2023-24 Queen's Business School, UK Research Establishment Grant GBP- 4000.00 (AU$ 8,000 Approx)
2023- UoN, AU, CHSF Strategic RSP Grant AU$2500.00 Travel Grant for Research Fellowship
December 2022-23 $9,964 [Chief-Investigator] Work intensification in healthcare – Exploring drivers and outcomes of frontline healthcare workers [with Drs P J Rosenberger III and Ami-Lee Kelly, CHSF, UoN, Australia]
January 2021-2025 $1,500,000.00 [Co-Investigator- focusing on HRM of innovation and commercialization barriers and enablers in nanotechnology R&D applications] AU$750,000- Halloysite Based Materials for Carbon Capture [Andromeda Metals Ltd] AU$750,000- Halloysite Based Materials for Carbon Capture [Minotaur Exploration (P)Ltd]
July 2020-2023: AU$900, 000 Grant from Carbonova India Pvt Ltd [Co-Investigator- focusing on HRM aspects of innovation and commercialization barriers and enablers in nanotechnology R&D applications] with GICAN Team, University of Newcastle, Australia.
October 2021: AU$3,000.00 CHSF Working Parents Research Relief Scheme for RA support for existing research projects. [Chief Investigator]
October 2021: AU$10,000.00 CHSF Pilot Grant Scheme- Investigating retention in elite-player pathways amongst women footballers [Co- Investigator- Star Performers and glass ceiling]
May 2019-November 2020: $ 37,655.00 Strategic International Research Collaboration Grant for project titled Impact of HRM, Strategic agility, performance management on firm and individual level outcomes: Evidence from India, Australia and the UK. [Chief Investigator]
July 2019-21 AU$ 118 800 multi-year (three year) grant awarded for the New Colombo Plan Mobility; Project titled iLEAD Plus Global Leadership Experience in India with UoN Global.
March 2018 Grant Awarded by the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIMK), India for INR 500,000 [Approx. AU$10,000] titled Business Model Innovation in Social Enterprises: A Comparative Study of India and Australia [Co-Investigator]
[2014] AU $190,092.00 Research contract from NSW Department of Trade and Investment for Evaluating the NSW Smart Work Hubs Pilot programme. [HR Lead Investigator]
[2014] AU $10,371.06 Faculty Research Grant “Telework as Workplace Innovation: Identifying Adoption Factors in a Regional Context”. [HR Lead Investigator]
[2013] AU$7838.00 ECR Grant Application, University of Newcastle, “The role of HR and management practices in developing innovative capacity in Indian firms.” [Chief Investigator]
[2010] AU $5,000.00 University of Newcastle New Staff Grant and Faculty of Business and Law for research entitled Training decision-making in India’s IT sector. [Chief Investigator]
[2005] NZ$ 6130.00 Grant funding [Ref: 2005/12] from The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand’s Research Growth Fund for project: Factors influencing the provision of enterprise training: A study of India’s Information Technology (IT) sector. [Chief Investigator]