Select Publications


Kildea PJ; Lynch A; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Reform of the Australian Federation, Australia

Kildea PJ; Lynch A; Williams G, 2010, Submission to the UK House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution Inquiry into Fixed-term Parliaments

Golder B; Lynch A; McGarrity N; Michaelsen C; Santow E; Teeger B; Williams G, 2009, Submission to the National Security Discussion Paper, Australia

Hemelryk Donald SJ; Spry D, 2008, Australia, International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television, Munich

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Terrorist Material) Bill 2007, Australia

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, National Classification Scheme to Include Material that Advocates Terrorist Acts: Submission to Review of Proposals to Amend the National Classification Scheme, Australia

Lynch A; Williams G; MacDonald EC, 2007, Power to Proscribe Organisations as Terrorist Organisations, Australia

Williams G, 2007, Submission on Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Bill 2007, Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Williams G, 2007, Submission on National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Bill 2007, Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee

Lynch A; MacDonald EC; Williams G, 2007, Submission on Parts 2A and 3 of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 (NSW), NSW Ombudsman's Office

Lynch A; MacDonald EC; Williams G, 2007, Submission to the Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee - Feb 2007: Review of the Listing Provisions of the Criminal Code Act 1995, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Williams G, 2007, Working Together: Inquiry into Options for a New National Industrial Relations System, NSW Government

Lynch A; Williams G, 2006, Submission to the Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee - Feb 2006, Attorney-General's Security Legislation Review Committee

Williams G, 2005, Responsibilities and Respect: The Report of the Human Rights Consultation Committee, State of Victoria, Victorian Human Rights Consultation Committee report

Lynch A; Williams G; Saul B, 2005, Submission on the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) 2005, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Commonwealth Parliament Nov 2005, Australia

Williams G; Brennan S; Hume N, 2003, Submission to Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee, Queensland Parliament for its Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Participation in Queensland’s Democratic Process, 10 April 2003, Queensland Parliament

Brennan S; Williams G; Bosnjak V, 2002, Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee for its Inquiry into the Progress Towards National Reconciliation, Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

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