Select Publications


Wistoff N; Heiser G; Benini L, 2024, fence.t.s: Closing Timing Channels in High-Performance Out-of-Order Cores through ISA-Supported Temporal Partitioning

Buckley S; Sison R; Wistoff N; Millar C; Murray T; Klein G; Heiser G, 2023, Proving the Absence of Microarchitectural Timing Channels,

Wistoff N; Schneider M; Gürkaynak FK; Heiser G; Benini L, 2022, Systematic Prevention of On-Core Timing Channels by Full Temporal Partitioning,

Wistoff N; Schneider M; Gürkaynak FK; Benini L; Heiser G, 2020, Prevention of Microarchitectural Covert Channels on an Open-Source 64-bit RISC-V Core,

Heiser G; Klein G; Murray T, 2019, Can We Prove Time Protection?,

Ge Q; Yarom Y; Chothia T; Heiser G, 2018, Time Protection: the Missing OS Abstraction,

van der Kouwe E; Andriesse D; Bos H; Giuffrida C; Heiser G, 2018, Benchmarking Crimes: An Emerging Threat in Systems Security,

Ge Q; Yarom Y; Li F; Heiser G, 2016, Your Processor Leaks Information - and There's Nothing You Can Do About It,

Elphinstone K; Zarrabi A; Danis A; Shen Y; Heiser G, 2016, An Evaluation of Coarse-Grained Locking for Multicore Microkernels,

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