Select Publications

Book Chapters

Rayfuse RG, 2014, 'Standards of Review in International Tribunals for the Law of the Sea', in Gruszczynski L; Werner W (ed.), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals:Standards of Review in the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 337 - 354,

Rayfuse R, 2013, 'Precaution and the protection of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction', in The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention at 30: Successes, Challenges and New Agendas, pp. 99 - 107,

Rayfuse RG, 2013, 'Sea Level Rise and Maritime Zones: Preserving the Maritime Entitlements of ‘Disappearing’ States', in Gerrard MB; Wannier GE (ed.), Threatened Island Nations: Legal Implications of Rising Seas and a Changing Climate, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 167 - 191,

Rayfuse R, 2013, 'The Future of Compulsory Dispute Settlement under the Law of the Sea Convention', in Rothwell DR (ed.), Law of the Sea, Edward Elgar Pub, pp. 761 - 789

Rayfuse R; Scott SV, 2012, 'Chapter 1: Mapping the Impact of Climate Change on International Law', in International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Rayfuse RG; Crawford EJ, 2012, 'Climate change and statehood', in Rayfuse R; Scott S (ed.), International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 243 - 253

Rayfuse RG, 2012, 'Climate Change and the Law of the Sea', in Rayfuse R; Scott S (ed.), International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 147 - 174

Rayfuse RG; Warner R, 2012, 'Climate change mitigation activities in the ocean: turning up the regulatory heat', in Warner R; Schofield C (ed.), Climate Change and the Oceans: Gauging the Legal and Policy Currents in the Asia Pacific and Beyond, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 234 - 262

Rayfuse RG; Scott SV, 2012, 'Mapping the impact of climate change on international law', in Rayfuse R; Scott S (ed.), International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 3 - 25,

Rayfuse RG; Weisfelt N, 2012, 'The international policy and regulatory challenges of food security: an overview', in Rayfuse R; Weisfelt N (ed.), The Challenge of Food Security, Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 3 - 15

Rayfuse RG, 2011, 'International Environmental Law', in An Australian Companion to Harris Cases and Materials on International Law, Lawbook Company, pp. 441 - 504

Rayfuse R, 2011, 'Law of the Sea', in An Australian Companion to Harris Cases and Materials on International Law, Lawbook Company, pp. 185 - 224

Rayfuse RG, 2011, 'Territory', in An Australian Companion to Harris Cases and Materials on International Law, Lawbook Company, pp. 133 - 146

Rayfuse RG, 2010, 'Moving Beyond the Tragedy of the Global Commons: The Grotian Legacy and the Future of Sustainable Management of the Biodiversity of the High Seas', in Leary D; Pisupati B (ed.), The Future of International Environmental Law, UNU Press, Tokyo & New York, pp. 201 - 224,

Rayfuse RG, 2010, 'The anthropocene, autopoiesis and the disingenuousness of the genuine link: addressing enforcement gaps in the legal regime for areas beyong national jurisdiction', in Elferink AGO; Molenaar M; Molenaar EJ (ed.), The International Legal Regime of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Current and Future Developments, Brill Academic, Boston, pp. 165 - 190

Rayfuse RG, 2010, 'Use of statements of witnesses and accused in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda', in Sluiter G; Klip A (ed.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Volume XXV, Intersentia, United States,

Rayfuse R, 2009, 'Addressing Climate Change Impacts in Regional Fisheries Management Organisations', in Caddell R; Molenaar EJ (ed.), Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 247 - 268

Rayfuse RG, 2009, 'Non-Flag State Enforcement and Protection of the Marine Environment: Responding to IUU Fishing', in Nordquist MH; Koh TTB; Norton Moore J (ed.), Freedom of Seas, Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 573 - 600,

Rayfuse RG, 2009, 'The MCS and Enforcement Regime', in Meltzer E (ed.), The Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries: Regional Efforts to Implement the 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, National Research Council of Canada Research Press, Ottawa, pp. 219 - 260

Rayfuse RG, 2007, 'Biological Resources', in Bodansky ; D ; Brunnee ; J ; Hey E (ed.), Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 362 - 393

Rayfuse RG, 2007, 'Contempt, Counsel and the Right to an Effective Defence', in Klip A; Sluiter G (ed.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Intersentia, Netherlands

Rayfuse RG, 2005, 'International Environmental Law', in Blay S; Piotrawicz R; Tsamenyi M (ed.), Public International Law: An Australian Perspective (2nd Ed), Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 352 - 378

Rayfuse RG, 2004, 'The Challenge of Sustainable High Seas Fisheries', in Schrijver N; Weiss F (ed.), International Law and Sustainable Development, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 467 - 499

Rayfuse RG; Wilder M, 2001, 'Sustainability, uncertainty and global fisheries', in Ecology, Uncertainty and Policy: Managing Ecosystems for Sustainability, Prentice Hall, Essex, pp. 138 - 166

Rayfuse RG, 1999, 'The Interrelationship Between The Global Instruments of International Fisheries Law.', in Development in International Fisheries Law, Klower Law International, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 107 - 158

Rayfuse RG, 1998, 'Law of the Sea', in The United Nations and the Development of International Law during the 1990s, United Nations, New York,

Rayfuse RG, 1998, 'Outer Space Law', in The United Nations and the Development of International Law during the 1990s, United Nations, New York,

Eggert PR, 1998, 'Preface', in Coat-Tails of Empire: The ADFA Letters - Freya Stark`s Correspondence with Sir Harry Luke, Australian Scholarly Editions Centre and Australia, Canberra, pp. v - vi

Rayfuse RG, 1997, 'International Environmental Law', in Public International Law: An Australian Perspective, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 355 - 381

Rayfuse RG, 1996, 'International Abductions and the United States Supreme Court: The Law of the Jungle Reigns', in Dugard J; van den Wyngaert C (ed.), International Criminal Law and Procedure, Dartmouth Publishing Co Ltd, pp. 265 - 280

Rayfuse RG, 1995, 'Treaty practice- a Canadian perspective', in Treaty-making and Australia: globalisation versus sovereignty?, Annandale Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 253 - 265

Edited Books

Klein N; Jaeckel A; Rayfuse R, (eds.), 2023, Research handbook on international marine environmental law. Second edition, Edward Elgar,

Langlet D; Rayfuse R, (ed.), 2019, The Ecosystem Approach in Ocean Planning and Governance: Perspectives from Europe and Beyond, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, Netherlands,

Bogojevic S; Rayfuse RG, (ed.), 2018, Environmental Rights in Europe and Beyond, Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Oxford UK

Gray J; Holley C; Rayfuse R; Gray J; Holley C; Rayfuse R; Holley C, (eds.), 2016, Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance, Routledge,

Rayfuse R, (ed.), 2015, Research handbook on international marine environmental law. First edition, Edward Elgar,

Rayfuse RG, (ed.), 2014, War and the Environment: New Approaches to Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict, Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands

Rayfuse R; Weisfelt N, (ed.), 2012, The Challenge of Food Security: International Policy and Regulatory Frameworks,

Rayfuse R; Scott SV, (ed.), 2012, International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Edward Elgar Publishing

Rayfuse R, (ed.), 1997, ICSID Reports: Volume 4 Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965, Cambridge University Press

Rayfuse R, (ed.), 1995, ICSID Reports: Volme 3 Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Rayfuse R, (ed.), 1994, ICSID Reports: Volume 2 Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965, Cambridge University Press

Rayfuse R, (ed.), 1993, ICSID Reports: Volume 1 Reports of Cases Decided Under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965, Cambridge University Press

Journal articles

Freestone D; Rayfuse R, 2024, '2023 Declaration on the Continuity of Statehood and the Protection of Persons in the Face of Climate Change-related Sea Level Rise', International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,

Cuadrado-Quesada G; Rayfuse R, 2020, 'Towards Sustainability in Groundwater Use: An Exploration of Key Drivers Motivating the Adoption and Implementation of Policy and Regulation', Journal of Environmental Law, 32, pp. 111 - 137,

Rayfuse R, 2019, 'The role of law in the regulation of fishing activities in the Central Arctic Ocean', Marine Policy, 110, pp. 103562 - 103567,

Rayfuse R, 2018, 'Climate Change and Antarctic Fisheries: Ecosystem Management in CCAMLR', Ecology Law Quarterly, 45, pp. 53 - 81,

Bogojević S; Rayfuse R, 2018, 'Preface', Environmental Rights in Europe and Beyond: Swedish Studies in European Law, Volume 11, 11, pp. vii - viii

Ardron JA; Rayfuse R; Gjerde K; Warner R, 2014, 'The sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in ABNJ: What can be achieved using existing international agreements?', Marine Policy, 49, pp. 98 - 108,

Rayfuse R, 2013, 'Editorial: War and the environment: International law and the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict-introduction to the special issue', Nordic Journal of International Law, 82, pp. 1 - 5,

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