; Thakkar J; Bennett A; Hillis G; Burke M; Usherwood T; Vo K; Rogers K; Atkins E; Webster R; Chalmers J; Rodgers A; Patel A; Neal B; Peiris D; Woodward M; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Quarter-dose quadruple combination therapy for initial treatment of hypertension: placebo-controlled, crossover, randomised trial and systematic review', The Lancet, 389, pp. 1035 - 1042,

Chalasani S; Peiris DP; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Neal BC; Sullivan DR; Colagiuri S; Zwar NA; Li Q; Patel A, 2017, 'Reducing cardiovascular disease risk in diabetes: a randomised controlled trial of a quality improvement initiative', The Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 436 - 441

Redfern J; Hyun K; Atkins E; Chow C; Briffa T; Patel B; Zwar N; Usherwood T; Li Q; Patel A; Peiris D, 2017, 'Utilisation of Medicare-funded schemes for people with cardiovascular disease', Australian journal of primary health, 23, pp. 482 - 488,

Affan ET; Praveen D; Wu JHY; Chow CK; Peiris D; Patel A; Neal BC, 2016, 'Prevalence of dysglycaemia in rural Andhra Pradesh: 2005, 2010, and 2014', Journal of Diabetes, 8, pp. 816 - 823,

Maulik PK; Tewari A; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Patel A, 2016, 'The systematic medical appraisal, referral and treatment (smart) mental health project: Development and testing of electronic decision support system and formative research to understand perceptions about mental health in rural India', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0164404,

Hayek A; Joshi R; Usherwood T; Webster R; Kaur B; Saini B; Armour C; Krass I; Laba TL; Reid C; Shiel L; Hespe C; Hersch F; Jan S; Lo S; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Patel A, 2016, 'An integrated general practice and pharmacy-based intervention to promote the use of appropriate preventive medications among individuals at high cardiovascular disease risk: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Implementation Science, 11, pp. 129,

Selak V; Bullen C; Stepien S; Arroll B; Bots M; Bramley D; Cass A; Grobbee D; Hillis GS; Molanus B; Neal B; Patel A; Rafter N; Rodgers A; Thom S; Tonkin A; Usherwood T; Wadham A; Webster R, 2016, 'Do polypills lead to neglect of lifestyle risk factors? Findings from an individual participant data meta-analysis among 3140 patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 23, pp. 1393 - 1400,

Li M; Huang Y; Du X; Li S; Ji J; Patel A; Gao R; Wu Y, 2016, 'Impact of prior use of four preventive medications on outcomes in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome- Results from CPACS-2 study', PLoS ONE, 11,

Peiris D; Sun L; Patel A; Tian M; Essue B; Jan S; Zhang P, 2016, 'Systematic medical assessment, referral and treatment for diabetes care in China using lay family health promoters: Protocol for the SMARTDiabetes cluster randomised controlled trial', Implementation Science, 11, pp. 116,

WTobe S; Attaran A; de Villiers A; Featherstone A; Forrest J; Kalyesubula R; Kamwesiga J; Kengne AP; Lopez PC; Mills E; Mukasa B; Muldoon K; Tayari JC; Yaya S; Kien Keat N; Casas JL; McCready T; McKee M; Ng E; Nieuwlaat R; Zainal AO; Yusoff K; Yusuf S; Campbell N; Kilonzo K; Liu P; Marr M; Yeates K; Feng X; He F; Jan S; Li X; Lin CP; Ma J; Ma Y; MacGregor G; Nowson C; Wang H; Wu Y; Yan L; Yuan J; Zhang J; Goudge J; Kabudula C; Limbani F; Masilela N; Myakayaka N; Thorogood M; Gómez-Olivé FX; Arabshahi S; Chow C; Evans R; Joshi R; Kalyanram K; Kartik K; Mahal A; Maulik P; Oldenburg B; Riddell M; Srikanth V; Suresh O; Thankappan K; Thirunavukkarasu S; Thomas N; Thrift AG; Varma R; Clifford G; Heritier S; MacMahon S; Patel A; Peiris D; Prabhakaran D; Praveen D; Rodgers A; Salam A; Thom S; Webster R; Johnson C; Krishnan A; Mohan S; Neal B; Reddy KS; Shivashankar R; Sudhir T; Faletoese S; Ieremia M; Moodie M; Pillay A; Schultz J; Siitia J; Snowdon W; Sukhu A; Ulberg C; Viali S; Webster J; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Cárdenas MK; Diez-Canseco F; Gilman RH; Mohammad M, 2016, 'The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Supports 15 Major Studies in Hypertension Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 600 - 605,

Dean JA; Welsh LC; McQuaid D; Wong KH; Aleksic A; Dunne E; Islam MR; Patel A; Patel P; Petkar I; Phillips I; Sham J; Newbold KL; Bhide SA; Harrington KJ; Gulliford SL; Nutting CM, 2016, 'Assessment of fully-automated atlas-based segmentation of novel oral mucosal surface organ-at-risk', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 119, pp. 166 - 171,

Patel A; Webster R, 2016, 'Pragmatic Trials for Noncommunicable Diseases: Relieving Constraints', PLoS Medicine, 13, pp. e1001986,

Woodward M; Hirakawa Y; Kengne AP; Matthews DR; Zoungas S; Patel A; Poulter N; Grobbee R; Cooper M; Jardine M; Chalmers J, 2016, 'Prediction of 10-year vascular risk in patients with diabetes: The AD-ON risk score', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 18, pp. 289 - 294,

Webster R; Patel A; Selak V; Billot L; Bots ML; Brown A; Bullen C; Cass A; Crengle S; Raina Elley C; Grobbee DE; Neal B; Peiris D; Poulter N; Prabhakaran D; Rafter N; Stanton A; Stepien S; Thom S; Usherwood T; Wadham A; Rodgers A, 2016, 'Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication ('polypills') compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries', International Journal of Cardiology, 205, pp. 147 - 156,

Mohammedi K; Woodward M; Zoungas S; Li Q; Harrap S; Patel A; Marre M; Chalmers J, 2016, 'Absence of peripheral pulses and risk of major vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes', Diabetes Care, 39, pp. 2270 - 2277,

Patel A; Webster R, 2016, 'The potential and value of epidemiology in curbing non-communicable diseases', Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 1, pp. e15,

Atkins E; Du X; Patel A; Chow C, 2016, 'Gender Differences in Survival and Readmission Following Acute Coronary Syndrome in China', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S318 - S319,

Hyun K; Redfern J; Peiris D; Patel A; Brieger D; Sullivan D; Harris M; Woodward M, 2016, 'Gender Inequalities in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management in Australian Primary Health Care: Results from the TORPEDO Study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S319

Beck A; Birney E; Graeber M; Tumwine J; Hay P; Ahn HS; Patel A; du Cros P; von Seidlein L; Wareham N; Low N, 2015, 'Progress in Medicine: Experts Take Stock', PLoS medicine, 12, pp. e1001933,

Truelove M; Patel A; Bompoint S; Brown A; Cass A; Hillis GS; Peiris D; Rafter N; Reid CM; Rodgers A; Tonkin A; Usherwood T; Webster R, 2015, 'The Effect of a Cardiovascular Polypill Strategy on Pill Burden', Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 33, pp. 347 - 352,

Liu H; Massi L; Eades AM; Howard K; Peiris D; Redfern J; Usherwood T; Cass A; Patel A; Jan S; Laba TL, 2015, 'Implementing Kanyini GAP, a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in Australia: Findings from a qualitative study', Trials, 16,

Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Brown A; Jan S; Neal B; Hillis GS; Rafter N; Tonkin A; Webster R; Billot L; Bompoint S; Burch C; Burke H; Hayman N; Molanus B; Reid CM; Shiel L; Togni S; Rodgers A, 2015, 'A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 22, pp. 920 - 930,

Chalmers J; Arima H; Woodward M; Mancia G; Poulter N; Hirakawa Y; Zoungas S; Patel A; Williams B; Harrap S, 2015, 'Erratum: Effects of combination of perindopril, indapamide, and calcium channel blockers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: results from the action in diabetes and vascular disease: preterax and diamicron controlled evaluation (ADVANCE) trial (Hypertension (2014) 63 (259-264)) DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.02252)', Hypertension, 66, pp. e2,

Blomster JI; Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Li Q; Chow CK; Woodward M; Mancia G; Poulter N; Williams B; Harrap S; Neal B; Patel A; Hillis GS, 2015, 'Erratum. The relationship between alcohol consumption and vascular complications and mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;37:1353-1359', Diabetes Care, 38, pp. 1393,

Liu H; Laba TL; Massi L; Jan S; Usherwood T; Patel A; Hayman NE; Cass A; Eades AM; Lawrence C; Peiris DP, 2015, 'Facilitators and barriers to implementation of a pragmatic clinical trial in Aboriginal health services', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 24 - 28,

Emdin CA; Rahimi K; Patel A, 2015, 'In reply', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 313, pp. 2183 - 2184,

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