Select Publications

Journal articles

Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2015, 'Patterns of hepatitis C Virus RNA levels during acute infection: The InC3 study', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0122232,

Lundgren J; Babiker A; Gordin F; Emery S; Fätkenheuer G; Molina JM; Wood R; Neaton JD; Agan BK; Alston-Smith B; Arenas-Pinto A; Arribas JR; Baker JV; Baxter J; Belloso WH; Brekke K; Brew B; Brobst SW; Burman W; Carey C; Clark R; Cooper DA; Davey RT; De La Rosa G; Denning ET; Dolan M; Dore G; Duprez D; Emanuel E; Grady C; Grund B; Hirschel B; Hoen B; Hudson F; Johnson MA; Kambili C; Klingman K; Kunisaki KM; Landay A; Ledergerber B; Lehrman SN; Martinez A; Meger S; Misar K; Mitsuyasu RT; Mocroft A; Munroe D; Norton M; Palmer RC; Pett SL; Phillips A; Pillay D; Porter D; Price RW; Proschan M; Rappoport C; Reiss P; Renjifo B; Robertson K; Rockstroh J; Rodriguez G; Rooney JF; Ross MJ; Schechter M; Schwarze S; Seekins D; Sharma S; Snowden W; Telenti A; Tryon J; van Wyk J; Vjecha MJ; Wright E; Cooper D, 2015, 'Why START? Reflections that led to the conduct of this large long-term strategic HIV trial', HIV Medicine, 16, pp. 1 - 9,

Bradshaw D; Lamoury F; Catlett B; Applegate TL; McAllister J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Danta M, 2015, 'A comparison of seminal hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels during recent and chronic HCV infection in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected individuals', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 211, pp. 736 - 743,

Dore GJ; Lawitz E; Hézode C; Shafran SD; Ramji A; Tatum HA; Taliani G; Tran A; Brunetto MR; Zaltron S; Strasser SI; Weis N; Ghesquiere W; Lee SS; Larrey D; Pol S; Harley H; George J; Fung SK; De Lédinghen V; Hagens P; McPhee F; Hernandez D; Cohen D; Cooney E; Noviello S; Hughes EA, 2015, 'Daclatasvir plus peginterferon and ribavirin is noninferior to peginterferon and ribavirin alone, and reduces the duration of treatment for HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. 355 - 366.e1,

Spelman T; Morris MD; Zang G; Rice T; Page K; Maher L; Lloyd A; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Kim AY; Shoukry NH; Hellard M; Bruneau J; Cox AL; Lauer G; McGovern BH; Prins M; Hahn J; Shiboski S; Mirzazadeh A; Alavi M; Bouchard R; Evans J; Grady B; Aneja J; Sacks-Davis R; Teutsch S; White B; Wells B; Applegate T; Matthews G; Yeung B; Schinkel J; Prince LE; Roy E; Bates A; Enriquez J; Chow S; McCredie L; Aitken C; Doyle J, 2015, 'A longitudinal study of hepatitis C virus testing and infection status notification on behaviour change in people who inject drugs', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 69, pp. 745 - 752,

Grebely J; Robaeys G; Bruggmann P; Aghemo A; Backmund M; Bruneau J; Byrne J; Dalgard O; Feld JJ; Hellard M; Hickman M; Kautz A; Litwin A; Lloyd AR; Mauss S; Prins M; Swan T; Schaefer M; Taylor LE; Dore GJ, 2015, 'Empfehlungen zur Hepatitis Versorgung bei Drogenkonsumierenden', International Journal of Drug Policy, 111, pp. 101670,

Wedemeyer H; Dore GJ; Ward JW, 2015, 'Estimates on HCV disease burden worldwide - Filling the gaps', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 22, pp. 1 - 5,

Lamoury FMJ; Bartlett S; Jacka B; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2015, 'Interferon λ 3 and 4 genotyping using high-resolution melt curve analysis suitable for multiple clinical sample types', Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 17, pp. 583 - 589,

Eslam M; Hashem AM; Leung R; Romero-Gomez M; Berg T; Dore GJ; Chan HLK; Irving WL; Sheridan D; Abate ML; Adams LA; Mangia A; Weltman M; Bugianesi E; Spengler U; Shaker O; Fischer J; Mollison L; Cheng W; Powell E; Nattermann J; Riordan S; McLeod D; Armstrong NJ; Douglas MW; Liddle C; Booth DR; George J; Ahlenstiel G; Ampuero J; Bassendine M; Wong VWS; Rosso C; White R; Mezzabotta L; Suppiah V; Michalk M; Malik B; Matthews G; Applegate T; Grebely J; Fragomeli V; Jonsson JR; Santaro R, 2015, 'Interferon-λ rs12979860 genotype and liver fibrosis in viral and non-viral chronic liver disease', Nature Communications, 6, pp. 6422,

Applegate TL; Gaudieri S; Plauzolles A; Chopra A; Grebely J; Lucas M; Hellard M; Luciani F; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2015, 'Naturally occurring dominant drug resistance mutations occur infrequently in the setting of recently acquired hepatitis C', Antiviral Therapy, 20, pp. 199 - 208,

Bull RA; Leung P; Gaudieri S; Deshpande P; Cameron B; Walker M; Chopra A; Lloyd AR; Luciani F; Dolan K; Haber P; Rawlinson W; Treloar C; Dore G; Maher L, 2015, 'Transmitted/founder viruses rapidly escape from CD8+ T cell responses in acute hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Virology, 89, pp. 5478 - 5490,

Aspinall EJ; Hutchinson SJ; Janjua NZ; Grebely J; Yu A; Alavi M; Amin J; Goldberg DJ; Innes H; Law M; Walter SR; Krajden M; Dore GJ; Han A, 2015, 'Trends in mortality after diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection: An international comparison and implications for monitoring the population impact of treatment', Journal of Hepatology, 62, pp. 269 - 277,

Grebely J; Bruggmann P; Treloar C; Byrne J; Rhodes T; Dore GJ, 2015, 'Expanding access to prevention, care and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 893 - 898,

Sievert W; Razavi H; Thompson A; Zekry A; Dore GJ; Roberts SK, 2015, 'HCV‐infected patients need access now to new direct‐acting antiviral agents to avert liver‐related deaths', The Medical Journal of Australia, 202, pp. 479 - 479,

Maher L; White B; Dore G; Lloyd A; Rawlinson W, 2015, 'Opioid substitution treatment protects against hepatitis C virus acquisition in people who inject drugs: The HITS-c study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146, pp. e191 - e191,

Bretaña N; Boelen L; Bull R; Teutsch S; White P; Lloyd A; Luciani F; Bretana N; Dolan K; Rawlinson W; Dore G; Maher L, 2015, 'Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus among Prisoners, Australia, 2005–2012.', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21, pp. 765 - 774,

Dore GJ; Knysz B; Luo Y; Janczewska E; Streinu-Cercel A; Caruntu FA; Motoc A; Mazur W; Shaw DR; Tornai I; Sasadeusz J; Skoien R; Sullivan D; Liu X; Podsadecki T, 2015, 'Tu1015 MALACHITE-II: Phase 3b Trial of Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/R and Dasabuvir + Ribavirin or Telaprevir + Peginterferon/Ribavirin in Peginterferon/Ribavirin Treatment-Experienced Adults With HCV Genotype 1', Gastroenterology, 148,

Jacobson IM; Dore GJ; Wyles D; Lawitz E; Talal A; Ball G; Dumas EO; Feld JJ, 2015, 'Tu1024 Plasma Interferon-γ-Inducible Protein 10 (Ip-10) and Response to Interferon-Free Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy in HCV Genotype 1-Infected Patients With and Without Cirrhosis', Gastroenterology, 148,

Grebely J; Dore GJ; Kim AY; Lloyd A; Shoukry NH; Prins M; Page K, 2014, 'Genetics of spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus infection: A complex topic with much to learn', Hepatology, 60, pp. 2127 - 2128,

Razavi H; Bruggmann P; Wedemeyer H; Dore G, 2014, 'Response to letter to the editor: Strategies to reduce HCV disease burden and HCV transmission need different models, as what works for end-stage liver disease may not work for HCV prevalence: A comment on the results presented in JVH Special Issue', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 21, pp. e169 - e170,

Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Geskus RB; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Lauer G; Shoukry NH; Hahn J; Shiboski S; Rice TM; Alavi M; Bouchard R; Aneja J; Teutsch S; White B; Wells B; Zang G; Matthews G; Marks P; Yeung B; Prince LE; Roy E; Bates A; Enriquez J; Chow S; McCredie L; Aitken C; Doyle J; Spelman T; Evans J, 2014, 'Interferon lambda 3 genotype predicts hepatitis C virus RNA levels in early acute infection among people who inject drugs: The InC3 Study', Journal of Clinical Virology, 61, pp. 430 - 434,

Jacka B; Applegate T; Krajden M; Olmstead A; Harrigan PR; Marshall BDL; Debeck K; Milloy MJ; Lamoury F; Pybus OG; Lima VD; Magiorkinis G; Montoya V; Montaner J; Joy J; Woods C; Dobrer S; Dore GJ; Poon AFY; Grebely J, 2014, 'Phylogenetic clustering of hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada', Hepatology, 60, pp. 1571 - 1580,

Shiffman ML; Cheinquer H; Berg CP; Berg T; de Figueiredo-Mendes C; Dore GJ; Ferraz ML; Mendes-Corrêa MC; Lima MP; Parise ER; Rios AMP; Reuter T; Sanyal AJ; Shafran SD; Hohmann M; Tatsch F; Bakalos G; Zeuzem S, 2014, 'Extended treatment with pegylated interferon alfa/ribavirin in patients with genotype 2/3 chronic hepatitis C who do not achieve a rapid virological response: final analysis of the randomised N-CORE trial', Hepatology International, 8, pp. 517 - 526,

Luciani F; Bretaña NAR; Teutsch S; Amin J; Topp L; Dore GJ; Maher L; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Bretana N, 2014, 'A prospective study of hepatitis C incidence in Australian prisoners', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109, pp. 1695 - 1706,

Luciani F; Bretaña NAR; Teutsch S; Amin J; Topp L; Dore GJ; Maher L; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Bretana N, 2014, 'A prospective study of hepatitis C incidence in Australian prisoners', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109, pp. 1695 - 1706,

Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Applegate T; Matthews GV; Amin J; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Rawlinson W; Lloyd A; Kaldor J; Dore GJ; Dolan K, 2014, 'Dynamics of HCV RNA Levels During Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection', Journal of Medical Virology, 86, pp. 1722 - 1729,

Martinello M; Chow DH; Danta M; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Regression of advanced fibrosis following virological response to anti-HCV therapy', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 29, pp. 85 - 85

Martinello M; Chow DH; Danta M; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Safety and efficacy of telaprevir and boceprevir in the "real world": an Australian experience', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 29, pp. 85 - 86

Harrod ME; Couzos S; Delaney-Thiele D; Dore GJ; Hammond B; Saunders M; Belfrage M; Williams S; Kaldor JM; Ward J, 2014, 'Markers of hepatitis B infection and immunity in patients attending Aboriginal community controlled health services', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 339 - 342,

White B; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Rawlinson WD; Maher L, 2014, 'Opioid substitution therapy protects against hepatitis C virus acquisition in people who inject drugs: The HITS-c study', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 326 - 329,

Crane M; Avihingsanon A; Rajasuriar R; Velayudham P; Iser D; Solomon A; Sebolao B; Tran A; Spelman T; Matthews G; Cameron P; Tangkijvanich P; Dore GJ; Ruxrungtham K; Lewin SR, 2014, 'Lipopolysaccharide, immune activation, and liver abnormalities in HIV/hepatitis B virus (HBV)-coinfected individuals receiving HBV-active combination antiretroviral therapy', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210, pp. 745 - 751,

Boelen L; Teutsch S; Wilson DP; Dolan K; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Luciani F; Maher L, 2014, 'Per-event probability of hepatitis C infection during sharing of injecting equipment', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e100749,

Grebely J; Lima VD; Marshall BDL; Milloy MJ; DeBeck K; Montaner J; Simo A; Krajden M; Dore GJ; Kerr T; Wood E, 2014, 'Declining incidence of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in a Canadian setting, 1996-2012', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e97726,

Dore GJ; Ward J; Thursz M, 2014, 'Hepatitis C disease burden and strategies to manage the burden (Guest Editors Mark Thursz, Gregory Dore and John Ward)', Journal of viral hepatitis, 21, pp. 1 - 4,

Bruggmann P; Berg T; Øvrehus ALH; Moreno C; Brandão Mello CE; Roudot-Thoraval F; Marinho RT; Sherman M; Ryder SD; Sperl J; Akarca U; Balık I; Bihl F; Bilodeau M; Blasco AJ; Buti M; Calinas F; Calleja JL; Cheinquer H; Christensen PB; Clausen M; Coelho HSM; Cornberg M; Cramp ME; Dore GJ; Doss W; Duberg AS; El-Sayed MH; Ergör G; Esmat G; Estes C; Falconer K; Félix J; Ferraz MLG; Ferreira PR; Frankova S; García-Samaniego J; Gerstoft J; Giria JA; Gonçales FL; Gower E; Gschwantler M; Guimarães Pessôa M; Hézode C; Hofer H; Husa P; Idilman R; Kåberg M; Kaita KDE; Kautz A; Kaymakoglu S; Krajden M; Krarup H; Laleman W; Lavanchy D; Lázaro P; Marotta P; Mauss S; Mendes Correa MC; Müllhaupt B; Myers RP; Negro F; Nemecek V; Örmeci N; Parkes J; Peltekian KM; Ramji A; Razavi H; Reis N; Roberts SK; Rosenberg WM; Sarmento-Castro R; Sarrazin C; Semela D; Shiha GE; Sievert W; Stärkel P; Stauber RE; Thompson AJ; Urbanek P; van Thiel I; Van Vlierberghe H; Vandijck D; Vogel W; Waked I; Wedemeyer H; Weis N; Wiegand J; Yosry A; Zekry A; Van Damme P; Aleman S; Hindman SJ, 2014, 'Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in selected countries', Journal of viral hepatitis, 21, pp. 5 - 33,

Wedemeyer H; Duberg AS; Buti M; Rosenberg WM; Frankova S; Esmat G; Örmeci N; Van Vlierberghe H; Gschwantler M; Akarca U; Aleman S; Balık I; Berg T; Bihl F; Bilodeau M; Blasco AJ; Brandão Mello CE; Bruggmann P; Calinas F; Calleja JL; Cheinquer H; Christensen PB; Clausen M; Coelho HSM; Cornberg M; Cramp ME; Dore GJ; Doss W; El-Sayed MH; Ergör G; Estes C; Falconer K; Félix J; Ferraz MLG; Ferreira PR; García-Samaniego J; Gerstoft J; Giria JA; Gonçales FL; Guimarães Pessôa M; Hézode C; Hindman SJ; Hofer H; Husa P; Idilman R; Kåberg M; Kaita KDE; Kautz A; Kaymakoglu S; Krajden M; Krarup H; Laleman W; Lavanchy D; Lázaro P; Marinho RT; Marotta P; Mauss S; Mendes Correa MC; Moreno C; Müllhaupt B; Myers RP; Nemecek V; Øvrehus ALH; Parkes J; Peltekian KM; Ramji A; Razavi H; Reis N; Roberts SK; Roudot-Thoraval F; Ryder SD; Sarmento-Castro R; Sarrazin C; Semela D; Sherman M; Shiha GE; Sperl J; Stärkel P; Stauber RE; Thompson AJ; Urbanek P; Van Damme P; van Thiel I; Vandijck D; Vogel W; Waked I; Weis N; Wiegand J; Yosry A; Zekry A; Negro F; Sievert W; Gower E, 2014, 'Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus (HCV) disease burden', Journal of viral hepatitis, 21, pp. 60 - 89,

Razavi H; Waked I; Sarrazin C; Myers RP; Idilman R; Calinas F; Vogel W; Mendes Correa MC; Hézode C; Lázaro P; Akarca U; Aleman S; Balık I; Berg T; Bihl F; Bilodeau M; Blasco AJ; Brandão Mello CE; Bruggmann P; Buti M; Calleja JL; Cheinquer H; Christensen PB; Clausen M; Coelho HSM; Cramp ME; Dore GJ; Doss W; Duberg AS; El-Sayed MH; Ergör G; Esmat G; Falconer K; Félix J; Ferraz MLG; Ferreira PR; Frankova S; García-Samaniego J; Gerstoft J; Giria JA; Gonçales FL; Gower E; Gschwantler M; Guimarães Pessôa M; Hindman SJ; Hofer H; Husa P; Kåberg M; Kaita KDE; Kautz A; Kaymakoglu S; Krajden M; Krarup H; Laleman W; Lavanchy D; Marinho RT; Marotta P; Mauss S; Moreno C; Murphy K; Negro F; Nemecek V; Örmeci N; Øvrehus ALH; Parkes J; Pasini K; Peltekian KM; Ramji A; Reis N; Roberts SK; Rosenberg WM; Roudot-Thoraval F; Ryder SD; Sarmento-Castro R; Semela D; Sherman M; Shiha GE; Sievert W; Sperl J; Stärkel P; Stauber RE; Thompson AJ; Urbanek P; Van Damme P; van Thiel I; Van Vlierberghe H; Vandijck D; Wedemeyer H; Weis N; Wiegand J; Yosry A; Zekry A; Cornberg M; Müllhaupt B; Estes C, 2014, 'The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with today's treatment paradigm', Journal of viral hepatitis, 21, pp. 34 - 59,

Bradshaw D; Lamoury F; Catlett B; Mcallister J; Applegate T; Dore G; Matthews G; Danta M, 2014, 'Seminal HCV RNA level may mirror dynamics of plasma HCV RNA in HIV-infected men with acute HCV', HIV MEDICINE, 15, pp. 8 - 8

Bradshaw D; Applegate T; Dore G; Hellard M; Sasadeusz J; Matthews G; Danta M, 2014, 'The majority of acute HCV infection in HIV-positive men who have sex with men (HIV plus MSM) is transmitted permucosally in the context of HIV serosorting in Australia', HIV MEDICINE, 15, pp. 137 - 137

Iversen J; Grebely J; Topp L; Wand H; Dore G; Maher L, 2014, 'Uptake of hepatitis C treatment among people who inject drugs attending Needle and Syringe Programs in Australia, 1999-2011', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 21, pp. 198 - 207,

Martin NK; Devine A; Eaton JW; Miners A; Hallett TB; Foster GR; Dore GJ; Easterbrook PJ; Legood R; Vickerman P, 2014, 'Modeling the impact of early antiretroviral therapy for adults coinfected with HIV and hepatitis B or C in South Africa', AIDS, 28, pp. s35 - s46,

White B; Madden A; Prins M; Hellard M; Wand H; Dore GJ; Page K; Maher L, 2014, 'Assessing the feasibility of hepatitis C virus vaccine trials: Results from the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission Study-community (HITS-c) vaccine preparedness study', Vaccine, 32, pp. 5460 - 5467,

Treloar C; Rance J; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2014, 'Barriers and facilitators for assessment and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in the opioid substitution treatment setting: Insights from the ETHOS study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 21, pp. 560 - 567,

Peters L; Neuhaus J; Duprez D; Neaton JD; Tracy R; Klein MB; Mocroft A; Rockstroh J; Dore G; Lundgren JD; Emery S, 2014, 'Biomarkers of inflammation, coagulation and microbial translocation in HIV/HCV co-infected patients in the SMART study', Journal of Clinical Virology, 60, pp. 295 - 300,

Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Can hepatitis C virus infection be eradicated in people who inject drugs?', Antiviral Research, 104, pp. 62 - 72,

Alavi M; Raffa JD; Deans GD; Lai C; Krajden M; Dore GJ; Tyndall MW; Grebely J, 2014, 'Continued low uptake of treatment for hepatitis C virus infection in a large community-based cohort of inner city residents', Liver International, 34, pp. 1198 - 1206,

Baker D; Alavi M; Erratt A; Hill S; Balcomb A; Hallinan R; Siriragavan S; Richmond D; Smart J; Keats J; Doong N; Marks P; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Delivery of treatment for hepatitis C virus infection in the primary care setting', European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 26, pp. 1003 - 1009,

Baker D; Alavi M; Erratt A; Hill S; Balcomb A; Hallinan R; Siriragavan S; Richmond D; Smart J; Keats J; Doong N; Marks P; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Delivery of treatment for hepatitis C virus infection in the primary care setting', Journal of Nursing Administration, 44, pp. 1003 - 1009,

Grebely J; Grady B; Hajarizadeh B; Page K; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Disease progression during advanced fibrosis: IL28B genotype or HCV RNA levels?', Hepatology, 59, pp. 1650 - 1651,

Roberts SK; Mitchell J; Leung R; Booth D; Bollipo S; Ostapowicz G; Sloss A; Mccaughan GW; Dore GJ; Thompson A; Crawford DH; Sievert W; Weltman M; Cheng W; George J; Angus P; Chu G; Cornwall M; Douglas M; Hallinan R; Haque M; Hawkin G; Jackson H; Johnson R; Kronborg I; Lee A; Leggett B; Mire ML; Levy M; Lubel J; MacQuillan G; Masson J; McDonald J; McGarity B; Mollison L; Nicoll A; Ombiga J; Riordan S; Strasser S; Thompson A; Watson J; Wenman J; Wigg A; Zekry A, 2014, 'Distribution of interferon lambda-3 gene polymorphisms in Australian patients with previously untreated genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C: Analysis from the PREDICT and CHARIOT studies', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 29, pp. 179 - 184,

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