We are estimating and comparing the population-level relevance of risk factors for cancer in Australia by applying our recently published PAF measure and program to data from established large-scale Australian cohort studies linked to national cancer and death registries (relative risk estimates) and nationally representative health survey (exposure prevalence estimates). Our method has been shown to provide more accurate estimates of the fraction of disease attributable to risk factors than previous methods. We will use a pooled cohort approach to further enhance the precision of the estimates and to allow the analysis of less common cancers. This study is focusing on the preventable lifestyle-related risk factors (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of exercise, overweight). Effect modification by non-modifiable risk factors will be evaluated to identify the most vulnerable target groups. This study will provide novel up-to-date evidence-based information for planning effective cancer prevention strategies in Australia.
Population-level relevance of risk factors for cancer
Medicine & Health
02 9385 1402
University of NSW – Cancer Australia Project Grant GNT1060991