Professor Stuart Raymond Clark
Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Geodynamics, Seismology and seismic exploration, Gravimetrics, Magnetism and palaeomagnetism, Geomorphology and earth surface processes, Stratigraphy (incl. biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis), Neural networks, Semi- and unsupervised learning, Geophysics, Basin Analysis, Structural Geology, Stratigraphy (incl. Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy), Numerical Computation, Tectonics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Marine Geoscience
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Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Geodynamics, Seismology and seismic exploration, Gravimetrics, Magnetism and palaeomagnetism, Geomorphology and earth surface processes, Stratigraphy (incl. biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis), Neural networks, Semi- and unsupervised learning, Geophysics, Basin Analysis, Structural Geology, Stratigraphy (incl. Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy), Numerical Computation, Tectonics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Marine Geoscience
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Stuart Clark obtained his PhD from the University of Sydney in numerical modelling of back-arc basin development in 2007.