
My Expertise

Natural language processing

Large language models


Fields of Research (FoR)

Natural language processing


I am a Lecturer (US/India Equivalent: Assistant Professor) in the School of Computer Science & Engineering at UNSW, specializing in natural language processing (NLP).

Research: As of April 2024, my papers have 2500+ citations (h-index: 23), and I have been the lead investigator in grants with a cumulative total of AUD150,000, including Google exploreCSR and Google Research scholar grants. My publications are in conferences such as ACL, EMNLP,...view more


TEDx Talk: 'Detecting Sarcasm, Combating Hate'
Applications of NLP: Talk at ACM Goa
NLP For Healthcare: AACL 2020 Tutorial
How do I say gay in Hindi: Talk at 'Queer in AI' NAACL 2021