Select Publications

Journal articles

Harrison V; Proudfoot J; Wee PP; Parker GB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Manicavasagar VL, 2011, 'Mobile mental health: Review of the emerging field and proof of concept study', Journal of Mental Heatlh, 20, pp. 509 - 524

Delmas K; Proudfoot J; Parker GB; Manicavasagar VL, 2011, 'Recoding Past Experiences: A Qualitative Study of How Patients and Family Members Adjust to the Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, pp. 136 - 139

Parker GB; Hyett M; Walsh WF; Owen CA; Brotchie H; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2011, 'Specificity of depression following an acute coronary syndrome to an adverse outcome extends over five years', Psychiatry Research, 185, pp. 347 - 352

Parker GB, 2011, 'The Happy Life', Quarterly Essay, 46, 42, pp. 86 - 90

Parker GB; Fletcher K; Barrett M; Synnott H; Breakspear MJ; Rees A; Blanch B, 2011, 'The impact of detecting bipolar disorder in previously diagnosed unipolar patients at a specialist depression clinic', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, pp. 419 - 422,

Proudfoot J; Doran J; Manicavasagar VL; Parker GB, 2011, 'The precipitants of manic/hypomanic episodes in the context of bipolar disorder: A review.', Journal of Affective Disorders, 133, pp. 381 - 387,

Parker GB; Brotchie H; Hyett M, 2011, 'Tolerance to desvenlafaxine in rapid metabolizing depressed patients', International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26, pp. 84 - 87,

Malhi G; Coulston CM; Parker GB; Cashman EL; Walters G; Lampe LA; Vollmer-Conna US, 2011, 'Who picks psychiatry? Perceptions, preferences and personality of medical students', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46, pp. 861 - 870,

Nicholas JM, 2010, 'The Ins and Outs of an Online Bipolar Education Program: A Study of Program Attrition',

Parker G; Fink M; Shorter E; Taylor MA; Akiskal H; Berrios G; Bolwig T; Brown WA; Carroll B; Healy D; Klein DF; Koukopoulos A; Michels R; Paris J; Rubin RT; Spitzer R; Swartz C, 2010, 'Melancholia as a Distinct Mood Disorder? Recommendations for DSM-5 Reply', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 167, pp. 1534 - 1535,

Parker G; Fink M; Shorter E; Taylor MA; Akiskal H; Berrios G; Bolwig T; Brown WA; Carroll B; Healy D; Klein DF; Koukopoulos A; Michels R; Paris J; Rubin RT; Spitzer R; Swartz C, 2010, 'Reply to Kocsis letter', American Journal of Psychiatry, 167, pp. 1534 - 1535,

Parker GB, 2010, 'Comorbidities in bipolar disorder: models and management.', Med J Aust, 193, pp. S18 - S20,

Donno R; Parker G; Gilmour J; Skuse DH, 2010, 'Social communication deficits in disruptive primary-school children', British Journal of Psychiatry, 196, pp. 282 - 289,

Baumeister H; Parker GB, 2010, 'A Second Thought on Subtyping Major Depression', Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79, pp. 388 - 389,

Parker G, 2010, 'Book Review: The Yipping Tiger: And Other Tales from the Neuropsychiatric Clinic', Australasian Psychiatry, 18, pp. 178 - 179,

Proudfoot J; Parker GB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Manicavasagar VL; Adler E; Whitton AE, 2010, 'Community attitudes to the appropriation of mobile phones for monitoring and managing depression, anxiety, and stress', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12, pp. e64p.1 - e64p.12,

Parker GB, 2010, 'Comorbidities in bipolar disorder: models and management', Medical Journal of Australia, 193, pp. S18 - S20

Austin M; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Priest SR; Reilly N; Wilhelm KA; Saint K; Parker GB, 2010, 'Depressive and anxiety disorders in the postpartum period: how prevalent are they and can we improve their detection?', Archives of Women`s Mental Health, 13, pp. 395 - 401,

Blignault I; Manicavasagar VL; Chang OA; Parker GB, 2010, 'Description and evaluation of a project to improve the identification and management of mood disorders in developing countries', Australasian Psychiatry, 18, pp. 460 - 464

Parker GB; Brotchie H, 2010, 'Do the old psychostimulant drugs have a role in managing treatment-resistant depression?', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 121, pp. 308 - 314,

Parker GB; Brotchie H, 2010, 'Gender differences in depression', International Review of Psychiatry, 22, pp. 429 - 436

Parker GB; Fletcher K; Barrett M; Synnott H; Breakspear MJ; Rees A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2010, 'Inching toward Bethlehem: Mapping melancholia', Journal of Affective Disorders, 123, pp. 291 - 298

Parker GB, 2010, 'Is early improvement predictive of antidepressant response?', Medicographia, 32, pp. 166 - 166

Parker GB; Fink M; Shorter E; Taylor M; Akiskal H; Berrios GE; Bolwig T; Brown WA; Carroll B; Healy D; Klein DF; Koukopoulos A; Michels R, 2010, 'Issues for DSM-5: Whither Melancholia? The Case for Its Classification as a Distinct Mood Disorder', American Journal of Psychiatry, 167, pp. 745 - 747

Parker GB, 2010, 'Major running on the spot', World Psychiatry, Volume, pp. 165 - 166

Wilhelm KA; Parker GB; Wedgwood L; Geerligs L; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2010, 'Predicting Mental Health and Well-Being in Adulthood', The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198, pp. 85 - 90

Parker GB, 2010, 'Predicting onset of bipolar disorder from subsyndromal symptoms: a signal question?', British Journal of Psychiatry, 196, pp. 87 - 88

Parker GB; Brotchie H, 2010, 'Psychostimulants and treatment resistant depression - Reply', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120, pp. 503 - 503

Hyett M; Green M; Parker G, 2010, 'PW01-13 - Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation in Depression', European Psychiatry, 25,

Parker GB, 2010, 'Reply to Kocsis letter', American Journal of Psychiatry, 167, pp. 1535 - 1535

Parker GB; Owen CA; Hyett M; Hilton T; Heruc G; Gayed AJ, 2010, 'Survival following an acute coronary syndrome: a pet theory put to the test', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 121, pp. 65 - 70,

Parker GB, 2010, 'The contribution of precipitants to depression onset, diagnostic sub-type, and treatment paradigm: a “mix and match” model', Depression and Anxiety, 27, pp. 787 - 790


Parker GB; Rowe MJ; Mehta F; Kumar S, 2010, 'Will a new genotyping test help the clinician predict response to antidepressant drugs?', Australasian Psychiatry, 18, pp. 413 - 413

Parker G, 2009, 'Editorial: Should a psychiatrist give the 'special patient' VIP treatment?', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120, pp. 411 - 413,

Parker G; Brotchie H, 2009, 'Reply: Letters to the editor', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120, pp. 503,

Parker G; Brotchie H, 2009, 'Major depression invites major concerns', Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 31,

Owen C; Parker G, 2009, 'Reply', Biological Psychiatry, 65,

Parker GB, 2009, 'Antidepressants on trial: How valid is the evidence?', British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, pp. 1 - 3

Crawford JG; Parker GB, 2009, 'Atypical depression: retrospective self-reporting of treatment effectiveness', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120, pp. 213 - 221,

Parker GB, 2009, 'Blood brothers or just neighbours: Modelling the functional psychoses', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 486 - 489

Parker GB, 2009, 'Blue is the new black', World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10, pp. 177 - 179

Hyett M; Parker GB, 2009, 'Can the highly cited psychiatric paper be predicted early?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 173 - 176,

Parker GB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2009, 'Improving Methodology Improves Timing: Reply to Thombs et al', Biological Psychiatry, 66,

Parker GB, 2009, 'Is bipolar II depression phenotypically distinctive?', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120, pp. 446 - 455,

Wilhelm KA; Meiser B; Mitchell PB; Finch AW; Siegel JE; Parker GB; Schofield PR, 2009, 'Issues concerning feedback about genetic testing and risk of depression', British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, pp. 404 - 410

Parker GB; Brotchie H, 2009, 'Major depression invites major concerns', Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 31, pp. S3 - S6

Parker GB; Hyett M, 2009, 'Management of depression by general practitioners: Impact of physician gender', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 355 - 359

Parker GB; Fletcher K; Hyett M; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Barrett M; Synnott H, 2009, 'Measuring melancholia: The utility of a prototypic symptom approach', Psychological Medicine, 39, pp. 989 - 998

Rees A; Austin M; Owen CA; Parker GB, 2009, 'Omega-3 deficiency associated with perinatal depression: Case control study', Psychiatry Research, 166, pp. 254 - 259

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