Select Publications

Book Chapters

Qu L; Lee KM; Dai L, 2006, 'Chapter 8 Functionalization and applications of carbon nanotubes', in Carbon Nanotechnology, Elsevier, pp. 191 - 234,

Dai L; He P, 2005, 'Carbon Nanotube Biosensors', in Biomedical and Biological Nanotechnology - Vol. 1 of The Handbook of Biomems and Bio-nanotechnology, pp. 175 - 205

Dai L; Qu LT; Li LC; Bajpai V; Shi GQ, 2005, 'Conducting Polymer and Carbon Mesoporous Structures by Electrochemical Synthesis', in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, pp. 505 - 516

Dai L; Aussawasathien D; He P, 2005, 'Polymer Nanofibres and Polymer Sheathed Carbon Nanotubes for Sensors', in Polymer Nanofibres

Dai L; Jin MH-C, 2005, 'Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Organic Photovoltaic Devices', in Organic Photovoltaics

Dai L, 2004, 'Polymer Nanostructures', in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Amer Scientific Pub, pp. 763 - 790

Dai L; Reneker DH, 2003, 'Polymer Nanowires and Nanofibers', in Nanowires and Nanobelts, Springer US, pp. 269 - 288,

Dai L, 2002, 'From Conducting Polymers to Carbon Nanotubes: New Horizons in Plastic Microelectronics and Carbon Nanoelectronics', in Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, Springer Netherlands, pp. 93 - 111,

Dai L; Zientek P; St John H; Pasic P; Chatelier RC; Griesser HJ, 1996, 'Covalently Attached Thin Coatings Comprising Saccharide and Alkylene Oxide Segments', in Surface Modification of Polymeric Biomaterials, pp. 147 - 156,

Dai L, 'From Conducting Polymers to Carbon Nanotubes: New Horizons in Plastic Microelectronics and Carbon Nanoelectronics', in Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 93 - 111,

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