
My Expertise

 Water Law; Land Law, Property Law; Native Title and Land Rights; Natural Resources Law; Aspects of  Energy Law (especially Unconventional Gas);  Property Law Theory; Environmental Law; Private Law; Regulation and Regulatory Theory;  Legal History; and  Socio-Legal Studies.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Property Law (excl. Intellectual Property Law)


Brief overview
Honorary Associate Professor, Dr Janice Gray  specialises in the law and governance of water, property and aspects of energy. Immediately, before joining the Faculty of Law, UNSW Sydney,  Janice  was a solicitor in the corporate section of one of the large, commercial, Sydney law firms. She holds a current practising certificate as a  lawyer and has served on the Property Law Committee of the NSW Law Society. She has also held...view more


Room 318
Law Building
UNSW Kensington Campus