APHID (Assessing Preventable Hospitalisation InDicators)


Funded by an NHMRC Partnership Project Grant.

The APHID study (Assessing Preventable Hospitalisation InDicators) is an investigation into the validity and utility of Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (also known as hospitalisations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions). Rates of potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPH) are regarded as an indicator of the quality and affordability of primary and community care, and are increasingly being used to track the progress of health reform in Australia and internationally.

APHID is a partnership between UNSW Australia, University of Western Sydney, the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (Glasgow), the University of Sydney, the Australian National University, the University of Aberdeen, the Sax Institute, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, the NSW Bureau of Health Information and the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. 

Project team

Professor Louisa Jorm
Medicine & Health
Dr Bich Tran
Medicine (Transactional)
Dr Sanja Lujic
Medicine & Health

Project collaborators: External

Alastair Leyland
Univerity of Glasgow
Robert Elliott
University of Aberdeen
Fiona Blyth
University of Sydney
Kirsty Douglas
Australian National University
Sally Redman
Sax Institute
Danielle Butler
Australian National University
Marjon van der Pol
University of Aberdeen
Damilola Olajide
University of Aberdeen
Neville Board
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Kim Sutherland
Bureau for Health Information
Douglas Lincoln
Bureau for Health Information
Nigel Lyons
Agency for Clinical Innovation
Chris Shipway
Agency for Clinical Innovation

Key contact

9385 0698