2022 Boston, C., Lovell, H, Barrows, T.T, Timing of Pleistocene cirque glaciation in the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia
National Environmental Isotope Facility, UK, £31,435 ($56,000)
2018-2023 PI Barrows. Investigating the controls on the extent of tidewater glaciers (ICETIDE).
Australian Research Council, Future Fellowship. $900,000
2016-2019 CI Quine, T., Barrows, T. T. Hartley, I., and Meersmans, J. University of Exeter. SPECTRA: Soil processes and ecological services in the karst critical zone of southwest China (NE/N007603/1)
Natural Environment Research Council (Newton), £600,824 ($A1.12M)
2011-2014 CI Shulmeister, Barrows and others The last glaciation maximum climate conundrum and environmental responses of the Australian continent to altered climate states. (DP110103081)
Australian Research Council, $527,000
2010-2013 Lead CI Barrows, Pillans Understanding global warming using long-term glacier retreat records. (DP1095053)
Australian Research Council, $160,000
2011-2014 Lead CI Barrows EX-GLACIER (A record of rapid climate-change from the Pyrenees, Spain)
Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, €100,000 ($A162,000)
2011 Co-CI Mills, and Barrows The impact of the Agulhas Current on the Ice Age climate of the Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa
Royal Geographical Society, Peter Fleming Award, £9,000
2005-2008: Lead CI Barrows, Cosmogenic isotopes in glacial landscapes: climate change and production rates (DP0557143)
Australian Research Council. $290,000