Select Publications

Journal articles

Kasumovic M; Hall MD; Brooks RC, 2012, 'The juvenile social environment introduces variation in the choice and expression of sexually selected traits', Ecology and Evolution, 2, pp. 1036 - 1047

Johnston E; Mckenzie LA; Brooks RC, 2012, 'Using clones and copper to resolve the genetic architecture of metal tolerance in a marine invader.', Ecology and Evolution, 2, pp. 1319 - 1329,

Lailvaux SP; Zajitschek F; Dessman J; Brooks RC, 2011, 'Differential aging of bite and jump performance in virgin and mated teleogryllus commodus crickets', Evolution, 65, pp. 3138 - 3147,

Cayentano L; Maklakov AA; Brooks RC; Bonduriansky R, 2011, 'Evolution of male and female genitalia following release from sexual selection', Evolution, 65, pp. 2171 - 2183

Mckenzie LA; Brooks RC; Johnston E, 2011, 'Heritable pollution tolerance in a marine invader', Environmental Research, 111, pp. 926 - 932,

Kasumovic M; Brooks RC, 2011, 'It’s all who you know: The evolution of socially-cued anticipatory plasticity as a mating strategy', Quarterly Review of Biology

Brooks RC; Scott IM; Maklakov A; Kasumovic M; Clark AP; Penton-voak IS, 2011, 'National income inequality predicts women's preferences for masculinized faces better than health does.', Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 278, pp. 810 - 812

Postma E; Spyrou N; Rollins LA; Brooks RC, 2011, 'Sex-dependent selection differentially shapes genetic variation on and off the guppy Y chromosome', Evolution, 65, pp. 2145 - 2156,

Kasumovic M; Hall MD; Try H; Brooks RC, 2011, 'The importance of listening: Juvenile allocation shifts in response to acoustic cues of the social environment', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24, pp. 1325 - 1334,

Brooks RC; Hall M; Bussiere LF; Demont M; Ward PI, 2010, 'Competitive PCR reveals the complexity of postcopulatory sexual selection in Teleogryllus commodus', Molecular Ecology, 19, pp. 610 - 619,

Cairns K; Wolff J; Brooks RC; Ballard JWO, 2010, 'Evidence of recent population expansion in the field cricket Teleogryllus commodus.', Australian Journal of Zoology, 58, pp. 33 - 38

Brooks RC; Zajitschek S, 2010, 'Inbreeding depression in male traits and preference for outbred males in Poecilia reticulata', Behavioral Ecology, 21, pp. 884 - 891,

Brooks RC; Hall M; Lailvaux SP; Mclaren L, 2010, 'Interactions among performance capacities predict male combat outcomes in the field cricket', Functional Ecology, 24, pp. 159 - 164,

Brooks RC; Shelly J; Fan JT; Chau D; Zhai L, 2010, 'Much more than a ratio: multivariate selection on female bodies', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 2238 - 2248,

Brooks RC; Lailvaux SP; Hall M, 2010, 'Performance is no proxy for genetic quality: trade-offs between locomotion, attractiveness, and life history in crickets', Ecology, 91, pp. 1530 - 1537

Brooks RC; Maklakov AA, 2010, 'Sex difference in obesity associated with total fertility rate', PLoS One, 5, pp. e10587,

Brooks RC; Hall M; Lailvaux SP; Blows MW, 2010, 'Sexual conflict and the maintenance of multivariate genetic variation', Evolution, 64, pp. 1697 - 1703,

Head ML; Wong BBM; Brooks RC, 2010, 'Sexual display and mate choice in an energetically costly environment', PLoS One, 5, pp. - - -,

Brooks RC; Mariette M; Zajitschek S; Garcia CM, 2010, 'The effects of familiarity and group size on mating preferences in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 1772 - 1782,

Jordan LA; Brooks RC, 2010, 'The lifetime costs of increased male reproductive effort: Courtship, copulation, and the Coolidge Effect', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 2403 - 2409

Brooks RC; Simpson SJ; Raubenheimer D, 2010, 'The price of protein: combining evolutionary and economic analysis to understand excessive energy consumption', Obesity Reviews, 11, pp. 887 - 894,

Brooks RC; Maklakov AA; Cayentano L; Bonduriansky R, 2010, 'The roles of life0history selection and sexual selection in the adaptive evolution of mating behavior in a beetle', Evolution, 64, pp. 1273 - 1282,

Zajitschek SR; Zajitschek F; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Demographic costs of inbreeding revealed by sex-specific genetic rescue effects', BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, pp. 289,

Donohoe M; Von Hippel WH; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Beyond waist-hip ratio: Experimental multivariate evidence that average women`s torsos are most attractive', Behavioral Ecology, 20, pp. 716 - 721

Kasumovic M; Brooks RC; Andrade M, 2009, 'Body condition but not dietary restriction prolongs lifespan in a semelparous capital breeder', Biology Letters, 5, pp. 636 - 638

Hall M; Bussià re L; Brooks RC; Bussiere , 2009, 'Diet-dependent female evolution influences male lifespan in a nuptial feeding insect', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22, pp. 873 - 881

Zajitschek F; Hunt JC; Jennions M; Hall M; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Effects of juvenile and adult diet on ageing and reproductive effort of male and female black field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus', Functional Ecology, 23, pp. 602 - 611

Kasumovic M, 2009, 'Evolution: Exposing the buried costs of reproduction', Current Biology, 19, pp. R1117 - R1119

Gerhardt H; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Experimental analysis of multivariate female choice in gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor): Evidence for directional and stabilizing selection', Evolution, 63, pp. 2504 - 2512

Zajitschek S; Lindholm AK; Evans JP; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Experimental evidence that high levels of inbreeding depress sperm competitiveness', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22, pp. 1338 - 1345

Maklakov AA; Hall M; Simpson SJ; Dessmann J; Clissold F; Zajitschek F; Lailvaux SP; Raubenheimer D; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Sex differences in nutrient-dependent reproductive ageing', Aging Cell, 8, pp. 324 - 330,

Maklakov AA; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Sex differences, sexual selection, and ageing: An experimental evolution approach', Evolution, 63, pp. 2491 - 2503

Zajitschek F; Brassil CE; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Sex effects on life span and senescence in the wild when dates of birth and death are unknown', Ecology, 90, pp. 1698 - 1707

Zajitschek F; Bonduriansky R; Zajitschek S; Brooks RC, 2009, 'Sexual dimorphism in life history: Age, survival, and reproduction in male and female field crickets teleogryllus commodus under seminatural conditions', American Naturalist, 173, pp. 792 - 802

Bussiere LF; Gwynne D; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Contrasting sexual selection on males and females in a role-reversed swarming dance fly, Rhamphomyia longicauda Loew (Diptera: Empididae)', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21, pp. 1683 - 1691

Zajitschek S; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Distinguishing the Effects of Familiarity, Relatedness, and Color Pattern Rarity on Attractiveness and Measuring Their Effects on Sexual Selection in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)', American Naturalist, 172, pp. 843 - 854


Kawasaki N; Brassil CE; Brooks RC; Bonduriansky R, 2008, 'Environmental effects on the expression of life span and aging: An extreme contrast between wild and captive cohorts of Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae)', American Naturalist, 172, pp. 346 - 357

Hall M; Brooks RC; Bussiere L; Hunt J, 2008, 'Experimental evidence that sexual conflict influences the opportunity, form and intensity of sexual selection', Evolution, 62, pp. 2305 - 2315

Lee KP; Simpson SJ; Clissold F; Brooks RC; Ballard JW; Taylor PW; Soran N; Raubenheimer D, 2008, 'Lifespan and reproduction in `Drosophila`: New insights from nutritional geometry', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, pp. 2498 - 2503

Bussiere LF; Hunt JC; Stolting K; Jennions M; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Mate choice for genetic quality when environments vary: suggestions for empirical progress', Genetica, 134, pp. 69 - 78

Head ML; Lindholm AK; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Operational sex ratio and density do not affect directional selection on male sexual ornaments and behavior', Evolution, 62, pp. 135 - 144,

Maklakov AA; Simpson SJ; Zajitschek F; Hall M; Dessmann J; Clissold F; Raubenheimer D; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Sex-specific fitness effects of nutrient intake on reproduction and lifespan', Current Biology, 18, pp. 1062 - 1066

Bonduriansky R; Maklakov AA; Zajitschek F; Brooks RC, 2008, 'Sexual selection, sexual conflict and the evolution of ageing and life span', Functional Ecology, 22, pp. 443 - 453,

Hall M; Bussiere LF; Brooks RC, 2008, 'The Effect of Diet Quality and Wing Morph on Male and Female Reproductive Investment in a Nuptial Feeding Ground Cricket', PLoS One, 3, pp. e3437,

Jennions M; Drayton J; Brooks RC; Hunt J, 2007, 'Do female black field crickets Teleogryllus commodus benefit from polyandry?', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, pp. 1469 - 1477

Monro K; Poore AG; Brooks RC, 2007, 'Multivariate selection shapes environment-dependent variation in the clonal morphology of a red seaweed', Evolutionary Ecology, 21, pp. 765 - 782

Zajitschek F; Hunt JC; Zajitschek S; Jennions M; Brooks RC, 2007, 'No Intra-Locus sexual conflict over reproductive fitness or ageing in field crickets', PLoS One, E155, pp. 1 - 6,

Hunt JC; Blows MW; Zajitschek F; Jennions M; Brooks RC, 2007, 'Reconciling strong stabilizing selection with the maintenance of genetic variation in a natural population of black field crickets', Genetics, 177, pp. 875 - 880

Drayton J; Hunt J; Brooks RC; Jennions M, 2007, 'Sounds different: Inbreeding depression in sexually selected traits in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, pp. 1138 - 1147

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