Associate Professor Fei Huang
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Statistical data science, Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations), Business Ethics
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Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Statistical data science, Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations), Business Ethics
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Fei is an Associate Professor in the School of Risk and Actuaries

Associate Professor Katja Hanewald
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Household finance and financial literacy, Investment and risk management
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Household finance and financial literacy, Investment and risk management
Katja Hanewald is an Associate Professor in the UNSW School of Risk and Actuarial Studies and a Vice President of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Asso

Dr Xiao Xu
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Educational technology and computing, Investment and risk management
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Educational technology and computing, Investment and risk management

Professor Spiridon Ivanov Penev
Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Stochastic analysis and modelling, Investment and risk management, Statistical Theory, Applied Statistics, Operations Research, Risk theory
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Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Stochastic analysis and modelling, Investment and risk management, Statistical Theory, Applied Statistics, Operations Research, Risk theory
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After finishing my PhD in Mathematical Statistics from Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany), I was working for 10 years at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.

Professor Bernard Ho Yin Wong
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Stochastic analysis and modelling
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Stochastic analysis and modelling
Professor Bernard Wong is Head of the School, Risk and Actuarial Studies at the University of New South Wales, Australia, which has grown to be one of the largest and most successful risk and actua

Professor Andrew Patton
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Financial econometrics, Investment and risk management, Econometric and statistical methods, Financial economics
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Financial econometrics, Investment and risk management, Econometric and statistical methods, Financial economics
Andrew Patton is a Professor in the School of Banking and Finance at UNSW Sydney.

Associate Professor Yang Shen
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Banking, finance and investment, Financial mathematics
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Investment and risk management, Banking, finance and investment, Financial mathematics
Yang Shen is an Associate Professor in the School of Risk and Actuarial Studies and an Associate Investigator of CEPAR.

Professor Jae Kyung Woo
Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Stochastic analysis and modelling, Investment and risk management
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Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Stochastic analysis and modelling, Investment and risk management
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