ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2019, 'Polarization alleviation in flow-electrode CDI enables extremely high water recovery rate in desalination and reclamation', San Diego, CA, USA, presented at American Chemical Society National Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 25 August 2019 - 29 August 2019
,2017, 'Impacts of dynamic geochemical conditions on plutonium and americium mobility at a legacy trench disposal site', Barcelona, Spain, presented at 16th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Barcelona, Spain, 10 September 2017 - 15 September 2017
,2017, 'Phylogenomics of a radioactive legacy site reveals new Archaea phyla of unknown function', Sydney, Australia, presented at Sydney Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2017, Sydney, Australia, 13 June 2017 - 13 June 2017
,2016, 'Rainfall-mediated biogeochemical changes at a legacy radionuclide waste disposal site', Montreal, Canada, presented at 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Montreal, Canada, 21 August 2016 - 26 August 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3502709
,2015, 'Remote Community Groundwater Treatment Using Membrane Technologies', Adelaide, Australia, presented at OzWater'15, Adelaide, Australia, 12 May 2015 - 14 May 2015
,2014, 'Biogeochemical changes during experimental column leaching of a weathered uranium composite', Seoul, South Korea, presented at 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Seoul, South Korea, 24 August 2014 - 29 August 2014
,2013, 'Bespoke Membrane Modules: Application of numerical simulation to optimise fibre length and diameter in immersed membrane systems', Melbourne, Australia, presented at The 8th International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTEC13), Melbourne, Australia, 25 November 2013 - 29 November 2013
,2012, 'Facility for studying in-situ liquid phase dynamics and thermodynamics with XAS', Beijing, China, presented at 15th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS15), Beijing, China, 22 July 2012 - 28 July 2012
,2012, 'Using XAFS and q-XAFS to monitor U and Fe speciation during Fe(III) oxyhydroxide transformations', Beijing, China, presented at 15th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS15), Beijing, China, 22 July 2012 - 28 July 2012
,2012, 'Labile and exchangeable metal concentrations in Australian coastal acid sulfate soils: mechanisms controlling metal solubility', Vaasa, Finland, presented at 7th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference, Vaasa, Finland
,2012, 'Mobilization of exchangeable aluminum in acid sulfate soils (ASS)', Montreal, Canada, presented at Goldschmidt 2012, Montreal, Canada
,2011, 'A low temperature (77 K) time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy study on the aqueous speciation of U(VI) in the presence of ferrihydrite and citrate', Beijing, China, presented at 13th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Beijing, China, 18 September 2011 - 23 September 2011, http://www.chem.pku.edu.cn/migration2011
,2009, 'Anomalous sorption behavior of uranium to ferrihydrite in the presence of citrate', Kennewick, Washington, USA, presented at 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, USA
,(eds.), 2008, 'Anomalous hydraulic and rheological properties of coastal acid sulfate soils, Eastern Australia', Guangzhou, China, pp. 1 - 1, presented at 3rd IACMR Biennial Conference, Guangzhou, China, 19 June 2008 - 22 June 2008
,(eds.), 2008, 'Impact of soil consolidation and cationic solutions on the hydraulic properties of coastal acid sulfate soils', Guangzhou, China, pp. 1 - 1, presented at 3rd IACMR Biennial Conference, Guangzhou, China, 19 June 2008 - 22 June 2008