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Dr Konstantina Vasilakopoulou

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Architecture, Design, Architectural science and technology, Sustainable architecture, Climate change science

Konstantina is a Research Associate at the Enabling Environments Program (EBEP), undertaking research on home modifications and inclusive design.
Dr Gabriel Marques Pontes

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Physical oceanography, Climate change science

I am a research scientist at the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) and the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Sciences (
Professor Tim Barrows

Faculty: Research & Enterprise
Fields of Research (FoR): Geochronology, Climate change science, Geomorphology and earth surface processes, Glaciology

I work in past climate change, radiocarbon dating and landscape change. I am the Director of Research at the Chronos Radiocarbon Facility.
Dr Doug Richardson

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Adverse weather events, Climate change science, Climatology

Dr Doug Richardson specialises in extreme climate events that have societal impacts.