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Select Publications
2012, 'The juvenile social environment introduces variation in the choice and expression of sexually selected traits', Ecology and Evolution, 2, pp. 1036 - 1047
,2012, 'Using clones and copper to resolve the genetic architecture of metal tolerance in a marine invader.', Ecology and Evolution, 2, pp. 1319 - 1329, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.241
,2011, 'Differential aging of bite and jump performance in virgin and mated teleogryllus commodus crickets', Evolution, 65, pp. 3138 - 3147, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01358.x
,2011, 'Evolution of male and female genitalia following release from sexual selection', Evolution, 65, pp. 2171 - 2183
,2011, 'Heritable pollution tolerance in a marine invader', Environmental Research, 111, pp. 926 - 932, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2010.12.007
,2011, 'It’s all who you know: The evolution of socially-cued anticipatory plasticity as a mating strategy', Quarterly Review of Biology
,2011, 'National income inequality predicts women's preferences for masculinized faces better than health does.', Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 278, pp. 810 - 812
,2011, 'Sex-dependent selection differentially shapes genetic variation on and off the guppy Y chromosome', Evolution, 65, pp. 2145 - 2156, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01314.x
,2011, 'The importance of listening: Juvenile allocation shifts in response to acoustic cues of the social environment', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24, pp. 1325 - 1334, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02267.x
,2010, 'Competitive PCR reveals the complexity of postcopulatory sexual selection in Teleogryllus commodus', Molecular Ecology, 19, pp. 610 - 619, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04496.x
,2010, 'Evidence of recent population expansion in the field cricket Teleogryllus commodus.', Australian Journal of Zoology, 58, pp. 33 - 38
,2010, 'Inbreeding depression in male traits and preference for outbred males in Poecilia reticulata', Behavioral Ecology, 21, pp. 884 - 891, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arq077
,2010, 'Interactions among performance capacities predict male combat outcomes in the field cricket', Functional Ecology, 24, pp. 159 - 164, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01611.x
,2010, 'Much more than a ratio: multivariate selection on female bodies', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 2238 - 2248, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1420-9101.2010.02088.x
,2010, 'Performance is no proxy for genetic quality: trade-offs between locomotion, attractiveness, and life history in crickets', Ecology, 91, pp. 1530 - 1537
,2010, 'Sex difference in obesity associated with total fertility rate', PLoS One, 5, pp. e10587, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0010587
,2010, 'Sexual conflict and the maintenance of multivariate genetic variation', Evolution, 64, pp. 1697 - 1703, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00932.x
,2010, 'Sexual display and mate choice in an energetically costly environment', PLoS One, 5, pp. - - -, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0015279
,2010, 'The effects of familiarity and group size on mating preferences in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 1772 - 1782, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1420-9101.2010.02042.x
,2010, 'The lifetime costs of increased male reproductive effort: Courtship, copulation, and the Coolidge Effect', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, pp. 2403 - 2409
,2010, 'The price of protein: combining evolutionary and economic analysis to understand excessive energy consumption', Obesity Reviews, 11, pp. 887 - 894, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00733.x
,2010, 'The roles of life0history selection and sexual selection in the adaptive evolution of mating behavior in a beetle', Evolution, 64, pp. 1273 - 1282, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00904.x
,2009, 'Demographic costs of inbreeding revealed by sex-specific genetic rescue effects', BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, pp. 289, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-9-289
,2009, 'Beyond waist-hip ratio: Experimental multivariate evidence that average women`s torsos are most attractive', Behavioral Ecology, 20, pp. 716 - 721
,2009, 'Body condition but not dietary restriction prolongs lifespan in a semelparous capital breeder', Biology Letters, 5, pp. 636 - 638
,2009, 'Diet-dependent female evolution influences male lifespan in a nuptial feeding insect', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22, pp. 873 - 881
,2009, 'Effects of juvenile and adult diet on ageing and reproductive effort of male and female black field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus', Functional Ecology, 23, pp. 602 - 611
,2009, 'Evolution: Exposing the buried costs of reproduction', Current Biology, 19, pp. R1117 - R1119
,2009, 'Experimental analysis of multivariate female choice in gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor): Evidence for directional and stabilizing selection', Evolution, 63, pp. 2504 - 2512
,2009, 'Experimental evidence that high levels of inbreeding depress sperm competitiveness', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22, pp. 1338 - 1345
,2009, 'Sex differences in nutrient-dependent reproductive ageing', Aging Cell, 8, pp. 324 - 330, http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1474-9718
,2009, 'Sex differences, sexual selection, and ageing: An experimental evolution approach', Evolution, 63, pp. 2491 - 2503
,2009, 'Sex effects on life span and senescence in the wild when dates of birth and death are unknown', Ecology, 90, pp. 1698 - 1707
,2009, 'Sexual dimorphism in life history: Age, survival, and reproduction in male and female field crickets teleogryllus commodus under seminatural conditions', American Naturalist, 173, pp. 792 - 802
,2008, 'Contrasting sexual selection on males and females in a role-reversed swarming dance fly, Rhamphomyia longicauda Loew (Diptera: Empididae)', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21, pp. 1683 - 1691
,2008, 'Distinguishing the Effects of Familiarity, Relatedness, and Color Pattern Rarity on Attractiveness and Measuring Their Effects on Sexual Selection in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)', American Naturalist, 172, pp. 843 - 854
,2008, 'Environmental effects on the expression of life span and aging: An extreme contrast between wild and captive cohorts of Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae)', American Naturalist, 172, pp. 346 - 357
,2008, 'Experimental evidence that sexual conflict influences the opportunity, form and intensity of sexual selection', Evolution, 62, pp. 2305 - 2315
,2008, 'Lifespan and reproduction in `Drosophila`: New insights from nutritional geometry', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, pp. 2498 - 2503
,2008, 'Mate choice for genetic quality when environments vary: suggestions for empirical progress', Genetica, 134, pp. 69 - 78
,2008, 'Operational sex ratio and density do not affect directional selection on male sexual ornaments and behavior', Evolution, 62, pp. 135 - 144, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2007.00277.x
,2008, 'Sex-specific fitness effects of nutrient intake on reproduction and lifespan', Current Biology, 18, pp. 1062 - 1066
,2008, 'Sexual selection, sexual conflict and the evolution of ageing and life span', Functional Ecology, 22, pp. 443 - 453, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01417.x
,2008, 'The Effect of Diet Quality and Wing Morph on Male and Female Reproductive Investment in a Nuptial Feeding Ground Cricket', PLoS One, 3, pp. e3437, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0003437
,2007, 'Do female black field crickets Teleogryllus commodus benefit from polyandry?', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, pp. 1469 - 1477
,2007, 'Multivariate selection shapes environment-dependent variation in the clonal morphology of a red seaweed', Evolutionary Ecology, 21, pp. 765 - 782
,2007, 'No Intra-Locus sexual conflict over reproductive fitness or ageing in field crickets', PLoS One, E155, pp. 1 - 6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0000155
,2007, 'Reconciling strong stabilizing selection with the maintenance of genetic variation in a natural population of black field crickets', Genetics, 177, pp. 875 - 880
,2007, 'Sounds different: Inbreeding depression in sexually selected traits in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, pp. 1138 - 1147